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[奇招推廣] 教會 新移民安居樂業踏板

人在異鄉倍思親 做彌撒、聽講經和鄉親聚會交流……聖誕節初體驗好溫馨











組裡的成員年年有所不同,有的新移民工作生活穩定後,就不再來參加活動了(抽按:醒目! ;但總是又有新的移民加入進來。



支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
人在異鄉倍思親 做彌撒、聽講經和鄉親聚會交流……聖誕節初體驗好溫馨

【本報多倫多訊】昨天聖誕節,教堂 ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2008/1/7 17:25

教會就是這樣 先給予好的印象 之後在慢慢洗腦
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
>>>>“whatsoever is under the whole heaven is Mine”
>>>>(Job 41:11).
so ,
your lives ,
your bodies , e.t.c. ,
yours all should also be donated to
our AllMighty God's loyal servants , i.e. pastors e.t.c. ,

so ,
in Gods names ,
4 Godsakes ,
if .... the Christians would be really so much dedicated2God ,
then .....
all male Christians should send themselves voluntarily instantly to
iraq +
to preach Christiannity ,
just as what those korean Christians did
@ afghanistan
@ year2007
if .... those korean male Christians dare do ,
then .....
those chinese male Christians should be more to
.... mmmm , those korean male Christians really being so able to ,
but .....
the chinese male Christians not so true !!?
the chinese male Christians not as able as korean male Christian  ??

by 'the way ,
even in afghanistan or iraq ,
our AllMighty God
must be able to protect them to come back home with the ,,whole-body''
just as those male korean Christians returning from afghanistan to korea

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-13 06:03 編輯 ]
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-13 04:08 發表
In principle, any assets could be converted into a series of income. What you need is a discount factor that could convert a series of income into a "present value" (and vice versa). Therefore, people ...

i enjoy it

回復 41# 的帖子

In principle, any assets could be converted into a series of income. What you need is a discount factor that could convert a series of income into a "present value" (and vice versa). Therefore, people could sell all their assets, and donate the income also.
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-11 20:03 發表
According to the Christian belief, there will be a heaven for those believers. Therefore, ask the donators to donate all income and 餓X死咗the donators 先算"捨己為人". Since 餓唔X死咗個牧師 means that ...
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

回復 38# 的帖子

"Woe to those caught not paying them! Interest, penalties and even prison can be the result for those guilty of tax evasion. But in doing this, people have disobeyed not only the laws of the land but also God’s plain instruction. So then, taxes are an undisputed fact of life for most people on earth." (from http://www.thercg.org/books/eayfw.html)

No wonder why Christianity is so respected by the government...
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-12 16:25 發表
4u2 laugh

pre-note : :::::
the RCG =

>>>>Who Really
>>>>God says,
>>>>“For all the eart ...

there4 ,
in Gods names
4 God sakes
i suggest .... indeed this time exxxtremly exxxtremely strongly
i order
all you must MUST donate
all your $$$$$$$$$ to our AllMighty God's loyal servants , i.e. churches + pastors e.t.c.
right away straightly
immediately , otherwise , woe unto all u ,
>>>> Christ said,
>>>> “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
>>>>(Matt. 23:23).

>> Any time He wishes,
>> God could take back all that is His.
>> After all, it is His!
>> This includes your income.
>> While you may have “earned it,”
>> God owns it.
>> Everything that you think you own is actually owned by God.
>> You are merely its temporary custodian.

so ,
sorry ,
this is not to donate your $$$$$$$$$ to churches e.t.c.
this is just to ----r----e----t----u----r----n----

originnally belong to our God ,
all originnally belong to our God ,
all belong to our God , ;P

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-13 05:23 編輯 ]
4u2 laugh

pre-note : :::::
the RCG =

the subject of 'the following ``order" : :::::
End All Your FINANCIAL WORRIES """""""""

>>>>Who Really
>>>>God says,
>>>>“For all the earth is Mine”
>>>>(Ex. 19:5).
>>>>“with all that therein is” (Deut. 10:14) and
>>>>“whatsoever is under the whole heaven is Mine”
>>>>(Job 41:11).
>>>>In a sense,
>>>>God is saying that all money is His
>>>>God owns absolutely everything there is to own.
>>>>Human beings are
>>>>“squatters” on His land and
>>>>“renters” in homes that belong to Him.
>>>>Any time He wishes,
>>>>God could take back all that is His.
>>>>After all, it is His!
>>>>This includes your income.
>>>>While you may have “earned it,” God owns it.
>>>>We have proven that
>>>>our entire income
>>>>(salary, wages, interest earned, investments, bonuses, commissions
>>>>and any other kind of financial increase)
>>>>actually belongs to God.

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-13 05:25 編輯 ]
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-12 12:03 發表
According to the Christian belief, there will be a heaven for those believers. Therefore, ask the donators to donate all income and 餓X死咗the donators 先算"捨己為人". Since 餓唔X死咗個牧師 means that ...

after a long while , then , finally , i could crack out your meaning ,
o yes ,
very funny , ThANKye ,

回復 34# 的帖子

According to the Christian belief, there will be a heaven for those believers. Therefore, ask the donators to donate all income and 餓X死咗the donators 先算"捨己為人". Since 餓唔X死咗個牧師 means that the 牧師"捨己" (by deferred entry to heaven) "為人" (the make the donators to go to heaven earlier...)

回復 34# 的帖子

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹

回復 29# 的帖子

本來佢地係supposed to be咁樣嘛。連人工都唔收,用來植堂,餓X死咗個牧師。咁,就表示其教義真正偉大、捨己為人。但係,點估得到佢地係依循人性,而非神性,顧住自己食飯而不惜令植堂有所延遲喎?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-11 17:51 發表
No la. If the 牧師肯將人工攞埋去植堂, there would be no excuse for the chruches to喊窮 (since the expenditures on the wages would be greatly reduced). Therefore, 牧師唔肯將人工攞埋去植堂 is simply a w ...

>> Therefore,
>> 牧師唔肯將人工攞埋去植堂
>> is simply a way
>> to increase the donationreceived, and thus make more chruches (and more wages) available...

ye have made a point out , which i do also want to for so long , but could not verbally ,
ThANK ye
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-11 17:51 發表
No la. If the 牧師肯將人工攞埋去植堂, there would be no excuse for the chruches to喊窮 (since the expenditures on the wages would be greatly reduced). Therefore, 牧師唔肯將人工攞埋去植堂 is simply a w ...

>> Therefore,
>> 牧師唔肯將人工攞埋去植堂
>> is simply a way
>> to increase the donationreceived, and thus make more chruches (and more wages) available...

>> to increase the donationreceived, and thus make more chruches (and more wages) available...
>> to increase the donationreceived, and thus make more chruches (and more wages) available...
realsmart ,

by 'the way,
your comment's also
realsmart ,

原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-11 10:07 發表


o yes

回復 28# 的帖子

No la. If the 牧師肯將人工攞埋去植堂, there would be no excuse for the chruches to喊窮 (since the expenditures on the wages would be greatly reduced). Therefore, 牧師唔肯將人工攞埋去植堂 is simply a way to increase the donation received, and thus make more chruches (and more wages) available...

回復 28# 的帖子

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