The dog is turned to his own vomit again;
若然各位有養狗,就會知道其實狗係唔會食嘔吐物嘅;而且此句文法又唔啱,若是泛指所有的狗,則應說"Dogs turn to their own vomits again", 若是只限於彼得所養的一隻狗,只能說彼得虐畜 -- 沒有餵狗隻以適當食物,同時又文法差:怎可以用"his"來說狗呢?這樣看來,除了離教者之家外,尚須離譜者之家來收容儍經翻譯員。
因為,"turn to"根本無"吃"此含義 Verb: turn to 1. Speak to "He turned to the crowd outside the window" - address
2. Direct one's interest or attention towards; go into "The pedophile turned to boys for satisfaction"; "People turn to mysticism at the turn of a millennium"