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本帖最後由 leefeng 於 2023/5/1 03:44 編輯

電視佈道者獲得數百萬 PPP 貸款,天主教會獲得 14 億美元



任何了解真實歷史的鑑賞家都了解一種宗教,該宗教聲稱其存在的唯一目的是成為耶穌基督的代言人,他說任何傷害無辜兒童的人都應被處決,但它的牧師強姦小孩已有近兩千年的歷史 教皇保護他們的戀童癖牧師免於起訴,而且只是將他們轉移到他們的罪行不為人知的新地點,這樣他們就可以繼續強姦小孩,這是邪惡的,充滿了狗屎,一個組織耶穌基督會發動戰爭,而不是 的頭。




這些“傳教士”強奸了維京人的孩子,用他們的奴隸宗教毒害了他們的幼小心靈,告訴維京人他們的上帝不是真實的,他們不得不崇拜梵蒂岡和教皇並將他們的錢寄到梵蒂岡,試圖推 交叉他們的屁股和喉嚨。




Televangelists receive millions in PPP loans, Catholic Church got $1.4 billion

Organized religion is perhaps the largest obstacle to spiritual growth which exist.
Organized religion is used to herd the sheep through the slaughterhouse door for the evil ass holes who would be ruler of this rock.

The Catholic Church was formed as a slave religion for conquered peoples of the Roman Empire.
It told them to pay their taxes and never fight back.

Any connoisseur of true history understands a religion which claims it’s sole purpose of existing is to be the mouthpiece of Jesus the Christ who said anyone harms an innocent child should be executed, yet has a damn near two thousand year history of it’s priest raping little children with the popes protecting their pedophile priest from prosecution plus just moving them to new locations where their crimes are unknown so they can continue to rape little children, is evil, full of shit, and an organization Jesus the Christ would make war on, not be the head of.

Protestant sects are nothing more than Roman Slave Religion break offs where some priest thought they understood the cobbled together Roman “bible” better than the Vatican.

“Non denomination” churches are just Roman Slave religion churches which do not aline themselves with other Roman Slave religion churches.

The Vikings which the little boy raping priest of the Roman Slave religion hated because they would not worship the pope, send their money to the Vatican and kept casterating the pedophile priest for raping their children, did not have temples.
They understood their body was the temple of the Creator God.
Nature, the forrest, sitting on the beach away from the noise of others, was their church where they talked to their creator God.

Thors hammer was not a Viking religious symbol.
Archeologist have found the villages where Thors hammer is found in large numbers is where the little boy raping priest of the Roman Slave religion intruded unwanted on the Viking people as “missionaries”.
These “missionaries” who were raping the Vikings children, poisoning their young minds with their Slave religion, telling the Vikings their God was not real, they had to worship the Vatican and the pope and send their money to the Vatican, were trying to shove a cross up their asses and down their throats.

The Vikings would start wearing Thor’s hammer pendants not as religious symbols but as the middle finger to the Church of Rome.

When a “government” takes poor people’s wages for their labor, and gives its to rich ass holes, that is wrong no matter how you stack it up or try to justify it.

賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。
本帖最後由 旁觀者 於 2023/5/1 22:44 編輯

我們還知道,梵蒂岡銀行是一家經營方式與其他銀行非常相似的金融機構,它保留了價值約 2000 萬美元的黃金儲備以確保其投資。 黃金僅佔全球天主教會財富的一部分。

同樣,梵蒂岡是如何賺錢的? 梵蒂岡城通過博物館門票和硬幣、郵票和出版物的銷售產生收入。 梵蒂岡銀行一直處於眾多金融醜聞的中心,這促使教皇弗朗西斯進行改革,以提供財務問責制和透明度。

天主教會有多少錢? 投資者能從天主教堂賺到多少錢的最佳估計約為 100 億至 150 億美元。 其中,僅意大利的庫存就高達 16 億美元,佔意大利市場報價估計值的 15%。


OrganizationWorth (USD trillion)Country
The Vatican (part of the Catholic Church)4.0Vatican City
Opus Dei (part of the Catholic Church)2.0worldwide
Catholic Church in the Philippines2.0Philippines
Church of Scientology2.0United States

梵蒂岡在全球擁有超過 5,000 處房產,首次披露其房地產控股情況。

梵蒂岡 使用什麼貨幣? 4.它有自己的歐元。 梵蒂岡與意大利於2000年簽署協議,羅馬教廷從2002年開始採用歐元作為官方貨幣並鑄造自己的歐元硬幣。梵蒂岡歐元現在在梵蒂岡城和意大利都是法定貨幣,可以流通 在整個歐元區自由。


天主教會擁有多少土地? 天主教會擁有超過 10 億的信徒,是世界上最大的非政府土地所有者之一。 據估計,教會擁有的土地接近 1.77 億英畝,即 277,000 平方英里。


它也是羅馬天主教會的兩倍,後者擁有大約 13 億成員和 500 億美元的資產。 ……對於擁有 1630 萬成員的後期聖徒來說,我們教會的財富相當於每位成員約 6,130 美元,是天主教徒的金錢與成員比率的 161 倍。

賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。
梵蒂岡的寶藏 ~ 羅賓·里奇 (Robin Leach) 分享說,
這是一個存在於房間深處的城市, 意大利聖梵蒂岡下方和周圍的小教堂。

他估計,如果這些房間、教堂和金庫中的巨額財富平均分配給世界上 70 億人——所有的黃金、鑽石、祖母綠、珠寶、雕像、繪畫和壁畫——地球上的每個人都會變得巨大 確實幸運。


Treasures of the Vatican ~ Robin Leach shared that while doing research for his show "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous", he'd been given access to what he termed "the underground city of wealth," a city existing deep within the chambers and chapels beneath and around Italy's holy Vatican. He estimated that if the vast riches sitting in those chambers, chapels, and vaults were distributed equally among the world's seven billion people - all the gold, diamonds, emeralds, jewels, statues, paintings, and frescoes - everyone on the planet would become vastly fortunate indeed.

Obviously, the Catholic Church understands the value of wealth or money.
賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。

賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。




根據本周公布的部分受助人名單,超過 10,000 個宗教組織,包括一些電視傳教士,已經根據聯邦薪資保護計劃獲得了超過 30 億美元的資金,其中很大一部分流向了與天主教會有關聯的團體。

據《衛報》報導,電視佈道者吉姆·巴克 (Jim Bakker) 和彼得·波波夫 (Peter Popoff) 每人獲得了 35 萬至 100 萬美元的 COVID-19 財政援助。

巴克在密蘇里州藍眼主持了“吉姆·巴克秀”,並在 5 月中風後於週三首次與妻子洛瑞一起回到節目中。

在 1970 年代和 80 年代,吉姆和他的前妻塔米·費伊·巴克 (Tammy Faye Bakker) 是美國最著名的電視佈道者之一,他們以奢華的生活和昂貴的汽車而聞名,直到他們的“讚美上帝”或 PTL 帝國在性和金融危機中崩潰 因欺詐醜聞而被判入獄五年。

Popoff 在加利福尼亞州領導 People United for Christ,他之前從“預言性的恩膏”中積累了數百萬美元,後來發現這種恩膏至少部分來自他的妻子伊麗莎白通過無線電向他提供的信息。 2019 年,英國通信辦公室(也稱為 Ofcom)對一家衛星電視服務提供商處以超過 32,000 美元的罰款,原因是該提供商播放了一個宗教節目,該節目以 Popoff 兜售神奇泉水為特色,承諾可以治愈癌症和其他疾病。

路易斯安那州家庭崇拜中心的負責人吉米·斯瓦加特 (Jimmy Swaggart) 曾在 1990 年代初期因性醜聞被五旬節神召會開除職務,他得到的數額更大——在 200 萬到 500 萬美元之間。

Joyce Meyer Ministries 的 Joyce Meyer 收到了 500 萬到 1000 萬美元。

寶拉懷特的命運之城獲得的援助要少得多——在 15 萬美元到 35 萬美元之間。 懷特是特朗普總統信仰與機會倡議的主席。

根據《衛報》對受益人名單的分析,9 個組織獲得了 500 萬至 1000 萬美元,這是 PPP 下可獲得的最高貸款額。 這 19 個團體中有 7 個隸屬於天主教會。

Pedophilia goes on in the Protestant branches of the Roman Slave religion also.
The Vatican is just more organized with their baby raping.

Yet poor people’s money is taken by force by DC and give to these predators of young children.

Thats just wrong!

The Ole Dog!

More than 10,000 religious organizations, including a few televangelists, have received over $3 billion under the federal Paycheck Protection Program, a large chunk of which went to groups affiliated with the Catholic Church, according to a partial list of recipients released this week.

Televangelists Jim Bakker and Peter Popoff received between $350,000 and $1 million each in COVID-19 financial aid, according to The Guardian.

Bakker hosts “The Jim Bakker Show” in Blue Eye, Missouri, and made his first appearance back on the show alongside his wife, Lori, on Wednesday, after suffering a stroke back in May.

In the 1970s and ‘80s, Jim and his former wife, Tammy Faye Bakker, were among America’s most famous televangelists and known for their luxurious living and expensive cars until their “Praise the Lord,” or PTL, empire crashed down amid sex and financial fraud scandals for which served five years in prison.

Popoff, who leads People United for Christ in California, previously amassed millions from a “prophetic anointing” that was later revealed to have come, at least in part, from information fed to him over radio by his wife, Elizabeth. In 2019, the U.K.’s Office of Communications, also known as Ofcom, slapped a satellite television service provider with a fine of over $32,000 for airing a religious program featuring Popoff hawking miracle spring water that promises to cure cancer and other diseases.

Jimmy Swaggart, who leads the Family Worship Center in Louisiana and was earlier defrocked by the Pentecostal Assemblies of God in the early 1990s over sex scandals, got even a bigger amount — between $2 million and $5 million.

Joyce Meyer of Joyce Meyer Ministries received between $5 million and $10 million.

Paula White’s City of Destiny received a much smaller aid — between $150,000 and $350,000. White is the chair of President Trump’s Faith and Opportunity Initiative.

According to an analysis of the list of beneficiaries by The Guardian, nine organizations received between $5 million and $10 million, the highest loan amount available under PPP. Seven of these 19 groups are affiliated with the Catholic Church.

賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。
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