說到雅利安人(白人)入侵的理論。事緣在1848年歐州人F MAX MULLER提出,在BC1500-1000年左右(上面所說河流改變而移居的時代),雅利安人入侵印度並發展出印度教。主要理由是因為VEDA(婆羅)背誦語言和雅利安人(白人、歐州人)相似。語言以當時形勢,白人只富印度人只是野人,沒理由相信印度人能發展出印度教一類高度複雜的宗教(和同期世上手屈一指的手術技)。(雅利安、日以曼,後來德國甚至自稱是雅利安人精英。)
接下120年F MAX MULLER的理論一直被西方,甚至印度也接納此說法。(1849-1947英國也全面地控制了印度,包括其教育和一切一切)
True to the haphazard ambiance of the country, the discovery of India's most ancient civilization literally happened by accident. British engineers in the mid-1800's, busy constructing a railway line between Karachi and Punjab, found ancient, kiln-baked bricks along the path of the track. This discovery was treated at the time as little more than a curiosity, but archaeologists later revisited the site in the 1920's and determined that the bricks were over 5000 years old. Soon afterward, two important cities were discovered: Harappa on the Ravi river, and Mohenjodaro on the Indus.
又或 http://www.archaeologyonline.net/artifacts/indus-script.html
While historical references are rare, and many seals contain much mundane material, a substantial number of seals have messages reflecting Vedic symbolism. This symbolism can be quite profound, and one has to dig deep into the Vedic and Vedantic literature in trying to interpret them. But once understood, it helps to explain the symbolism of the images on the seals also. This can be illustrated with the help of the famous Pashupati seal, alongside its deciphered text.