1. 男性應該剪短頭髮,例如陸軍裝。
2. 男性應該常常剃鬍鬚剃乾淨。
3. 男性應該有古銅色的皮膚。
4. 男性應該敢於隨時隨地赤裸上身(包括冬季),如果天氣太冷,男性可以加穿上衣。男性應該為赤裸上身而自豪。赤裸上身的男性是自然的、舒適的、自由的、健康的、強壯的、富有活力的、性感的、富有野性的與富有男子氣概的。
5. 男性應該赤裸上身及只穿一條三角內褲睡覺。如果你是四角內褲的愛好者,你應該亦同樣赤裸上身及只穿一條四角內褲睡覺。如果有需要的話,只許加穿一條運動短褲。
6. 零歲至十六歲的男孩應該睡覺時採用仰臥的姿勢,這是最好的睡覺姿勢。
7. 男性應該在公共男浴室及公共男更衣室全身赤裸。
8. 男性應該在公共男浴室淋浴時全身赤裸。
9. 男性應該在海灘及游泳池中穿三角泳褲,並以穿三角泳褲自豪。
10. 男性應該喜愛當軍人及為國家服兵役。男性並應該喜愛軍訓及軍操。
11. 男性應該高度服從紀律。
12. 男性應該勇敢及有責任感。
13. 男性應該不講粗言穢語。
14. 男性應該不可以欺負其他男性,應該愛其他人。
15. 男性應該在體育活動、體育比賽、軍訓、軍操等場合時赤裸上身。
16. 男性應該嘗試裸睡。可能裸睡是最健康的生活方式。
17. 男性應該在開放式的公共尿槽中小便,不用任何遮掩及羞恥。
18. 如果你想做陽剛的男性,你應該有下列七項運動技能:
a. 健身(體適能的重要部分)
b. 游泳
c. 摔跤(摔角)
d. 武術(功夫)
e. 槍擊
f. 器械潛水(還包括平台跳水及高空跳水等)
g. 滑水
19. 男性應該文武雙全,在學術表現與體育表現同樣出色。
20. 男性應該擁有一些同性親密朋友(buddies),彼此以兄弟相稱,相知相親且相愛。
21. 男性應該可以吻其他男性的臉、和其他男性擁抱、和其他男性搭肩膀、和其他男性手拉手一起走路。
22. 男性應該和其他男性一起同房睡覺,不可以和其他女性同房睡覺。
23. 男性不應該歧視同性愛者與雙性愛者,任何性傾向(包括同性愛、雙性愛及異性愛)都是好的。
24. 男性應該有70%的陽剛氣概,及30%的陰柔氣概。
25. 男性應該不飲醉酒(不可喝至醉醺醺),不吸毒,及不吸煙(包括雪茄及香煙)。因此,男性不但有男性氣概,而且健康。
26. 男性應該有一些觀看色情材料的經驗,包括同志色情材料,這樣男性可以對性有更深的認識。
27. 男性應該被允許在青春期時開始手淫,至少要十二歲。不過男性最好避免手淫。因為手淫是(必要之惡),但對人類無益。
28. 男性應該注意保養陰莖,常常清潔陰莖,及使陰莖在勃起時又大又直又硬。而且男性應該保持他們的陰莖不用割包皮。
29. 男性應該至少十六歲才可以召妓做愛。不過我不鼓勵男人召妓。不單是因為召妓不道德,而且因為召妓行為還要面對傳染性病的高風險。
30. 男性不可以有婚外性行為及婚外情,但男性可以有數個太太。
31. 男性應該有要求多元婚姻制度的權利,例如一夫多妻制。
32. 男性應該尊重女性及保護小孩。
33. 男性應該給父愛給他們的孩子。
34. 男性應該不出賣他們的好朋友,伴侶及家庭。
35. 男性應該有宗教信仰。最好是佛教,其次是印度教及道教。
36. 男性應該維持男性在社會內的主導地位。
The Regulations/Criteria of the Masculine Male (include the men and boys):
1. The guys should cut a short hair, e.g. the army style.
2. The guys should be always clean-shaven.
3. The guys should have the bronzed skin.
4. The guys should dare to go topless (shirtless/shirt-free) every time (whenever) and everywhere (wherever). (include the winter) If the weather is too cold, the guys can put some shirts on the upper body. The guys should be proud of the male toplessness. The topless male is natural, comfortable, free, healthy, strong, energetic, sexy, wild and masculine.
5. The guys should be often just sleeping in the triangular briefs [topless and wearing in a pair of briefs only in the sleep]. (include the winter) If you are boxers' fans, you also be topless in the same way and wearing in a pair of boxers (rectangular boxers) only. If necessary, plus a sports shorts only.
6. The boys aged 0-16 (zero to sixteen) should always be lying in their back in the sleep. It is the best sleeping carriage/bearing for the boys.
7. The guys should be completely nude/naked in the public male changing rooms and the public male shower rooms.
8. The guys should be completely naked (nude) during the shower in the public male shower rooms.
9. The guys should be wearing in the triangular swimming trunks in the swimming pools and the beaches and proud of wearing in the triangular swimming trunks.
10. The guys should like to be the servicemen and take the military services for their state. The guys should be fond of the military training and military drilling.
11. The guys should highly obey the discipline.
12. The guys should be brave and responsible.
13. The guys should not speak the four-letter words (foul language).
14. The guys should not bully other guys. Remember to give the love to the others.
15. The guys should go topless during the sports activities, sports competitions, military training, military drilling, and so on.
16. The guys should try to sleep in the nude. Maybe the lifestyle of sleeping in the nude is the healthiest lifestyle. [Being (full) nude in the sleep]
17. The guys should urinate in the open public urinal without any cover and any shame.
18. If you want to be a masculine guy, you should be good at the following 7 sports skill:
a. Bodybuilding (the important part of physical fitness)
b. Swimming
c. Wrestling
d. Wu-Shu (Kung-fu) (martial arts)
e. Gun shooting
f. Scuba diving (and platform diving, sky diving, etc)
g. Water-ski (surfing)
19. The guys should have the excellent performance in the academic performance as well as the sports performance.
20. The guys should have some buddies, one another call other guys as the "brothers", each other know other guys well, each other are intimate with other guys, and each other love other guys.
21. The guys should can kiss other guys' faces, embrace (hug) other guys, have pats on the shoulder with other guys, and walk together hand in hand.
22. The guys should sleep with other guys in the same room, do not sleep with any female in the same room.
23. The guys should not discriminate against the gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals. All of sexual orientations (gay, bisexual and straight) are good.
24. The guys should be 70% masculine and 30% feminine.
25. The guys should not drink alcoholic drink too much, no drugs, and do not smoke any tobacco (include the cigarette and the cigar). Therefore, the guys not only are masculine, but also healthy.
26. The guys should have some experiences of viewing the pornographic materials, including the homoerotic materials. Hence, the guys can recognize the sex more deeply.
27. The guys should be allowed to have the experiences of the masturbation from their puberty (or adolescence). The boys must be at least aged 12 and begin to masturbate. However, the male is best to avoid the masturbation as more as possible. The masturbation is necessary but not good for the human.
28. The guys should notice the maintenance of the male penis, often make it clean, and make the male penis straight, rigid, and enough large during its erection. Moreover, the guys should keep their penises uncut (natural, without circumcision).
29. The male should be at least aged 16, so that he can have sex with the prostitutes. However, I do not encourage the men to have the sex with the prostitutes. Not only because calling the prostitutes is immoral, but also calling the prostitutes will cause the high risks of getting the sexual transmitted diseases.
30. The men should not have any external marital (extra-marital) sexual behaviors with the outside partners. However, the men can own several wives.
31. The guys should have the rights of requesting the diverse marital systems, e.g. the system that one husband has several wives (polygamy).
32. The guys should respect the female and protect the children.
33. The men should pay the father love to their children.
34. The guys should not betray their closed friends, partners, and families.
35. The guys should have the religious faith. The best religion is the Buddhism. The second-best religions are the Hinduism, and the Daosim (Taoism).
36. The guys should maintain the status of the male dominance in the society.
(19-4-2014) |