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原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-18 15:11 發表
What is the thing to be "shorter"??

By the way, is it necessary to 除晒衫 when 浸溫泉? I haven't tried 浸溫泉 before...

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回復 21# 的帖子

咁點解去台灣都要"除晒衫" ge? 關小姐真係識搵溫泉lor...
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-18 15:11 發表
What is the thing to be "shorter"??

By the way, is it necessary to 除晒衫 when 浸溫泉? I haven't tried 浸溫泉 before...

her height , even when she was wearing the very-high-heels
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