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抽刀斷水 2023/6/19 14:09 提交

回覆 7# beebeechan



人間社記者滿容 |2009.07.27

200名各宗教領袖投票決定 讚揚佛教無戰事 目前無團體代表領獎 因榮譽屬於全人類


抽刀斷水 發表於 2023/6/19 12:30

你又在網上亂垃圾喇, 是否要為你度身開一欄屎料集呢?

今日的人兄人姐再不會查核網上獲得的是否屬實便左轉貼, 右轉貼
(只要標題合用便成). 2009年的垃圾你今日仲拿來用?

文中的 ICARUS 是甚麼組織?
咁國際性的組織呀, 但怎會連一個官方網站都無的?
我耳揹, 我未聽過有這個宗教組織.

點解咁大件事, 各地報章都無導過先?

(3)Belfast天主教神父泰德(Ted O'Shaughnessy)表示:他也投佛教一票
一個地區的神父, 何德何能可以代表梵帝崗, 代表全球11幾億天主教徒投下這代表全球天主教徒的一票!??

一個比發現方舟遺址更(禮, 義, 廉..)的謬論.
不過....最慘, 可悲的還是一批不問就信, 還幫手左推右轉載, 轉貼, 代貼的盲從!
(這篇文給人復製到通網都有了! 用來反基)




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Humanity is the best religion

To understand human nature is to grasp the essence of what it is to be human. According to an ancient lineage of scholars whose work draws on Aristotle, a kind is what it is by rational necessity. It is part of this view that the overall universe is rationally ordered and necessary, and we can understand the order and necessity of the universe by grasping the essences that things in the universe embody.

Boundaries have been drawn and redrawn, separating the human race into many nations. But across these unnatural divisions there has been an intercourse in art, science, commerce and religion; evidence of man’s universal brotherhood.

Humanity is the best religion. People need to understand this that when they die, neither power nor money will remain with them. So humanity should be the biggest religion for each and every one. Humanity is not only about building relationships between one another in the society, but it is about building a bond in society with the help of meaningful values and beliefs.

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Is There Such a Thing as a World’s Best Religion?

The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Baha'i Faith.

Most people who follow a specific religion presumably think of their religion as the best one in the world. After all — why follow a Faith if you don’t feel that way?

Many Christians believe that Christianity is the truest, best religion, while Muslims who believe in Muhammad argue that Islam is best. Lots of Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Zoroastrians, and other believers presumably have the same point of view about their respective Faiths.

So, how can we possibly quantify which religion is “best?” Who’s right and who’s wrong?

When you look at the question from a Baha’i perspective, you might be surprised at the answer. The Baha’i teachings offer humanity a unique central principle: the oneness of all religions.

This inherent oneness in the Baha’i teachings means that only one religion exists, which the Creator continually renews with each new revelation spanning the course of human history. Baha’is believe that all the major religions of the world have some aspect of divine revelation or influence — and that they each form a vital link in the continual, ongoing chain of God’s guidance.

Baha’u’llah, the prophet and founder of the Baha’i Faith, wrote about the progressive revelation of those “manifestations” of God:

Contemplate with thine inward eye the chain of successive Revelations … I testify before God that each one of these Manifestations hath been sent down through the operation of the Divine Will and Purpose, that each hath been the bearer of a specific Message, that each hath been entrusted with a divinely-revealed Book and been commissioned to unravel the mysteries of a mighty Tablet. The measure of the Revelation with which every one of them hath been identified had been definitely fore-ordained. This, verily, is a token of Our favor unto them, if ye be of those that comprehend this truth…

The Baha’i teachings say that the prophets and founders of the world’s Faiths can be likened to successive teachers in a school. For example, a first grade teacher instructs her pupils according to their capacity and maturity level; while a seventh grade teacher teaches according to the capacity, abilities, and maturity of those pupils. Each one of those teachers unveils new knowledge to students, and each one in the educational chain is just as valuable and important as the others. The only thing that really differs is the capacity of the students at each step in the process.

The teachers, of course, have a much higher level of understanding than the grades they teach — just as the prophets of God understand more than they reveal. This progressive spiritual revelation, the Baha’i writings say, aims to gradually educate and uplift everyone. Abdu’l-Baha, the son and successor of Baha’u’llah, wrote:

All humankind are as children in a school, and the Dawning-Points of Light, the Sources of divine revelation, are the teachers, wondrous and without peer. In the school of realities they educate these sons and daughters, according to teachings from God … so that they may develop along every line, show forth the excellent gifts and blessings of the Lord, and combine human perfections; that they may advance in all aspects of human endeavor, whether outward or inward, hidden or visible, material or spiritual, until they make of this mortal world a widespread mirror, to reflect that other world which dieth not.

This remarkable Baha’i concept, known as progressive revelation, sees all religions as successive revelations from God, and views their prophets as being in complete unity with one another. In a speech he gave in New York City in 1912, Abdu’l-Baha said:

The ocean is one body of water, but different parts of it have particular designations — Atlantic, Pacific, Mediterranean, Antarctic, etc. If we consider the names, there is differentiation; but the water, the ocean itself, is one reality.

Likewise, the divine religions of the holy Manifestations of God are in reality one, though in name and nomenclature they differ. Man must be a lover of the light, no matter from what dayspring it may appear. He must be a lover of the rose, no matter in what soil it may be growing. He must be a seeker of the truth, no matter from what source it come.

The framework of religion, as Baha’is see it, is built upon a myriad number of successive revelations. Each human civilization has received at least one of those revelations. Each prophet brings one iteration, and together they form one continuous Faith. Baha’is believe that the world is not a competitive marketplace of Faiths — instead, in reality, we have one continually-developing, ongoing religion, a single, unified, gradually-unfolding system of beliefs with the same underlying truth and light in each one.

So what’s the best religion in the world? Since all religions come from the same source, and teach the same essential message, Baha’is answer that question this way, just as Abdu’l-Baha did:

The Prophets of God voiced the spirit of unity and agreement. They have been the Founders of divine reality. Therefore, if the nations of the world forsake imitations and investigate the reality underlying the revealed Word of God, they will agree and become reconciled. For reality is one and not multiple.

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人間社記者滿容 |2009.07.27

200名各宗教領袖投票決定 讚揚佛教無戰事 目前無團體代表領獎 因榮譽屬於全人類





Belfast天主教神父泰德(Ted O'Shaughnessy)表示,他也投佛教一票,他雖崇愛天主教,但內心常深感不安,因為在宣導基督愛的同時,往往在聖經裡發現為上帝而殺害異教徒的經文。

穆斯林的神職人員塔爾阿斌‧魏塞德(Tal Bin Wassad)說: 「雖然我是虔誠的穆斯林,但看到很多個人的忿怒和瞋恨,藉用殺戮方式表達他們對宗教的崇敬,而不是自我調解的途徑。 」

另猶太教拉比羅賓‧山謬‧華聖斯坦(Rabbi Shmuel Wasserstein)說:「我愛猶太教,這是世界上最大的宗教,但自一九九三年以來,我每天都在練習內觀禪修,並將作為修持功課之一。」


國際聯合宗教會目前尚未找到願意受獎團體,當被問及為什麼佛教界拒絕接受獎項時,緬甸翰達比丘(Bhante Ghurata Hanta)表示:「我們感謝佛教被肯定,但此獎是屬於全人類,因每人皆有佛性。」





據說全球二百位宗教領袖早前在日內瓦開了一個大會,把「世界最佳宗教」的頭銜頒給佛教 (請參見http://mingkok.buddhistdoor.com/cht/news/d/1009)。消息出來之後,不少法友奔走相告,互報喜訊,我一週之內就起碼收到了十封相關電郵。沒錯,這是很值得高興的事;但是身為佛弟子,大家在歡喜之餘,是否也要停下來如實自省,至少問一些很根本的問題呢?比方說,這批來自不同宗教的領袖為甚麼要評選出這麼一個獎?難道大家不覺得這種選舉很奇怪嗎?在宗教交流成為共識的今天,何必硬得在各大宗教之間分出高下呢?仔細再看那一則報道,我們很容易便能發現,所謂「國際聯合宗教會」(Icarus)的這個決定是有原因的。



自從「九一一」事件之後,不同宗教和文化之間的衝突就成了一個備受關注的現象。一方面,我們看到極端組織以伊斯蘭的名義發動恐怖襲擊;另一方面,則有美國的基要派牧師公開倡言政治暗殺。於是有些知識份子便把問題的根源歸到宗教頭上,甚至聯合推動了一場「新無新論運動」。他們或者把宗教比作「大腦裏的寄生虫」(Daniel Dennett語),或者「無益的幻覺」(Richard Dawkins語)。正當這類新無神論著作大行其道,氣得宗教界人士牙癢癢的時候,忽然又有一批左翼思想家加入戰團。從英國的伊格頓(Terry Eagleton)、法國的巴丟(Alain Badiou),義大利的阿甘本(Giorgio Agamben),一直到紅遍全球思想界的斯洛文尼亞哲學家齊澤克(Slavoj Zizek),莫不紛紛出書指陳基督信仰的革命性,提出宗教是對抗全球資本主義霸權的利器,直斥新無神論者才是冥頑不靈的保守派。



如果仔細檢閱一下論戰各方的著述和言論,我們就會發現他們對佛教其實是很陌生的。在伊斯蘭和基督教的保守派看來,佛教根本是不必去談的「不相干因素」。在左翼看來,佛教大概都是群愛好和平的素食者,與世無爭,從不主動參與政治事務。在不少新無神論者眼中,佛教甚至說不上是個宗教;他們繼承了凃爾幹(Émile Durkheim)的判斷,把佛教看成是種精神甚至哲學傳統,犯不著花那麼多力氣去攻擊它。也就是說,出於對佛教教義和歷史現實的不理解,這些人既忽略了佛教史上「僧兵」參與戰爭的事跡,也忽略了古代王朝曾把佛教當成治國意識形態的往績,更忽略了佛教在一神信仰之外的宗教面向。所以,佛教就這麼保住了它在大眾文化中的形像了;寂靜避世、沉默寡言……。又由於大家都相信佛教是種無神的宗教,於是佛教就可以格外寬容,至少不會捲入其他信仰之間的爭執。






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達賴喇嘛尊者與巴西的神學家Leonardo Boff 有一段簡短的對談:

Leonardo Boff:尊者,什麼宗教最好?

Leonardo Boff:什麼會讓我更好?


⋯⋯ 達賴喇嘛:因果定律不是只有物理學才有,那也是一種人際關係,如果我以善心來行善,我就會得到善報;如果我以惡心來行動,我就會得到惡報。我們的祖先告訴我們的是真正的真理,你總會對他人有所渴望,快樂不是註定的事,而是一種選擇。



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