性侵男童 教廷前大使被判還俗
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June 29, 2014 06:00 AM
教廷駐多明尼加前大使威索洛斯基(Jozef Wesolowski)涉嫌性侵多名男孩的罪行確立,教廷27日宣布判罰還俗。這是教廷首次對高階宗座代表判處最嚴厲的刑罰,顯示教宗方濟各對教廷性侵罪行零容忍。
現 年65歲的威索洛斯基生於波蘭,1972年被任命為大主教,2008年起派駐多明尼加共和國出任大使。聖多明哥的樞機主教曾向教宗投訴,指威索洛斯基在當 地貧民窟,性侵犯多名年約十多歲的男童。一名任職擦鞋匠的13歲男童,早前向當地電視台透露,指威索洛斯基曾付錢給他,命他在其面前自瀆,並用手機拍下過 程。威索洛斯基也涉嫌在波蘭性侵兒童。
來自: 五味 2014-06-28 21:10:48
梵蒂岡宣佈,曾任教廷駐多米 尼加共和國大使,被控性侵犯男童的總主教韋索洛夫斯基罪名成立,永久免除他的聖職,是梵蒂岡對高級神職人員歷來最嚴厲判決。 來自波蘭的韋索洛夫斯基去年被控在多米尼加共和國首都聖多明各的貧民區,性侵犯多名男童,教廷隨即將他召回。教廷信理部經調查後,星期五裁定韋索洛夫斯基 性侵兒童等罪名成立,將他永久革職,意味著他不能再擔任神職,是「教會法」裡最嚴厲處分。韋索洛夫斯基將有兩個月提出上訴,但他同時要面對梵蒂岡刑事法庭 的檢控,若罪成可能會判處監禁。 多米尼加共和國總統滿意判決,指教宗方濟各曾向他承諾,會確保韋索洛夫斯基受到最嚴厲處罰。一直被指縱容神職人員的梵蒂岡多年來醜聞不斷,方濟各去年當選 教宗後成立防止性侵犯委員會,尋求制訂明確罰則,懲處涉及不當行為的神職人員。
Vatican's ex-ambassador to Dominican Republic defrocked
Józef Wesołowski, who was recalled to Rome by Pope Francis amid allegations that he paid for sex with minors, found guilty in canonical trial
Józef Wesołowski was the Vatican's ambassador to the Dominican Republic. He was recalled to Rome after the archbishop of Santo Domingo told the Argentinian pontiff about local reports that Wesołowski had been paying for sex with teenage boys.
The Vatican has said it will restrict the movements of its former ambassador to the Dominican Republic after the senior papal representative, who was accused of sex abuse, was found guilty by a church court and defrocked.
In a statement on Friday the Vatican said Józef Wesołowski, who was recalled to Rome by Pope Francis last August amid allegations that he had paid for sex with minors, had in recent days been given a first-grade conviction in a canonical trial and sentenced to laicisation – a very rare step for such a senior official.
The Polish ex-nuncio, or ambassador, now has two months to appeal against the verdict of the Congregation of the Faith, said the statement. Criminal proceedings by judicial authorities in the Vatican City state would go ahead after the conviction was made definitive, it added.
While until now Wesołowski had "benefited from a relative freedom of movement", said the Vatican on Friday, "all measures appropriate for the gravity of the case will be taken" in light of the verdict.
It did not give further details on what those measures might entail, but Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi was quoted in Italian media as saying steps would be taken to ensure the career church diplomat was "resident in a precise, limited place without freedom of movement, seeing as he is a person who has been found guilty of a serious crime and is awaiting further judicial proceedings".
In its brief statement, the Vatican did not specify the crime of which Wesołowski had been found guilty. He was relieved of his duties as nuncio after the archbishop of Santo Domingo told the Argentinian pontiff about local reports that Wesołowski had been paying for sex with teenage boys.
A month after his return, the Vatican said it would cooperate with Dominican authorities, and denied accusations that it was trying to shield him from investigations in the Caribbean , saying it was "in no way an attempt to help him avoid responsibility for whatever is eventually ascertained". Pope Francis has personally come under fire during his papacy by sex abuse victims and their advocates, who say he has not shown a real desire to act decisively on the issue of punishing predatory priests and those who involved in their cover-ups. However, in April he spoke strongly of the need for the Catholic church to "not take one step backwards" in the fight against clerical sex abuse, adding: "We have to be even stronger."
Last month, while being questioned before the United Nations committee against torture, archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Holy See's ambassador to the UN, revealed that the Vatican had defrocked 848 priests and given another 2,572 lesser sanctions over the past decade. |