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II admit I am wrong.  It is the population growth, not the birth rate.  But you see the point.
dye 發表於 2010/11/22 22:45

They have at least 1 thing in common: they depend on how hard you work.
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/22 05:59

http://news.singtao.ca/vancouver ... 166141d2855725.html

I know, I do not put into the account of the people murdered for various reason, die of disease and starvation, or of old age.

Or do I calculate the population distribution effect, or immigration and emmigration.

You speak of how high it has to be, and it does not need to be very high.  The population is only growing at 1.94% per annum, and as Nomad told you, population grow exponentially (in ideal condition).

I admit I am wrong.  It is the population growth, not the birth rate.  But you see the point.

Please show me where your 4 comes from.  That is where I get curious.
Population growth is NOT the same thing like you put your money in the bank and let it grow by 1.9 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/23 10:49

Of course it's not - because population tends to grow exponentially.
本帖最後由 Nomad 於 2010/11/23 13:37 編輯
The Antilles refers to a group of islands : Curacao, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarteen and Sa ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/22 21:58

This time the only thing you were capable to find by looking things one, by, one, just like every time people exposed that you're deliberately lying - is the "Netherlands Antilles" - which is called "NETHERLANDS Antilles" because, of course, it is a piece of Antilles that is in turn in a piece of Antilles that's called, the "Lesser" Antilles. Lesser Antilles in fact was the first place in America Columbus ever set foot on, which he met this indigenous people called the Arawak, which in fact numbered 2-3 million in the Lesser Antilles, and went extinct within a century.

Again, try harder.

那請你算一算人口在15年內由300萬增至400萬, 要有多高出生率?
個個女人都年年生四胞胎? ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/22 21:57

Apparently, random "kong girl" from a random evangelical (Catholic) church really can't read.

不論你英語多流利, 你的皮仍是黃的。
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/22 21:59

Try saying that in California where thousands of Chinese never even learned the Chinese language. Of course their skins are yellow, of course a lot of them are still better Chinese than you pretend to be mostly because of the better retained Chinese culture in a liberal environment and the better family education - does the language even matter? Maybe, maybe not. (In fact, it's even worse when the one who make the accusation of non-Chinese usage writes anything but written Chinese. Well, a lot of times, religion often involves hypocrisy after all...)

And now that's funny - the very person who pulled up something like "Chinese must speak Chinese", now accuse people for telling her that she did the exact thing she accused others of doing - only because she is pretty illiterate in English and yet pretend to be any better than what she is - a random virtueless woman who has all her pride based on a religion that was spread with an intention of racism AGAINST the race she is a part of.

It's fine, that's what is expected out of people like you - a Catholic/Christian from HK.
It is simple math.  Use your calculator to verify.
If not, I suggest you provide me with your anwser ...
dye 發表於 2010/11/23 09:44

Population growth is NOT the same thing like you put your money in the bank and let it grow by 1.94% annually. Real idiot.
It is simple math.  Use your calculator to verify.
If not, I suggest you provide me with your anwser and calculations.
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/11/23 09:16 編輯
那請你算一算人口在15年內由300萬增至400萬, 要有多高出生率?

Ans: 1.94%
dye 發表於 2010/11/23 08:47

Show your stupid working so that I can lol.
那請你算一算人口在15年內由300萬增至400萬, 要有多高出生率?

Ans: 1.94%
回復 122# beebeechan
He looked like this before

回復  beebeechan


沙文 發表於 2010/11/22 23:39

His skin turns white because he speaks fluent English.
回復 120# beebeechan



可9:3 衣服放光、極其潔白.地上漂布的、沒有一個能漂得那樣白。
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/11/22 22:06 編輯
The short hand answer is, I looked at the check list of virtues that one would expect from a Chinese, and you do not appear to possess any of them - it's hard to regard you as a Chinese because doing so shames the ethnicity.

Speaking of which, it's actually pretty funny to hear something like this from a person who believes and ready to insult other people in order to defend a belief that was spread in the Chinese country with the original intent of propagating the belief of white supremacy. (and in a good extent this intention is still retained.)

But then, what can I say, it's a random (HK?) woman from a random church, that's pretty much what I'd expect out of...

Nomad 發表於 2010/11/22 17:24


不論你英語多流利, 你的皮仍是黃的。
Again flat wrong. Nazi Germany, in fact, in part was a religion problem not only because Hitler was a Catholic, but also the fact that what Hitler conjured as a propaganda for his rise of power is nothing but what the Catholics and Protestants has done for hundreds of years - and that it was none but the Catholics Centre Party and the other protestants/Catholics who voted for him for their "sacred war against communism" that enabled Hitler to rise to power.

Nomad 發表於 2010/11/22 17:24

這論題不是與你論希特拉, 你省回. 廢話少講.
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/11/23 00:39 編輯

The Netherlands control of the Islands did not happen until 17th century, the person who happened to be saying something like "How can Spaniards be killing people in Netherlands territory" really should either go back to high school for a history class or ... just fix his/her own  integrity problem.

Nomad 發表於 2010/11/22 16:56

The Antilles refers to a group of islands : Curacao, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarteen and Saba. You are right, the Dutch seized them from the Spanish in the 16th century.
This group of islands together make up less 960 sq km, not even as large as Hong Kong.
In 1495, the Spanish captured 500 Arawaks from the Antilles and shipped them to Europe as slaves. How come this was exaggerated to become:

用最殘酷的死刑和武力脅迫當地土著皈依基督教,並接受西班牙國王的統治,拒不服從者,立刻被屠殺。安的列斯島原有三百萬 印第安人, 1514 年減至 14000 人,最後只剩下 200 人。

What kind of economy could have supported a population of 3 million on these islands back in the 15 century?

3 million was a very huge popualtion larger than the population of London, Paris, Madrid, Lisbon.. in the mother country.
Today, the population of Antilles is no more than 200,000。

I would rather be a person who could make a mistake in history than be a person like you that is totally out of common sense.

dior13dior13 發表於 2010/11/22 15:31

那請你算一算人口在15年內由300萬增至400萬, 要有多高出生率?


dior13dior13 發表於 2010/11/22 15:31

哥哥仔, 你又是否不開「印加帝國」與「阿茲特克」皇朝呢?
By the way,

Maximal extent of the Aztec Empire:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fil ... c_projection%29.svg

Too much for geography, huh? Or integrity?
本帖最後由 Nomad 於 2010/11/22 17:26 編輯
It is not a crime  to be "aren't fluent in English.".
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/20 01:37

No it's not. All I was pointing out, is that the reason why you cannot understand that passage was because you can't read English. Period.

It would be the same stupid to say WWII was a Holy War, a religious war..just because Hitler was a ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/20 01:39

Again flat wrong. Nazi Germany, in fact, in part was a religion problem not only because Hitler was a Catholic, but also the fact that what Hitler conjured as a propaganda for his rise of power is nothing but what the Catholics and Protestants has done for hundreds of years - and that it was none but the Catholics Centre Party and the other protestants/Catholics who voted for him for their "sacred war against communism" that enabled Hitler to rise to power.

慘得過你中文都唔識打囉. (如果是識打, 而懶打, 仲衰多一重!!!!)
乜中國人同中國人講野 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/20 01:42

The short hand answer is, I looked at the check list of virtues that one would expect from a Chinese, and you do not appear to possess any of them - it's hard to regard you as a Chinese because doing so shames the ethnicity.

Speaking of which, it's actually pretty funny to hear something like this from a person who believes and ready to insult other people in order to defend a belief that was spread in the Chinese country with the original intent of propagating the belief of white supremacy. (and in a good extent this intention is still retained.)

But then, what can I say, it's a random (HK?) woman from a random church, that's pretty much what I'd expect out of...

The Netherlands control of the Islands did not happen until 17th century, the person who happened to be saying something like "How can Spaniards be killing people in Netherlands territory" really should either go back to high school for a history class or ... just fix his/her own  integrity problem.
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