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School row over pupil's God talk                               
A Devon primary school has denied it was being anti-Christian by admonishing a five-year-old pupil for talking about God to another girl in class.
Jasmine Cain's mother, who works part-time at the school, said her daughter was left in tears by the reprimand.
But the head teacher said Jasmine had told her friend she would 'go to hell' if she did not believe in God.
Jenny Cain is facing disciplinary action after making allegations about the incident in an email.
Mrs Cain, a part-time receptionist at Landscore Primary School in Crediton, claimed that her daughter was upset after being reprimanded by her teacher for talking about "God and heaven" and had been warnednot to talk about "Jesus" again.
She sent an email, from her home internet account, to members of her church asking them to pray about the situation.
The email was forwarded by a member of the congregation to Gary Read, the school's head teacher, who launched an investigation into the allegations it contained.
Mr Read said: "This is not an issue about Christianity, it is about religious intolerance.
"Jasmine told another pupil 'if you don't believe in God you're going to go to hell'.
"The girl was upset and her teacher asked me for advice about what to do.
"Jasmine was told it is not OK to say that, but it is OK to discuss what you believe with others."
Christians 'persecuted'
He said the school encouraged religious openness and regularly invited faith groups in to lead assemblies, as well as celebrating Christmas and other festivals.
He confirmed that Mrs Cain was being investigated for making"unfair allegations" about the school, but denied she was facing the sack.
Mike Judge, from the Christian Institute, which is supporting Mrs Cain, said: "A six-year-old girl and her mother have been slammed for nothing more than expressing their Christian faith.
"I am particularly concerned about the way in which Mrs Cain's private email to her church friends ended up in the hands of the head teacher.
"This is the latest in a series of cases where Christians are being persecuted for their religious beliefs."

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
5# 訪客得得b
Was vernünftig ist, das ist Wirklich; und was wirklich ist,das ist vernünftig.


Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
3# 訪客得得b
http://www.yatsen.gov.tw/chinese/publication/show.php?url=%2Fchinese%2Fpublication% ...
沙文 發表於 2009/2/14 15:13

凡此種種 正就是你的哲理盲點所在

我執柴起火 你挖地找薯仔 我地有野食 可以在這裡再活上一陣子了
人與人的合作分工成就了一些事情 民族之間  國與國之間亦應是一樣  
將由來已久的事情  就看成是理所當然
那麼大家就要欣然接受 這地表上每一分鍾  都有人因肚餓 而要餓死這事實
3# 訪客得得b
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
本帖最後由 訪客得得b 於 2009/2/14 15:01 編輯

在剛過去的新春 到了星馬一遊  馬來西亞的導遊在吉隆坡的行程上  介紹了很多殖民地時代的事物給我們認識 例如在開採錫的舊址上 就詳細地說到  從前英國人如何使用暴力  強迫了很多工人 要長時間灣身挖地  最後變成了陀背的歷史
在說到馬來西亞的獨立事跡時  說到該國運氣很好  在獨立後幾年才發現了石油  如果是獨立前發現 英人肯定賴死吾走  

在馬六甲的行程上 導遊帶我們參觀了一個英雄紀念碑 是為了紀念來馬支援抗日的國民黨人員而建的 在說到英國在馬來亞抗戰時的角色 則全部用上了小丑 怕得要死 走得很快 等等來說明  言談間 左一句海盜 右一句掠奪者 政冶理念非常正確 馬來人在殖民歷史上的解讀 令作為港人一員的我  深感懺槐

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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