本帖最後由 dior13dior13 於 2024/4/24 23:55 編輯
多3:2 不要毀謗,不要爭競,總要和平,向眾人大顯溫柔。
徒3:22 摩西曾說:主─神要從你們弟兄中間給你們興起一位先知像我,凡他向你們所說的,你們都要聽從。
徒3:23 凡不聽從那先知的,必要從民中全然滅絕。
路17:29 到羅得出所多瑪的那日,就有火與硫磺從天上降下來,把他們全都滅了。
路17:30 人子顯現的日子也要這樣。
可13:24 在那些日子,那災難以後,日頭要變黑了,月亮也不放光,
太24:29 那些日子的災難一過去,日頭就變黑了,月亮也不放光,眾星要從天上墜落,天勢都要震動。
徒7:45 這帳幕,我們的祖宗相繼承受。當神在他們面前趕出外邦人去的時候,他們同約書亞把帳幕搬進承受為業之地,直存到大衛的日子。
林前5:2 你們還是自高自大,並不哀痛,把行這事的人從你們中間趕出去。
啟2:16 所以,你當悔改;若不悔改,我就快臨到你那裡,用我口中的劍攻擊他們。
啟2:27 他必用鐵杖轄管(轄管:原文是牧)他們,將他們如同窯戶的瓦器打得粉碎,像我從我父領受的權柄一樣。
啟2:26 那得勝又遵守我命令到底的,我要賜給他權柄制伏列國;
林前4:20 因為神的國不在乎言語,乃在乎權能。
林前4:21 你們願意怎麼樣呢?是願意我帶著刑杖到你們那裡去呢?還是要我存慈愛溫柔的心呢?
路19:27 至於我那些仇敵,不要我作他們王的,把他們拉來,在我面前殺了吧!
太15:13 耶穌回答說:凡栽種的物,若不是我天父栽種的,必要拔出來。
申28:19 你出也受咒詛,入也受咒詛。
耶48:10 懶惰為耶和華行事的,必受咒詛;禁止刀劍不經血的,必受咒詛。
代下15:13 凡不尋求耶和華─以色列神的,無論大小、男女,必被治死。
出22:20 祭祀別神,不單單祭祀耶和華的,那人必要滅絕。
來12:20 因為他們當不起所命他們的話,說:靠近這山的,即便是走獸,也要用石頭打死。
來12:21 所見的極其可怕,甚至摩西說:我甚是恐懼戰兢。
來12:25 你們總要謹慎,不可棄絕那向你們說話的。因為,那些棄絕在地上警戒他們的尚且不能逃罪,何況我們違背那從天上警戒我們的呢?
彼前4:17 因為時候到了,審判要從神的家起首。若是先從我們起首,那不信從神福音的人將有何等的結局呢?
猶1:5 從前主救了他的百姓出埃及地,後來就把那些不信的滅絕了。這一切的事,你們雖然都知道,我卻仍要提醒你們。
啟19:15 有利劍從他口中出來,可以擊殺列國。他必用鐵杖轄管(轄管:原文是牧)他們,並要踹全能神烈怒的酒醡。
啟14:20 那酒醡踹在城外,就有血從酒醡裡流出來,高到馬的嚼環,遠有六百里。
Tit3:2 To say no evil of any man, not to be fighters, to give way to others, to be gentle in behaviour to all men.
Act3:22 For Moses said, The Lord will give you a prophet from among your people, like me; you will give ear to everything which he will say to you.
Act3:23 And every soul who does not give attention to that prophet, will be cut off from among the people.
Luk17:29 But on the day when Lot went out of Sodom, fire came down from heaven and destruction came on them all.
Luk17:30 So will it be in the day of the revelation of the Son of man.
Mak13:24 But in those days, after that time of trouble, the sun will be made dark and the moon will not give her light,
Mat24:29 But straight away, after the trouble of those days, the sun will be made dark and the moon will not give her light and the stars will come down from heaven and the powers of heaven will be moved:
Act7:45 Which our fathers, in their turn, took with them when, with Joshua, they came into the heritage of the nations whom God was driving out before the face of our fathers, till the time of David,
1Co5:2 And in place of feeling sorrow, you are pleased with yourselves, so that he who has done this thing has not been sent away from among you.
Rev2:16 See, then, that you have a change of heart; or I will come to you quickly, and will make war against them with the sword of my mouth.
Rev2:27 And he will be ruling them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of the potter they will be broken, even as I have power from my Father:
Rev2:26 He who overcomes, and keeps my works to the end, to him I will give rule over the nations,
1Co4:20 For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.
1Co4:21 What is your desire? is my coming to be with punishment, or is it to be in love and a gentle spirit?
Luk19:27 And as for those who were against me, who would not have me for their ruler, let them come here, and be put to death before me.
Mat15:13 But he said in answer, Every plant which my Father in heaven has not put in the earth, will be taken up by the roots.
Deu28:19 You will be cursed when you come in and cursed when you go out.
Jer48:10 Let him be cursed who does the Lord's work half-heartedly; let him be cursed who keeps back his sword from blood.
2Ch15:13 And that anyone, small or great, man or woman, who was not true to the Lord, the God of Israel, would be put to death.
Exo22:20 Complete destruction will come on any man who makes offerings to any other god but the Lord.
Heb12:20 For the order which said, If the mountain is touched even by a beast, the beast is to be stoned, seemed hard to them;
Heb12:21 And the vision was so overpowering that even Moses said, I am shaking and full of fear.
Heb12:25 See that you give ear to his voice which comes to you. For if those whose ears were shut to the voice which came to them on earth did not go free from punishment, what chance have we of going free if we give no attention to him whose voice comes from heaven?
1Pe4:17 For the time has come for the judging, starting with the church of God; but if it makes a start with us, what will be the end of those who are not under the rule of God?
Jud1:5 Now it is my purpose to put you in mind, though you once had knowledge of all these things, of how the Lord, having taken a people safely out of Egypt, later sent destruction on those who had no faith;
Rev19:15 And out of his mouth comes a sharp sword, with which he overcomes the nations: and he has rule over them with a rod of iron: and he is crushing with his feet the grapes of the strong wrath of God the Ruler of all.
Rev14:20 And the grapes were crushed under foot outside the town, and blood came out from them, even to the head-bands of the horses, two hundred miles.