>>>> 以前我也是做IT的。
oyes , i believe ,
proven out from your commenting ````` .... sourceforge ..... """"
>>>> 難得進取的你有鴻圖大計,我預祝你成功先~
ThANKye ,
i dream being able2work with u sooner or later
but ,
now ,
i must first spot out some waters-fish or deep-pockets 4finance
u know ,
the current stocks markets 'r `````trimming"""" themselves
my it-undertaking 's based[[[[[=copynpaste]]]]
on the ideas
of netIdentity e.t.c. ,
but ,
of course , with some new concepts ....
o k , enough , yours-humbly doesnt want2b too ostentious//showy
>>>> 如何吸引人流是最主要的,
>>>> 這些都包括在網上及現實的市場推廣。
by 'the way ,
http://exchristian.hk/forum/view ... 1346&highlight=
>> 為了鼓勵研讀可蘭經,
>> 回教世界也舉辦類似世界盃的可蘭經背誦比賽,
>> 不僅是當地盛事,
>> 贏家還可以出有聲書,並且絕對是年度最賣的CD。
they'r real super marketting talents ,
they'r real super marketting talents super than what i think of them ,
they'r real super marketting talents super than me ....
may b i just born out of the bursted rocks ,
but ,
i do real not know
which any1 of those social-networks have any such
super maketting events ,
o k ,
kudoes[[kudos]] to My Dear Sir 沙文
to let me open my eyes so wide ,
i do never expect to b so lucky
to meet so many super maketting techniques here
b4 i arrived here  |