1 more potential exChristian 離教名人 , 李師成
李師成 , but ,
李師成 , <----- not his real name ;--^),
>>FM 104 - FM 106
李師成 , the main donator + 1 of the founders of 居士林 ,
李師成 ,
according his own speeches in his own
《人生百味》this program in radio , used to be : :::::
a investments banker
a boss of a real-estates-brokerage in hk , possibly
[[[[[[[[[ my own guestimation ]]]]]]]]]
a devout Christian
in year 2007
's written 2 or 3 pieces
in the hard-covers-buddhist's-magazine 溫暖人間
which can b bought @ 7-11 e.t.c. ,
there-in ,
's written
something about himself +
something about
why he proselytised himself from Christian to buddhist
sorry ,
have all been gifted out by me ,
sorry again ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]
's been posting its own ads in each-n-every issue
of 溫暖人間
up2now since its in-auguration ,
居士林's non-profit ,
all-fees-collected 'r allocated for its survival ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]
from 居士林's ads in the magazine 溫暖人間 ,
u may feel out that
居士林-or-李師成 's taking 'the approaches
somewhat all-brand-new or even break-through
again as above-mentionned ,
there may b fraught[full] of faults or incorrectness or subjectiveness
in my own words ,
so ,
take my words with salts[discounts] ,
take care
note : :::::
i'm not affiliated with 溫暖人間 or 居士林 or 李師成 or any celebrity whom i introduce here any way
i do even have not attended 居士林 in any way besides its website , LayBuddhist
i do not have any acquaintance with 李師成 or any celebrity whom i introduce here in any way
i do have never seen them ,
they do have never seen me ,
cheers ThANKye , pendragon
[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-28 04:28 編輯 ] |