please let me take
[[[[[[[[[ speciallised only for psychologiccal issue ]]]]]]]]] as example here
1 of my closest relatives , mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
o k , my wife , lived there over 3 years ,
me seems ,
Kwai-Chung-Hospital , seems to be -p-o-s-s-i-b-l-y-
dictated by Protestants + Catholics ,
at least ,
there'r just only billboard for Protestants ,
there'r just only billboard for Catholics ,
my-wife's chief consultant is a Christian ,
she , in a consultation with my wife , expressivly expressively ,
asked//orderred my wife : :::::
````````` not to believe in buddhism again !! """""""""
[[[[[[[[[ in cantonnese of course ]]]]]]]]]
my wife shut up , and , there-after , did not discuss
any religious matters
any more
with her friends there |