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回復 #31 抽刀斷水 的帖子

Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #30 沙文 的帖子

Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #21 抽刀斷水 的帖子

原帖由 酒井明 於 2007-8-8 21:41 發表

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
原帖由 酒井明 於 2007-8-8 01:10 發表
近來我有將[離教者之家]的網址 ...
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
原帖由 Paul_Bard 於 2007-8-8 19:46 發表

Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #27 酒井明 的帖子


回復 #25 Paul_Bard 的帖子

Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #25 Paul_Bard 的帖子

咁就頂唔住...你地真係未捱過苦 唔知米貴

對付教徒三式: 不主動、 不抗拒、 不負責!

回復 #24 酒井明 的帖子

何只你呀? 酒井兄... 我試過俾人頂到護心鏡到爛埋呀...


回復 #21 抽刀斷水 的帖子


[ 本帖最後由 酒井明 於 2007-8-8 19:07 編輯 ]
Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #19 龍井樹 #20 dye 的帖子

Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #21 抽刀斷水 的帖子

原帖由 dye 於 2007-8-8 17:22 發表

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹

回復 #18 酒井明 的帖子



[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-8-8 17:25 編輯 ]
呢度以前發生過好多野, 你有所不知.

回復 #16 龍井樹 的帖子

Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #14 dye 的帖子

與其說是純文言文,不如說是一點點文言的文體混合一般書面語更好。 例如[視之為]、[....與之結合的話,......]之類,我個人覺得,這種表達方式會雅觀一點。
Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #15 酒井明 的帖子


回復 #13 抽刀斷水 的帖子

Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.
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