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RE: 分英裂美,围魏救赵【对联】

本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/23 05:31 編輯

1·6美国国会暴乱 百度百科 https://baike.baidu.com › item
1·6美国国会暴乱 美国国会大厦骚乱事件 词条内容贡献 ... 在
附近,示威者试图冲过金属围栏 ... 支持者攻陷国会山,特朗普却怂了. 看看新闻Knews. 35.4万播放 ...



,实则是【可能。】美国共和党内之极端主义【基督教 原教旨 主义】恐怖分子右派 默许\暗助\所想



RE: 分英裂美,围魏救赵【对联】

本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/23 05:32 編輯
【美国共和党《不顾 大局【祖国 利益】》又再暴露美国之丑&臭 于全世界】刚刚发生▼颜色字 ...  far-right极右 conservatives“““保守派””” revolted推翻McCarthy。。。。。。 overhis它 compromise妥協 with于 Democrats美国民主党 to来 prevent避免 a federal美国联邦政府 shutdown停工. 上流寄生族 發表於 2024/3/23 04:32
Trump 指之 'they',可能就是,美国共和党之 极“““右”””派:跪拜:
寄生虫,見微知著【此等的分析,可能是離教者之家 »全球首创&x有】
... Trump bizarrely claims 'they' will change the name of the state of Pennsylvania if he loses it
Alia Shoaib Feb 10, 2024, 11:39 AM ET
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/12 02:47


本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/23 05:33 編輯
【美国共和党《不顾 大局【祖国 利益】》又再暴露美国之丑&臭 于全世界】刚刚发生▼颜色字 ...  far-right极右 conservatives“““保守派””” revolted推翻McCarthy。。。。。。 overhis它 compromise妥協 with于 Democrats美国民主党 to来 prevent避免 a federal美国联邦政府 shutdown停工. 上流寄生族 發表於 2024/3/23 04:32
Trump 指之 'they',可能就是,美国共和党之 极“““右”””派
寄生虫,見微知著【此等的分析,可能是離教者之家 »全球首创&x有】
... Trump bizarrely claims 'they' will change the name of the state of Pennsylvania if he loses it
Alia Shoaib Feb 10, 2024, 11:39 AM ET
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/12 02:47

蘇遠泰是新教的人仕, 由他來評天主教的聖傳?
新教向來都是倡惟讀聖經, 不認同天主教聖傳。更不會認教宗為首。
好比由個藍絲學者來評五大訴求....你會拿來作準的嗎? ...
beebeechan 發表於 2023/1/14 22:53
聖經全文(中文和合本【a虫蛀==='圣经' 之最流通版】)
‘天主’基督 吩咐于
‘圣经’但以理書 Daniel(天主教也译作《达尼尔先知书》)

Dan 2:44 當那列王在位的時候、天上的 神【a虫蛀===教会另立一國、永不敗壞、也不歸別國的人、卻要打碎滅絕那一切國、這國必存到永遠。《无限定谁》


本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/23 06:29 編輯

【美国共和党不顾 大局【祖国 利益】又再暴露美国之丑&臭 于全世界】刚刚发生
Sale ends in
12 : 04 : 32

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Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene files motion to oust Speaker Mike Johnson

March 22, 2024 at 9:21 am Updated March 22, 2024 at 10:09 am

1 of 2 | Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., talks before Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally March 9 in Rome Ga. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)Less


Lisa Mascaro





The Associated Press

Speaker Mike Johnson is at risk of being ousted after hard死硬 - right右派【euphemism委婉词===极端主义恐怖分子右派===基督教 原教旨 主义】 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene filed a motion to vacate on Friday in the middle of a House vote on a $1.2 trillion package to keep the government open.

It’s the same political dynamic that removed the last Republican speaker, Kevin McCarthy, just five months ago when far-right极右 conservatives“““保守派””” revolted推翻McCarthy。。。。。。 overhis它 compromise妥協 with于 Democrats美国民主党 to来 prevent避免 a federal美国联邦政府 shutdown停工. But this one faces steeper odds with less GOP support. 【a虫蛀:::果然:::极端主义恐怖分子】

The House is scheduled to leave town for a two-week spring recess at the end of Friday’s session, and it’s doubtful any vote on removing Johnson, of Louisiana, would be imminent.

“Speaker Johnson always listens to the concerns of members but is focused on governing,”
spokesman Raj Shah said. “He will continue to push conservative legislation that secures our border, strengthens our national defense and demonstrates how we’ll grow our majority.”

Under the rules, any member can make the motion privileged, which would require leaders to schedule a vote within two legislative days. But it can also simply sit until lawmakers return next month.

Greene, of Georgia, said she was issuing a “warning” to Johnson but did not indicate a timetable for her next move.


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“We’ve started the clock to start the process to elect a new speaker,” she said on the Capitol steps.

Yet even the threat of removal, the ultimate punishment for a speaker, will hang over Johnson’s young speakership, just months on the job — particularly as he turns next to passing funding to support Ukraine that far极-right右 Republicans美国共和党人 oppose反对 支持 乌克兰.

No speaker had been removed this way until McCarthy’s dramatic ouster last fall, a swift, stunning and chaotic episode that essentially shuttered the House chamber for weeks as Republicans searched for a new speaker.

Greene【绿女士,是Trump盟友】 is a leading ally of the Republicans’ presumed 2024 presidential nominee, former president Donald Trump,
McCarthy, of California, was toppled by a similar contingent of far-right Republicans led at the time by Trump ally Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida.
McCarthy被 另一个极端主义恐怖分子右派之代表 推翻

The Georgia congresswoman【绿女士】 spoke vehemently激烈狂热 against反对 House passage of the government政府 funding获款 bill, and she has warned she would try to remove the speaker if he pushes ahead with a package to support Ukraine as it battles Russia’s invasion.

Johnson has refused to put a $95 billion Senate-passed national security package with Ukraine funds to a House vote, but nevertheless he promised to fund Ukraine as the a next priority.

The removal threat against him now puts any votes to help Ukraine in potential jeopardy.


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With the most narrow majority in modern times, Johnson has a weak grasp on his Republicans in the House. He can risk only a few defectors on any vote, meaning he could be easily ousted, unless Democrats jump in with their votes to protect him.

Still, many Republicans in Congress were embarrassed by McCarthy’s removal as speaker, which exposed暴露 deepparty divisions and infighting内斗 that left their new majority, in office since January, unable to fully function on priorities.

The night before Friday’s voting, Gaetz warned against trying to oust Johnson, saying that Republican lawmakers fed up with the process would cross the aisle and vote for the Democratic leader, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York.

“If we vacated this speaker, we’d end up with a Democrat,” Gaetz predicted late Thursday. “When I vacated the last one, I made a promise to the country that we would not end up with a Democrat speaker. … I couldn’t make that promise again today.”

The idea of a Republican House majority casting votes to make a Democrat the House speaker would be an unheard of political situation.

But with Republicans at war among themselves it is also one that could potentially transpire as they try to return Congress to a sense of normalcy.


寄生虫,見微知著【此等的分析,可能是離教者之家 »全球首创&x有】
trump,可能暗示-美国共和党【‘they(它们)’】可能会于Trump 它竞选美国总统失败时令 “““Pennsylvania美国正宾州””” 脱美▼
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/12 02:47
Pennsylvania & new Hampshire【nh】,都是美国首批13州,故,
Pennsylvania 可能像nh那魔样,都有 “““离婚”之权利,▶美国宪法容许


本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/19 07:24 編輯
寄生虫,見微知著【此等的分析,可能是離教者之家 »全球首创&x有】
trump,可能暗示-美国共和党【‘they(它们)’】可能会于Trump 它竞选美国总统失败时令 “““Pennsylvania美国正宾州””” 脱美▼
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/12 02:47


本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/19 07:06 編輯
寄生虫,想得深过美国总统,等等。。。。。。Biden说Trump输了就会再来“““1月6””” 【输了就抵赖赖账
& ... blood血 bath洗 …… the这个 country 国家
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/3/19 05:46
trump的1个至亲【niece】Mary trump都不值它所作所为▼
"Donald Trump does not deserve the benefit of the doubt and this isn't a f***ing joke. His statement is both a threat恐吓 and a promise承诺. The corporate media needs to start acting accordingly," she wrote.

President Donald Trump holding a Bible in front of Ashburton House, the parish house of St. John's Episcopal Church

唐纳德·特朗普总统《Trump》在 圣约翰 圣公会 教堂 的教区房屋阿什伯顿楼前拿着一本圣经

看來自由民 ...
leefeng 發表於 2024/3/19 06:35
本帖最後由 leefeng 於 2024/3/19 06:38 編輯
中国人说的的的确确确确实实实实在在妙极▶皇帝唔【不】急太监急▼共和黨,当然保护护共和黨之美国总统候选 ...
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/3/19 06:18




賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。


本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/19 08:03 編輯

寄生虫,想得深过美国总统,等等。。。。。。Biden说Trump输了就会再来“““1月6””” 【输了就抵赖赖账&作反 ... 【共和黨,当然护共和黨之短《淡化》】▼
Two Republicans who have been critical of Trump, however, came to his defense. The Louisiana senator Bill Cassidy told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday: “You could also look at the definition of bloodbath and it could be an economic disaster. And so if he’s speaking about the auto industry, in particular in Ohio, then you can take it a little bit more context.”

Mike Pence, Trump’s former vice-president who this week refused to endorse his candidacy, made a similar argument. “[He] was clearly talking about the impact of imports devastating the American automotive industry,” Pence said on CBS’s Face the Nation.
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/3/19 05:46
Bill Cassidy  & 个(那)“““棚屎”””【Pence】,都可算是trump的仇敌,居然都护trump,那魔就耐人寻味,
它们要护的,其实是共和黨 …… 可能因被trump说穿了全共和黨之心事,故做贼心虚
且 ……1,
即使bloodbath 可以狡辩是对着美国车业说的,
trump原文,只锋相对 “““the这个 country国家”””
“Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath. That’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country,”he said, without clarifying what he meant.
且 ……2,trump亦1度没 否认此点子
且 ……3,trump再强调▼这些,似乎不只是指美国车业
Later, he added: “I don’t think you’re going to have another election in this country, if we don’t win this election … certainly not an election that’s meaningful.”


本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/19 07:07 編輯

>>> 寄生虫,已为此等事《分英【例-北爱尔兰,蘇格蘭】,裂美{例-新墨西哥、德州}》,设计了一整套
   ... Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for 'national divorce离婚' between red红 and blue蓝 states州 amid Texas-border standoff over migration
Alia Shoaib Jan 28, 2024, 1:07 AM GMT+8

上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/5 04:40
寄生虫,見微知著【此等的分析,可能是離教者之家 »全球首创&x有】
trump,可能暗示-美国共和党【‘they(它们)’】可能会于Trump 它竞选美国总统失败时令 “““Pennsylvania美国正宾州””” 脱美▼
…… 上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/12 02:47
‘blood血 bath洗’

衛報。。。。 Trump predicts预测【美国】 ‘blood血 bath洗’ ,if如 he它 loses输 election选举 and claims ‘Biden beat Obama’

Republican candidate insists at Ohio rally that Biden had beaten ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ in elections that never took place

Richard Luscombe and agencies
Mon 18 Mar 2024 12.26 GMT
Joe Biden tore into Donald Trump’s mental stability at a dinner in Washington DC on Saturday – just as the former president was making verbal gaffes at a campaign rally in Ohio as well as, during remarks on the economy and auto industry, predicting a “bloodbath” for the country if he met defeat in November’s election.

Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, confused the crowd at an appearance in Vandalia by insisting that Biden had beaten “Barack Hussein Obama” in elections nationally that never took place.

Freewheeling during a speech in which his teleprompters were seemingly disabled by high winds, Trump – a frequent critic of the 81-year-old Biden’s age and mental acuity – struggled to pronounce the words “bite” and “largest”. And he left the crowd scratching their heads over the reference to Obama, whom Biden served as vice-president from 2009 to 2017 before taking the Oval Office from Trump in 2020.

“You know what’s interesting? Joe Biden won against Barack Hussein Obama. Has anyone ever heard of him? Every swing state, Biden beat Obama but in every other state, he got killed,” Trump said.

Biden joked about Trump’s mental fitness at Saturday night’s Gridiron club dinner, a traditional “roast” attended by politicians and journalists dating to the 1880s.

“One candidate is too old and mentally unfit to be president. The other one is me,” the president said.

“Don’t tell him. He thinks he’s running against Barack Obama, that’s what he said,” Biden added, referring to several previous occasions when the 77-year-old Trump has confused the incumbent and presumptive 2024 opponent with his Democratic predecessor.

Trump’s Ohio address, ostensibly in support of Bernie Moreno, his preferred candidate in the state’s Republican Senate primary on Tuesday, also saw the former president returning to darker, more apocalyptic themes.

The US, Trump insisted during comments about the auto workers and the car industry, was headed for “a bloodbath” if he was rejected again at the polls in favor of Biden.

“Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath. That’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country,” he said, without clarifying what he meant.

Later, he added: “I don’t think you’re going to have another election in this country, if we don’t win this election … certainly not an election that’s meaningful.”

His comments prompted a statement from Biden’s re-election campaign that said “this is who Donald Trump is”.

A Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer said: “He wants another January 6, but the American people are going to give him another electoral defeat this November because they continue to reject his extremism, his affection for violence, and his thirst for revenge.”

Two Republicans who have been critical of Trump, however, came to his defense. The Louisiana senator Bill Cassidy told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday: “You could also look at the definition of bloodbath and it could be an economic disaster. And so if he’s speaking about the auto industry, in particular in Ohio, then you can take it a little bit more context.”

Mike Pence, Trump’s former vice-president who this week refused to endorse his candidacy, made a similar argument. “[He] was clearly talking about the impact of imports devastating the American automotive industry,” Pence said on CBS’s Face the Nation.

Trump later claimed on his Truth Social platform that he “was simply referring to imports” allowed by Biden which the former president argued were “killing the automotive industry”. Additionally, Trump’s statement on Truth alluded to how the United Auto Workers’ “leadership” had endorsed Biden’s re-election campaign despite his boasts that car manufacturing would thrive “like never before” if he were chosen for a second presidency.

On Monday, Trump furthermore sent an email accusing those criticizing his bloodbath of lies while simultaneously appealing for donations to his campaign.

Also during his speech, repeating unsubstantiated claims that foreign countries were “emptying” their prisons and mental institutions into the US, Trump took a familiar swipe at immigrants, calling some of them “animals”.

“I don’t know if you call them people. They’re not people, in my opinion,” he said. “But I’m not allowed to say that because the radical left says that’s a terrible thing to say.”

Moreno, a Colombian immigrant who made a fortune from his car dealerships, joined in the nationalistic rhetoric, demanding that anybody who comes to the US learned to speak English.

“We don’t need to vote in five different languages. We learn the language,” he said. “It means you assimilate. You become part of America – America doesn’t become part of you.”

At other times during an often wild 90-minute address, Trump tossed out personal insults at political opponents. He called Biden “stupid” several times; made a vulgar reference to the first name of Fani Willis, the Georgia prosecutor in his criminal case for trying to overturn his 2020 election defeat; called the Democratic California governor, Gavin Newsom, “new-scum”; and attacked the personal appearance of JB Pritzker, the governor of Illinois, the New York Times reported.

He also attempted to blame the installation of the troublesome teleprompters on Biden, and he urged the event organizers not to pay the contractors.

Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic former US House speaker, condemned Trump’s comments during a Sunday appearance on CNN’s State of the Union.

“You wouldn’t even allow him in your house, much less in the White House,” she said.

“We just have to win this election, because he’s even predicting a bloodbath. What does that mean, he’s going to exact a bloodbath? There’s something wrong here. How respectful I am of the American people and their goodness, but how much more do they have to see from him to understand that this isn’t what our country is about?”

Biden echoed the warnings during the non-comedic section of his address to the Gridiron dinner, attended by more than 650 guests, continuing to refuse to use Trump’s name, and calling him only “my predecessor”.

“We live in an unprecedented moment in democracy,” Biden said. “An unprecedented moment for history. Democracy and freedom are literally under attack. [Russian president Vladimir] Putin’s on the march in Europe. My predecessor bows down to him and says to him, ‘do whatever the hell you want.’

“Freedom is under assault. The freedom to vote, the freedom to choose and so much more. The lies about the 2020 election, the plot to overturn it, to embrace the January 6 insurrection, pose the greatest threat to our democracy since the civil war.

“We live in an unprecedented moment of democracy, an unprecedented moment in history. Democracy and freedom are literally under attack.”

Super Tuesday: Trump speaks to supporters after routing Nikki Haley – video
Super Tuesday: Trump speaks to supporters after routing Nikki Haley – video
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/15 14:39 編輯
... ... 美國軍事新聞網站SOFREP指,根據2023財政年度國防授權法,美軍顧問已長駐金門 與 【&马祖、等等】澎湖的兩棲指揮中心,任務包括與台軍精銳部隊共同訓練演習。美國國防授權法勾勒出美國人員派往台灣的框架,主要着重在軍事訓練,未有立即安排文官的計劃。
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/3/15 06:54
美军,如此深入中国领土 “搅搅震”,可能是故意引诱 我们国家出兵


美国暗霸 中国台湾省

本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/15 07:28 編輯
美军长驻 中国台湾省金门【距福建省大陆只大约2里】,……心腹大患,
可能迟早将金门变成它们的小 “““关岛 ...
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/3/15 07:04
为今之计,唯有尽可能助【建议-包括 —— 离教者之家 »】国民党再上台执政,到时请美军离开:跪拜:

美国 阴谋 全中国

本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/15 07:29 編輯
... 美國軍事新聞網站SOFREP指,根據2023財政年度國防授權法,美軍顧問已長駐金門 與 【&马祖、等等】澎湖的兩棲指揮中心,任務包括與台軍精銳部隊共同訓練演習。美國國防授權法勾勒出美國人員派往台灣的框架,主要着重在軍事訓練,未有立即安排文官的計劃。
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/3/15 06:54
美军长驻 中国台湾省金门【距福建省大陆只大约2里】,……心腹大患,
可能迟早将金门变成它们的      小“““关岛”””【免费得来的】


美国谋夺 中国台湾省

本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/15 07:35 編輯

:跪拜:寄生蟲怀疑,因匪黨【民x黨】政权之赖屎德&萧美琴等等于5月20日上任,故,美国可能已提早派美军特種部隊《green beret》来暗中贴身保护赖屎德它们的政权▼

開展重大軍事合作 陸軍 特種部隊 駐台


03月14日(四) 10:20






美國陸軍特種部隊協助訓練台灣陸軍使用黑色大黃蜂(Black Hornet Nano)微型無人機,合作延伸至擬定操作指南與訓練手冊。台灣陸軍航空特戰指揮部建議透過軍售渠道,直接從美國採購黑色大黃蜂。美國特種作戰部隊聯絡組自去年起,一直在桃園市龍潭區基地執行任務,協調所有在台的美國特種部隊作戰行動,監督臨時部署台灣的高價值設備和訓練資源。


原文網址:美開展重大軍事合作 陸軍特種部隊長駐台 | on.cc東網 | 兩岸 https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/cnne ... 0314_00952_001.html


本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/10 01:01 編輯
今天看見朋友分享一幅圖,是光緒九年(1883)印的《約翰傳福音書》,標明為「羊城土話」(即粵語譯本),十 ... 今天看見朋友分享一幅圖,是光緒九年(1883)alue 印的《約翰傳福音書》,標明為「羊城土話」(即粵語譯本),十分有趣。圖片顯示約翰福音第十六章開頭經文,友人說看到「番歸」、「閉翳」等字眼,很有親切感,
抽刀斷水 發表於 2024/3/8 00:26
可能是。。。。。。一贯道【仏堂】之 「保師」

。可能来自 中国台湾省,可能没什么,只是被陈x扁 拖累影衰“驮衰家”,故,

。可能有统战的价值《握不少 中国台湾省举之:跪拜:
民眾黨柯文哲、吳欣盈拿369萬466票  (得票率26.46%)第三
所差之6.51%【其实,不多】 ……


有关的 -
USAF美国空军 plans计划用 stealthy隐形 tankers空中加油 ...
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/16 03:56



全是关于如何让美国【神不知、鬼不觉】庭院深深深几许入渗透 中国外蒙古省,




本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/3/2 17:54 編輯

艹【草】民寄生虫,叩见各位大人、上人、上大人法國國際廣播電台 - ▼ ......美蒙官员讨论了帮助 蒙古 出口稀土的“创新方法”
,美国和蒙古官员本周讨论了 创造性的方法”,
发表时间: 05/08/2023 - 15:57
上流寄生族 發表於 2023/8/7 03:21

上流寄生族 發表於 2023/8/7 03:21

Defense One Alert

February 15, 2024

USAF美国空军 plans计划用 stealthy隐形 tankers空中加油 for于 'extreme极端的 threat威脅 areas区'

【寄生虫不断武断-那魔【美国】可能包括-中国台湾省 &《尤其》中国外蒙古省】

By Audrey Decker
AURORA, Colorado —
Tomorrow’s aerial tanking fleet will include some stealthy aircraft with “exquisite capabilities” that can fly into “extreme threat areas,” as well as a larger group of more conventional tankers, the head of the Air Force’s mobility arm said.

Read more »

空中加油機主要是使用在軍事用途上,利用機身內部裝載的燃料,在空中為其他具有接收設備的飛機補充燃料,使得許多軍用飛機的航程不再受到起飛時其最大燃料裝載量的限制;在長程飛行中使用空中加油取代中停加油,可以節省燃料。 維基百
:跪拜:今天大年初七,寄生虫恭恭敬敬敬上恭祝 党国控制美国资源源源不绝66【陆陆】无穷:恭喜2:尤其-稀土。。。。。。足瘫痪它们之《任何》高科技(尤其-国防) & 令它们跪低


本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/12 03:40 編輯

从共和黨之‘鸡’【风向标】,就可能可以了解了共和黨之想法 \或\甚至\\\\已 部署 好的
{ ... 预测-美国分裂时间
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/7 02:55



本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/12 04:14 編輯

"Yes California",共和党 也【too】▼
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/7 02:00
【此等的分析,可能是離教者之家 »全球首创&x有】

trump,可能暗示-美国共和党【‘they(它们)’】可能会于Trump 它竞选美国总统失败时令 “““Pennsylvania美国正宾州””” 脱美▼不知所谓的 改名”】《脱美就可能要改名》
Trump bizarrely claims 'they' will change the name of the state of Pennsylvania if he loses it
Alia Shoaib Feb 10, 2024, 11:39 AM ET
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Donald Trump.

David Becker/Getty Images
Donald Trump claimed Pennsylvania's name will change if he loses the state.
Donald Trump seemed to allude to sites honoring historical figures that had been renamed.
However, there have been no moves to change Pennsylvania's name.

Former President Donald Trump bizarrely claimed that if he loses Pennsylvania, “they” will change the state's name.

Trump made the claim in a speech to thousands of members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Friday night.

“We have to win in November, or we我们’re not不【不再】 going to have有 Pennsylvania宾州. They’ll change the name. They’re going to change the name of Pennsylvania,” Trump said.

“All over the country, they’re taking the name of George Washington off high schools and other things,” he said. “That’s one even I thought was safe. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. Their names are now in danger.”

In recent years, there have been moves across the United States to address the country’s racist past by renaming places named after controversial historical figures, particularly those with ties to slavery and the Confederacy.

In a controversial move in 2021, the San Francisco school board voted to rename 44 schools, including George Washington and Abraham Lincoln High Schools.

The Liberty Bell is seen in Philadelphia, February 12, 2015.
The Liberty Bell is seen in Philadelphia, February 12, 2015. Charles Mostoller / Reuters
There have been no notable moves to change the state's name, and it is unclear what Trump was referring to.

No, we are going to have to win.
You你们’re not不【不再】 going to have有 a一个 country国家《a虫蛀-Trump 可能暗示美国会分裂成多国》 anymore,
you你们’re not不\或\不再 going to have有 a一个 state州 anymore,
you你们’re not不\或\不再 going to have有 any任何thing东西,” Trump concluded.

Meanwhile, Trump reiterated his commitment to defending the rights of gun owners and protecting Second Amendment rights, if reelected, to the NRA membership.

"I promise you this, with me at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, no one will lay a finger on your firearms — just as took place for four years when I was your president," he said.

President Joe Biden was born in Pennsylvania and won the state against Trump in the 2020 election.

Trump had previously won the state in 2016, marking the first time a Republican candidate had won it since 1988.

The latest polls show the two likely presdiential candidates neck and neck in the state

President Donald Trump holding a Bible in front of Ashburton House, the parish house of St. John's Episcopal Church

唐纳德·特朗普总统《Trump》在 圣约翰 圣公会 教堂 的教区房屋阿什伯顿楼前拿着一本圣经

聖經 全 文(中文和合本)https://truthbible.net/online-bible-chi-Daniel.shtml

‘圣经’ Daniel(但以理書 )《天主教聖經譯作達尼爾
Dan 2:44 當那【a虫蛀-无限定是哪1个】列王在位的時候、天上的 神《a虫蛀===基督》另立一國、永不敗壞、也不歸別國的人、卻要打碎滅絕那一切國、這國必存到永遠。

‘圣经’ Ephesians以弗所书【天主教稱厄弗所人書】 1:23
‘圣经’ Corinthians哥林多前书《基督天主教稱格林多人前書》 12:27
你们 就是 基督的身子【a虫蛀-无限定 不可以是全身】并且各自做肢体。
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