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God and the G spot

Agent 沙文,

Dont' be silly.

Other people may have made that mistake, but not you and I. You have underestimated my investigative power.

clitoris is on the outside, near the vaginal entry.
G-Spot on the other hand is inside the vagina, about an inch and half in. And using your left finger is as good as your right finger.

As it is inside the vagina, and the Church discourage women to masturbation, that is probably explained why many church going women could not locate their own G spot.

Also, it is also the main selling point of new sex toys. The previous style sex toys were mostly made to look like a penis. Now, it is more like a weird alien device.

Further on that point, there is more reason why the Church has fallen behind in the sex thing. And would they call out to god when they reach their g spot is still in question, unless of course her g spot has been "touched by god".

Hope this will clarify things for you.

Further point for investigation, "loving discipline or sexual spanking", how Catholic schools run child sex games legally for so long.

Yours sincerely.

回復 #21 XOX 的帖子

My apology. But though your position of the G-spot is OK, you've got the wrong conclusion.

As I said, the reason for women yelling "God" is, you drove them CRAZY. When people get CRAZY, they'll think of God. As simple as ABC.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
My apology.

For me, it is evidence that these women are thinking of someone else. Probably because of my own preference for atheist women that lead to this misundertanding.

Then hope to hear more about your advantures in the nearest future. This topic does worthy far more investiagation, especially in term of field experience.

keep up the good work.
抽按:真的有 God spot!


中廣新聞網╱郭希誠 2009-03-11 15:40

美國研究人員找到了腦子裡和宗教有關的「神點」(God spot)。



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Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

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