Transcended from any official unofficial canonical noncanonical shitcrap-larded demonic tainted spiritual-sequel:
A: x kills thousands of pigs, however x says if it loses one sheep then it leaves behind all sheep to find that missing sheep? When it goes to find that sheep, x's hostiles head to steal all of its sheep at its farmfield.
B: No, x has many slaves to defend his farmfield. What about the pigs? Which pig is lost so it kills thousands of pigs? x itself? Cuz its name means 'pig' in some languages?
C: x is unqualified to be pig!
C: Oh, toggle the vegetable-fruits and meat now, go, reverse the linear steps to break his theory, just like x did to curse its bad craps to others and steal others' stuffs.
B: So, x's mincers, evil snake, animals, pigs, rats, frogs, are fruits? The animals which buddha calms down from their angers, the animals which listen buddha, are fruits? Egg is the seed, no, egg is not the seed, egg = the title 'fruit'?
A: The forbidden apple, etc, are meat? Plus, x curses some fig tree, which is similar to the fig tree for buddha's enlightenment, etc, are meat?
A, B, C shout: That self proclaimed creator is a partial coconut, if this partial coconut is meat, then some monkeys throw many coconuts not just a partial coconut to hurt ppl, those monkeys are fruits? Aw. The same outcome is the same outcome, shitcrap, partial coconut is still a badness which hurt ppl! Cre... Crapeator? Cuntreator? Before minions followed it, x itself had already been promoter, terminator, sweeper... All die...... |