回復 18# beebeechan
Not every feature of evolution is make a species better at adapting to the environment. It only need to be "fit" in the sense that it will transfer to the next generation. Adapting to the environment is only one of the criteria. Other criteria, for example
a) Like the tail of peacock, to attract mates! In fact, it is thoerize the reason human brain get so large is because of this reason. People with higher mental capability (not exactly wise) is "sexy".
As for the reason why peacock use its tail, it is way of signalling to female about its health, reasourcefulness, etc Besides tails, birds dance, sing, build nests, too!
b) Junk DNA, copying for the sake of copying. As long as it do enough harm. Most of DNA is just, junk.
c) DNA that causes aging, old age disease. People (in old days) reproduce when they are young! So anything that has a harmful effect when you are old will have not much evolutionary pressure to be removed!
And you wonder why people's health goes downhill quickly after they pass their reproductive age (like after 30).
I think talking to you is a waste of time. Other who are interest can read the page and decide for themselves. |