本帖最後由 hellboy 於 2009/10/14 00:52 編輯
Dalvm 發表於 2009/10/14 00:27[url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=51649&ptid=3990] [/url]
- Matthew
- What was the relationship between the centurion and his slave? Were they a gay couple? If so, Jesus didn't seem to mind. 8:5-13
- "There are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb."Is Jesus talking about homosexuals here? 19:12
One of the followers of Jesus was a young, nearly naked man who dropped his linen cloth and "fled from themnaked" when the priests came to arrest Jesus. 14:51-52
- John
- "There was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved." 13:23-25
- "The disciple standing by, whom he loved" 19:26
- "The disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper" 21:20Acts
- Was the eunuch that Philip baptized gay? 8:36-38Romans
- With his usual intolerance, Paul condemns homosexuals (including lesbians). This is the only clear reference tolesbians in the Bible. 1:26-28
- Homosexuals (those "without natural affection") and their supporters (those "that have pleasure in them") are"worthy of death." 1:31-321 Corinthians
- Paul lists ten things that will keep you out of heaven, including homosexuality and being "effeminate." 6:9-10
- 1 Timothy
- Homosexuals (those "that defile themselves with mankind") are included on the list of lawless, disobedient,unholy, and profane people. 1:102 Timothy
- Iin the last days people will become evil, "without natural affection." Fundamentalist say that this refers to homosexuals. 3:3
- God sent "eternal fire" on the people of Sodom and Gomorrah for "going after strange flesh." 7-8Revelation
- "The hundred and forty and four thousand ... which were not defiled with women"
Are the 144,000 men that are "not defiled by women" homosexuals? Are only gay men to be saved? 14:1-4 - "Dogs [homosexuals?], sorcerers, whoremongers, idolaters" and along with anyone who ever told a lie will not enter the heavenly city. 22:15
Dalvm 發表於 2009/10/14 00:27 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=51649&ptid=3990] [/url]
耶穌說:「至於我那些仇敵不要我作他們王的,把他們拉來,在我面前殺了罷‧」 (路加福音19章27 )
他們皆以嚴格遵守. 神的律法而自豪。
Dalvm 發表於 2009/10/14 00:27 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=51649&ptid=3990] [/url]
基督徒有!難怪基督徒自稱「義」勝法利賽人,簡直反胃。 |