所以, 去過泰國嘅各位網友都見識過金魚缸, 若果做雞可以蒙面, 人地駛鬼整咁大個金魚缸咩? 蒙住塊面, 容乜易扑到件豬扒?陳版友叫雞都唔肯咁老襯啦, 一定由頭到腳驗屍咁驗, 要連對咪咪都揸兩下, make sure真係afford唔到先返屋企
而且, 這段經文還有一個極大破綻, 在Gen 17章的亞伯拉罕時代已有流通貨幣:
And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger,
到猶太已歷8代, 叫雞點會仲係barter economy?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details