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1 potential exChristian 離教名人

for addition-suggestion
for 離教百科's 離教名人

沈 達 元 , theo ,
may b the exChristian ,
the head-mc
e 個 世 界
every saturnsday[saturday];--^), 18;00 , rthk2

sorry , may be he not so renown

no ,
i did n-ever hear he publiccly announcing himself as exChristian ,
i did n'ever hear he publiccly announcing himself as exChristian ,
i did never hear he publiccly announcing himself as exChristian ,
i did just hear him said that : :::::
````` when i used to go church """"
[[[[[[[[[ in cantonnese of course ]]]]]]]]]
or something like that ,
in his program e 個 世 界 , several times  ,  he did interview some astrologists ,
in his program e 個 世 界 , he had said : :::::
i dont believe in astrology too much
but ,
i think the astrology is a kind of statisticcal science
[[[[[[[[[ in cantonnese of course ]]]]]]]]]
or something like that ,

any incorrectness please dont hesitate2correct it

cheers ThANKye , pendragon

an other potential exChristian rich 王貞海

http://exchristian.hk/forum/view ... 398&page=2#pid13391


http://news.chinatimes.com/2007C ... 7Cti-News-Content/0,4521,130501+132008013101098,00.html

a confirmed exChristian , big as pig ;;--^), 吳耀焜

proof : ::::::::::

http://exchristian.hk/forum/view ... 398&page=2#pid13391

     清晨6點,天際剛破曉的微光中,三峽金光明寺的鐘板聲響起,在早課香及早齋過後,住商不動產董事長吳耀焜帶領著同仁,開始了「3日禪」課程;這3 天,沒有手機鈴響路聲,也沒有收發e-mail等俗事的干擾,有的是早板香、午板香、晚板香,以及梵音佛語,參加禪修的人,透過禁語、聽經、內省,潛修禪心。

    吳耀焜導入禪學企業文化  綠巨人張榮發設一貫道道場





[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-3 03:51 編輯 ]

回復 23# 的帖子

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
i have often introduced 溫暖人間 this buddhistic magazine ,
but ,
't takes u to pay hk$ 10 to buy it ,

if .... u hate2buy ,
then .....

stephaniechin88 ,
's a keyperson////keywriter of 溫暖人間 ,

i have no idea of whether she's 離教者 or not , sorry ThANKye

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-13 02:04 編輯 ]
原帖由 prussianz 於 2007-12-30 06:55 發表

hi greeting My Dear Sir 抽刀斷水 ,

i assume u have agreed my suggestion to order 'the back-issues 4u2hold the hard evidence ,
havent u ?;--^)

cheers ThANKye , pendragon

溫暖人間主要都是訪問佛教名人,林夕是其中之一,他亦是離教者。然而,溫暖人間沒有授權本網可以轉載該篇文章,因此就算買了都只是keep reference,版權上並不能正式刊登在網站中。

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2007-12-28 14:14 發表
嗯,對~ 謝謝。

hi greeting My Dear Sir 抽刀斷水 ,

i assume u have agreed my suggestion to order 'the back-issues 4u2hold the hard evidence ,
havent u ?;--^)

cheers ThANKye , pendragon
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2007-12-28 14:14 發表
嗯,對~ 謝謝。


the-link-from-your-good-site-to-the-respective-part-of-their-site AND/////////OR
may b already very o k

>> 有些名人,我都知道他們是離教者,
>> 但手頭上都缺乏詳細資料,
the approach just-above-suggested can also b applied here

cheers ThANKye , pendragon
嗯,對~ 謝謝。

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
should My Dear Sir 抽刀斷水 e.t.c. b interrested in
more concrete informations about what-ever celebrities
who have been interviewed by 溫暖人間 ,
then ,
i can order back 'the corresponding back issues
for them to hold 'the hard copies

cheers ThANKye , 2w

溫暖人間 = buddhistCompassion
by 'the way ,
many many interviews o'[of]
many many celebrities + popstars + scholars + doctors[academiccal] + doctors[mediccal] ,
譚詠麟 or
關菊英 or
梅艷芳 or
劉德華 or
梁琤 or
楊紫瓊 or
林燕妮 or
張學友 who 'd like the buddhism in 1 way or an other ,
+ even

just too many for me the extremely extremly busy businessman
to search 1by1 to look for who is exChristian

cheers ThANKye , 2w

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-28 11:58 編輯 ]

1 potential exChristian 離教名人 , 林夕

>> 有些名人,我都知道他們是離教者,
>> 但手頭上都缺乏詳細資料,
>> 例如林夕,他對很多宗教都十分熟悉,
>> 現時向佛。


should My Dear Sir 抽刀斷水 ask ,
i can order 'the corresponding back issue

cheers ThANKye , 2w

1 potential exChristian 離教名人 , 許月白

許月白 , the Nancy Koh ,

from 'the interview inside ,
許月白 ,
seems to be or have been a fund manager , or ,
seems to be or have been in top management in finance fields

許月白 , the Nancy Koh ,
also a artist ,
of the Siddhi String Society [ a charitable organnisation ]

i'm holding the hard copy of the magzine 溫暖人間
in which 許月白's being interviewed ,
more information or confirmation ,  
please contact me via 'the private messaging function

cheers ThANKye , pendragon

1 potential exChristian 離教名人 , 姜大衛's 李琳琳


note : :::::
李琳琳's exChristian identity can still -n-o-t- b confirmed , up2now , but , it not matters

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-28 11:06 編輯 ]

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹

1 more potential exChristian 離教名人 , 李師成

李師成 , but ,
李師成 , <----- not his real name ;--^),
>>FM 104 - FM 106

李師成 , the main donator + 1 of the founders of 居士林 ,

李師成 ,
according his own speeches in his own
《人生百味》this program in radio , used to be : :::::
a investments banker
a boss of a real-estates-brokerage in hk , possibly
[[[[[[[[[ my own guestimation ]]]]]]]]]
a devout Christian

in year 2007
's written 2 or 3 pieces
in the hard-covers-buddhist's-magazine 溫暖人間
which can b bought @ 7-11 e.t.c.  ,
there-in ,
's written
something about himself +
something about
why he proselytised himself from Christian to buddhist
sorry ,
have all been gifted out by me ,
sorry again ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]

's been posting its own ads in each-n-every issue
of 溫暖人間
up2now since its in-auguration ,
居士林's non-profit ,
all-fees-collected 'r allocated for its survival ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]
from 居士林's ads in the magazine 溫暖人間 ,
u may feel out that
居士林-or-李師成 's taking 'the approaches
somewhat all-brand-new or even break-through

again as above-mentionned ,
there may b fraught[full] of faults or incorrectness or subjectiveness
in my own words ,
so ,
take my words with salts[discounts] ,
take care

note : :::::
i'm not affiliated with 溫暖人間 or 居士林 or 李師成 or any celebrity whom i introduce here any way
i do even have not attended 居士林 in any way besides its website , LayBuddhist
i do not have any acquaintance with 李師成 or any celebrity whom i introduce here in any way
i do have never seen them ,
they do have never seen me ,

  cheers ThANKye , pendragon

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-28 04:28 編輯 ]

in order to protect 'the celebrities ....

o k ,
in order to protect the celebrities
whom i have described as potential exChristians ,
hereby ,
i do solemnly expressively expressivly declare : :::::
'r all nothing but 100.000.000%
my own guestimate ,
with out any solid proof
there may b fraught[full] of faults or incorrectness or subjectiveness

so ,
there4 ,
dont believe in my words , ;--^)
take my words with salts[discounts] ,
take care

sorry4anyInconveniency , cheers ThANKye , pendragon

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-28 03:29 編輯 ]
支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹


> she did even say some sweet things for Christiannity ,
> e.g.
> ````` u should embrace your own religion , Christiannity """"
> ````` u should have a right religion , such as Christiannity """"

correction : :::::
'the above-quoted speeches were indeed at that time said
by 劉婉芬's partner , 'the nun ,
liu-yat // liao-yi ,

i do -n-o-t- think that liu-yat // liao-yi were to flatter any Christian @then
i do -n-o-t- think that liu-yat // liao-yi were to flatter any Christian @then

perhaps 100.000% caused by the open-mind of buddhism ,
perhaps 100.000% caused by the open-mind of buddhism ,

sorry4anyMistake , cheers ThANKye , pendragon

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-27 09:32 編輯 ]
>>>> Prussianz
>>>> 似乎是新城財經台的擁躉呢。
i stay tuned @ fm104[新城財經台] 24x7x366 ,
not so much 4 investment  ,
but also 4 learning how2run a public listed co + corporate governance

>> 謝謝介紹!
>> 但似乎找不到有關人士的詳細宗教資料,
>> 也想找他們公開明確說過的文章或錄音等。
not even @ wikipedia e.t.c.
'the recordings were used to be freely replayed 4free ,
but ,
now .........
ye may contact them 4interview ,
but ,
i dont think they would dare2accept the interview by u ;--^),
especially ,
expecially ,
+劉婉芬 , 现任新城财经台节目总监 , there4 ,
she cannot afford to get those Christians or Catholic
custommers or audience mad
in any way ,
in her own programme ,
健康地球人 ,
she did even say some sweet things for Christiannity ,
````` u should embrace your own religion , Christiannity or Catholiccism """"
````` u should have a right religion , such as Christiannity or Catholiccism """"

oh My God

cheers ThANKye pendragon
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