本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2024/10/22 20:51 編輯
嗰條友既講話節錄:From the book of Genesis; to the Jewish exodus from Egypt; to receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai; to the gates of Canaan; and to the realization of God’s covenant in the Holy Land of Israel; the Bible paints a consistent picture. The entire history of our people, and our connection to Eretz Yisrael, begins right here.
抽刀斷水 發表於 2024/10/22 12:27 
你都識英文丫, 唔去睇下人個講詞翕乜既?
條友Danny Danon 拎本經書, 讀創世紀...只係說明猶太人有權在巴勒斯旦居住, 「The entire history of our people, and our connection to Eretz Yisrael, begins right here.」
時下啲唔知頭路既就話係猶太人夾硬去巴勒斯旦立國搶人土地, 趕巴人走…
而實情又的確是巴人認為猶太人無權在此居住。 |