sorry , 
sorry , thy humble servant's said too many a sorry ,
so ,
so bored ,
so boring ,
so , next time ,
sorry[[the-noun]] [[being-replaced]] by EntSchuldigung////Entschuldigung [[noun]] [[德文]]
excuse [[noun]] , or ,
excuse-me [[noun]]
EntSchuldigung////Entschuldigung : :::::
Ent = Ex , Schuldigung = cuse
EntSchuldigung////Entschuldigung's 大約 英語 發音 : :::::
En = en [[輕聲]]
tschuld = 廣東話's 吹 [[[[[[[[[ 國語mandarin's 吹 , ......... , potentially o k someway ]]]]]]]]]
di = d [[輕聲]]
gung = 功 [[國語mandarin's第3調]]
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-4-27 12:32 發表
Mr 抽刀斷水
what i said is mean :
西藏文化保護與發展協會is a association that are supported by some gov or the "free docmarcy group"(what they called)
name is just a name,you can use the anyo ...
what i said is mean :
what i said does mean :
西藏文化保護與發展協會is a association that are supported
西藏文化保護與發展協會is a association that is supported
by the way , felicitations !! , 
me seems , thou hast////have[subjunctive]
in thegrammaticcally////grammatically construction of the english passive voice
by some gov or the "free docmarcy group"(what they called)
````` (what they called) """" 's also acceptable here ,
but ,
a probably better recommendation in term of preciseness : :
````` they called it as such """"
you can use the anyone you want.
you can use anyone [[which]] you want.
n'o////no place 4////for ,,,,,,the"""" @ here
xizang` s culture now is being destoryed
xizang` s culture now is being destroyed , or , probably better ,
xizang` s culture is now being destroyed
kudoes////kudos to thy complex construction of the english passive voice
just above mentionned////mentioned : ::::: `````` is being .........ed """"
in no "rights,free,and,commit".
with-out////withOut/////without rights ,
with-out////withOut/////without freedom granted to xizang's people , e.t.c. et cetera
with-out////withOut/////without commitment to preserve xizang's culture , e.t.c. et cetera
they are the real "saver"
they are the real "rescuers"////"rescues"////guardians////guards ,
probably , n'ever////never ,,,,,,saver""""
cheers ThANK ye  :跪拜:
[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-4-28 06:47 編輯 ] |