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回復 101# HTBROKE1 的帖子


原帖由 Guest from 123.2.245.x 於 2008-9-3 00:40 發表
true.. what i wanna say is that dont look at people.. see into God..
as for myself.. if i look at people.. gosh.. even in my church.. there's lots of selfish people..
if i only focus on them.. i'll  ...



回復 99# HTBROKE1 的帖子

true.. what i wanna say is that dont look at people.. see into God..
as for myself.. if i look at people.. gosh.. even in my church.. there's lots of selfish people..
if i only focus on them.. i'll never become a Christian

anyway.. fairly late here.. chat to you again if got chance
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-9-3 00:36 發表
“why look at some bad Christians and some negative historical events as evidence? why not explore the bible yourself?”
you said  "some bad Christians and some negative historical events as evidence" ...

“why look at some bad Christians and some negative historical events as evidence? why not explore the bible yourself?”
you said  "some bad Christians and some negative historical events as evidence"
sorry,not some but all .
if there are some and the number of Christians are "some"

Look at the positive things that Christian belief have in the world as well
sorry, they do things have purposes
and,if i don`t agree the  Christian
i `m a devil

other way
i love my fanliy more than the motherfuck GOD
so, i can`t be the Christian.
ok, in your eyes  i`m a devil just caus i 愛父母過于愛耶的

sorry poor english
原帖由 Guest from 123.2.245.x 於 2008-9-3 00:23 發表
okay.. here we go again.. the verses u highlight in red.. they are saying we as Christians should put God before everything.. even our family.
37愛父母過于愛我的,不配作 ...



回復 96# 的帖子

"human flesh is from dirt right? im sure you learn or read that from somewhere"

---------->I read it.

"or its almost common sense now"

--------->I can't represent most people in the world. So, how can I say this is a "common sense"?

回復 95# 的帖子

"i was talking of an entirely different thing.. spiritual world?.. if you dont believe such thing exist.. then i'm have to stop my words here."

---------->1. I am not sure. BUT, believing in spiritual world DOESN'T MEAN we should believing in Christianity. Christianity gets the copyright of the term "God", "spirit"??

"Look at the positive things that Christian belief have in the world as well?.. charities?

why look at some bad Christians and some negative historical events as evidence? why not explore the bible yourself?"

---------> 1. Just look at the negative things is not fair, BUT, LOOKING AT THE POSITIVE THINGS only is NOT FAIR also. As I always said, there are many nice Christians. But, the fact that the Christian God is nasty won't be changed even if we JUST LOOK AT THE POSITIVE THINGS

回復 94# weakest 的帖子

the bible itself says its words from God.. and i'm a believer.. so yeh.. i did assume it..

and.. human flesh is from dirt right? im sure you learn or read that from somewhere.. or its almost common sense now.. everything you find from the body you can find from dirt..

回復 93# HTBROKE1 的帖子

okay.. here we go again.. the verses u highlight in red.. they are saying we as Christians should put God before everything.. even our family.
why not copy verse 37 too?
or did you get these evidence from that truthbible.net or something?

i was talking of an entirely different thing.. spiritual world?.. if you dont believe such thing exist.. then i'm have to stop my words here.

Look at the positive things that Christian belief have in the world as well?.. charities?

why look at some bad Christians and some negative historical events as evidence? why not explore the bible yourself?

回復 92# 的帖子

"Christian have no right to comment about god.. in fact no human could.. cos we are only dirt from ground after all.  but all we are doing is telling people hat God has told us.. which is from the bible.. nothing more. "

--------->1. This assumes that: Bible is what the God (if exists) says.
原帖由 Guest from 123.2.245.x 於 2008-9-2 23:54 發表
umm.... im not sure if i understood Chinese entirely..  you are right.. Christian have no right to comment about god.. in fact no human could.. cos we are only dirt from ground after all.  but all we are doing is telling people hat God has told us.. which is from the bible.. nothing more.

yes.. you are right again.. bible did say to fight.. in fact it says we are god's army.. and have to put on our whole set of armour. but we are not fighting human beings.. we are fighting against sin and devil. im sure u know the bible tells us to love our enemy. that is.. to love the person but dislike their deed.






回復 91# HTBROKE1 的帖子

umm.... im not sure if i understood Chinese entirely..  you are right.. Christian have no right to comment about god.. in fact no human could.. cos we are only dirt from ground after all.  but all we are doing is telling people hat God has told us.. which is from the bible.. nothing more.

yes.. you are right again.. bible did say to fight.. in fact it says we are god's army.. and have to put on our whole set of armour. but we are not fighting human beings.. we are fighting against sin and devil. im sure u know the bible tells us to love our enemy. that is.. to love the person but dislike their deed.
原帖由 Guest from 123.2.245.x 於 2008-9-2 23:04 發表
Christians are not God.. how can you ask a human to do godly things.. and bible says not to harm your own body, so i think those people you guys speak of are doing the right thing.


Christians are not God.. how can you ask a human to do godly things.. and bible says not to harm your own body, so i think those people you guys speak of are doing the right thing.

回復 78# 的帖子

1.  「風神肆虐菲律賓死逾200 渡輪翻沉逾700失蹤。」
2.  「數百人喪生,在菲律賓風暴。由卡洛斯每小時conde 。發布日期: 2008年6月23日。馬尼拉:死亡人數從強大的颱風死亡... 」
3.  「超過300人喪生後,一場風波引發的洪水在菲律賓,官員說。」
4.  「死亡所帶來的越南的風暴相關的死亡人數增至27 。 三漁民溺斃的週一外海富日元省時,他們的船翻沉作為風暴接近。
        對週四,榴蓮的衝擊,菲律賓與165英里每小時風速和5小時的洪水即脫落噸的碎片從斜坡上的馬榮火山。 牆的泥漿和石塊摧毀了幾乎每一個常設的結構在其路徑。
         “這是像保齡球,說: ”吉諾巴坦副市長基因villareal 。
        官方公佈的數字顯示, 450人死亡, 507人受傷和599人失踪,但參議員理查德戈登,主管當地紅十字會說,他相信超過1000人死在了數以千計的房屋掩埋下的火山泥石流,泥漿和洪水。 」

回復 86# 旁觀者 的帖子

祝所有 基督禽兽 继续厮杀!
原帖由 旁觀者 於 2008-9-1 16:20 發表
        1906年南昌教案,天主 ...


當年 殺人 |_x_| 犯,

今日 道德 典 範

ATV's `````當年今日"""" should topiccallise it

exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩

回復 78# 的帖子

        1906年南昌教案,天主教教士王安之Jean Marie Lacruche 刺死南昌縣令江召棠,憤怒的民眾格殺天主教教民五人,並毆斃王安之。
原帖由 dennis9999 於 2008-8-31 20:20 發表


但只要輪子教徒有人因為生 ...

sorry , how's FLG @ TaiWan ?? trendy ??


exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩
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