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新頭殼newtalk 2012.02.09李連傑/綜合報導
艾倫•麥席森•圖靈(Alan Mathison Turing,1912-1954年),英國數學家、邏輯學家,被視為計算機科學之父,在2次大戰中也幫助盟國破解德國的著名密碼系統「謎(Enigma)」而立功,但因當時英國政府對同性戀的偏見(主要是因基督教教義仇視同性戀者的緣故),他在1952年被判「嚴重猥褻罪」,處化學閹割,兩年後食用浸過氰化物溶液的蘋果而死亡。
英國議會上議院的麥克納利勛爵(Lord McNally)解釋說,「死後赦免狀」是不合適的,因為艾倫•圖靈是根據當時的法律被定罪。他應會知道他的行為是違反法律,將會受到起訴。圖靈被定罪是一場真正的悲劇,今天的人看來是既殘酷又荒謬,尤其是他對二戰做出了傑出的貢獻。然而,這已成既成事實,與其試圖改變歷史背景,糾正已經發生的錯誤,不如確保我們永遠不會再回到那個時代。
2009年,時任英國首相的布朗(Gordon Brown),曾代表政府,正式向圖靈道歉;當時的聲明如下﹕
「圖靈和其他被定罪的同性戀者,因為同性戀法律而被判有罪是令人恐怖的。多年來,有數以百萬計的人生活在有罪的恐懼當中。我感到高興的是,那樣的日子已經一去不復返了.....我代表英國政府和所有生活在自由空氣裡的人感謝圖靈的工作,我很高興說:我們錯了,您本應該得到更多獎賞。」(圖片來源:達志影像 /美聯社。)
烏干達要立法將同性戀者繼過去要處死刑失敗後,要求立法處無期徒刑,而目擊生同情者處14 年徒刑
Uganda Bill Calling for Life Sentence, Death Penalty for Gays Goes too Far?
By Matthew Cortina , Christian Post Reporter
February 8, 2012|11:41 am
Uganda is once again considering a bill that was defeated three years that calls for those who commit homosexual acts to face life imprisonment and for witnesses and sympathizers of homosexuals to be locked up for up to 14 years. Some argue, however, that lawmakers are overreaching in their aim to protect the country's culture and Christian values.
The bill was introduced Tuesday by lawmaker David Lahati. A similar bill that called for the death penalty for homosexuals was defeated three years ago after international pressure. The revised bill is likely to garner more support in the deeply religious African country, although a reading of the bill has not yet been made public to determine if the death penalty clause has been dropped.
"This is a piece of legislation that is needed in this country to protect the traditional family here in Africa, and also protect the future of our children," Bahati said of the anti-homosexual bills to CNN. "Every single day of my life now I am still pushing that it passes."
Homosexuality is already illegal in Uganda and punishable by up to 14 years imprisonment.
Amnesty International called the new legislative effort a "grave assault on human rights," and called for the global community to encourage Ugandan activists and lawmakers to strike down the measure.
"It's alarming and disappointing that Uganda's Parliament will once again consider the Anti-Homosexuality Bill," said Michelle Kagari, Amnesty's Deputy Africa Program Director, in a statement. "If passed, it would represent a grave assault on the human rights of all Ugandans, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity."