Sorry guest, and thanks 抽刀斷水 for your translation. I think you can ignore the 2nd paragraph (about "do" something...).......
What I mean is that:
1. It is similiar as the government saying that "the free market is the result of my (government's) intervention", even if the government intervention hampers the free market. The God impose so many punishment for disobedience. If it is said that "God allows free will for disobedience", how come there are so many punishment for disobedience? It is just similiar as the government impose heavy punishment on certain acts in an economy, but saying that (obviously a lie) "free market is the result of government intervention".
2. if the guys have no ability to judge 善惡, they won't know disobeying God's words (or commands) would be 惡. As such, why God still punish them for their "惡"? It seems that the 不知者不罪"principle is not applied....
I don't mean that in my previous message. But if we accept the point that everything is under the arrangement of "God", yes, i think so.
Hi 龍井樹. It is the first time we have conversation...
1. But with government, we can also have trading, using goods to exchange directly for other goods. Consider the counters that allows people to get some goods (e.g. instant noodles, toilet papers, etc.) by some recyclible rubbish (e.g. old newspaper...). But this is irrelevant to my analogy. What you are talking about is another irrelevant matter.
2. But the world could exist for other cause(s)....
"耶神的禁令其實並不要求始祖能分辨善惡。要不犯禁,始祖只要有分辨是否犯禁的能力就已經足夠。耶神因始祖犯禁而懲罰始祖,亦無需訴諸善惡。耶神依照他所定的法則,執行條約所訂的內容,就是「園中從各樣樹來的,你可以隨意吃,只是分別善惡樹上的,你不可吃,因為你吃的日子必定死。」當中並不牽涉善惡。犯禁後的始祖,據蛇所言:「你們吃的日子眼睛就明亮了,你們便如神能知道善惡。 」所謂如神能知善惡,就是不再一味順從耶神,要作自己的主人,依從己見實現心中的善。好壞是客觀事實,善惡是道德對錯。夏娃知道死是不好的、過程是痛苦的,蛇才會對她說:「你們不一定死。」"
1. That means that the "God" is simply 暴君. He set the law himself, and punish others by the law set by himself only.
2. 好壞could also be subjective, not objective. "X died yesterday" is a subjective matter. But X's death could be viewed as "good" or "bad", depending on the subjective judgement of people.