注重 理性分析思考不盲信,基督宗教的天敌
研究顯示, 「思考者」的姿勢促進了宗教懷疑, 而「擲鐵餅者」等其它姿勢則不會。
許多有著宗教信念的人總覺得自己的信仰是堅若磐石的,但4月27日發表在《科學》雜誌上的新 研究 顯示,鼓勵人們進行分析思考能夠動搖他們的宗教信仰,即使效果只有一點點。研究人員說道,研究結論對理解宗教的認知性基礎有著潛在的重大含義。
心理學家常將思維分成兩大類:迅捷快速和不費力氣的直覺思維(如能夠立刻從表情中辨別出某人是憤怒抑或哀傷),以及漸進緩慢和深思熟慮的分析思維(解決數學難題和其他棘手工作時使用的思維方式),兩種思維方式各有利弊且常相互干涉。論文合著者,加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學的研究生威爾·熱維斯(Will Gervais)說道,最近學術界興起了一種新共識,即許多宗教信仰(按:本實驗指基督教)是建立在以直覺為處理方式的基礎上的。
支持上述共識的例子之一就是2011年9月發表在《實驗心理學期刊》(Journal of Experimental Psychology)上的一篇論文。在研究中,研究人員讓數百名網上招募的志願者回答三個問題,這些問題均有欺騙性的錯誤的直覺答案選項。其中有一個問題就是,球拍和球共花了1.10美元,球拍比球貴1美元,問球是多少錢?儘管此時0.10美元的答案會立刻顯現在腦海中(這就是直覺答案),但是稍微分析思考後即可得出正確的答案應該是0.05美元。研究顯示,在對志願者的智商、教育、政治傾向和其他影響因素進行控制後,那些選擇了更多直覺答案的志願者,自我匯報的宗教信仰更強烈。
熱維斯和他的導師—社會心理學家洛倫薩揚(Ara Norenzayan)因此就猜測,如果直覺思維能夠激勵宗教信仰,那麼分析思考就有可能鼓勵宗教懷疑。
為了測試這個想法,兩人設計了幾個實驗方法,來引導人們下意識的產生分析思考的傾向。有650 名美、加地區的人受測,在其中一個實驗中,57名志願者在回答自身的信仰前先欣賞了不同類型的藝術品,一些志願者觀看了刻畫沉思狀的藝術品(如羅丹的「思考者」),其餘人則觀看了沒有體現過多知識訴求的藝術品(如「擲鐵餅者」)。在另一項實驗中,93名本科生和148名網上招募的美國成年人進行了字謎遊戲,一部分人的問題中包含有諸如「分析」 、「原因」、 「沉思」等文字,其餘人的字謎類似,但是他們問題中的詞語是一些無法讓人產生聯想的「高」或「飛機」等文字。在所有的實驗中,得到了與思考有關的暗示的志願者,在稍後記錄的宗教信仰都要比對照組弱。
美國芝加哥大學心理學家埃普利(Nicholas Epley)表示,他覺得這個發現不會改變人們的宗教信仰。「如果你覺得推理分析是去準確理解世界的方法,你可能會覺得這是一個證據,說明信宗教沒有很大意義。而如果你相信宗教,你可能會覺得這就是上帝的旨意,將信仰以一種普通的形式向你表現出來。」
Scientific’ Study Says People of Faith Are Stupid
共同作者之一Ara Norenzayan的說宗教信仰是一種直覺,而分析的思想能削弱直觀,如果人們被鼓勵思考就會關閉直覺
.換句話說人們分析自已的信仰就會較少虔誠,會從愚笨轉聰明,就如二位研究者Ara Norenzayan和Will Gervais
那他們如何做這假設?他們召集650 名加拿大與美國人參與這實驗,一部份的實驗者供給如羅丹雕像(沉思像)圖片觀賞當做鼓舞思考,另一組則不是這類圖像,在看過這些圖優後,研究員測量參與者的一系列的宗教信仰問題,發現給看過思考圖的對宗教信仰或本是信徒的其虔信度都會下降。
Science News
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Analytic Thinking Can Decrease Religious Belief, Study Shows
ScienceDaily (Apr. 26, 2012) — A new University of British Columbia study finds that analytic thinking can decrease religious belief, even in devout believers.
The study, which is published in the April 27 issue of Science, finds that thinking analytically increases disbelief among believers and skeptics alike, shedding important new light on the psychology of religious belief.
“Our goal was to explore the fundamental question of why people believe in a God to different degrees,” says lead author Will Gervais, a PhD student in UBC’s Dept. of Psychology. “A combination of complex factors influence matters of personal spirituality, and these new findings suggest that the cognitive system related to analytic thoughts is one factor that can influence disbelief.”
Researchers used problem-solving tasks and subtle experimental priming – including showing participants Rodin’s sculpture The Thinker or asking participants to complete questionnaires in hard-to-read fonts – to successfully produce “analytic” thinking. The researchers, who assessed participants’ belief levels using a variety of self-reported measures, found that religious belief decreased when participants engaged in analytic tasks, compared to participants who engaged in tasks that did not involve analytic thinking.
The findings, Gervais says, are based on a longstanding human psychology model of two distinct, but related cognitive systems to process information: an “intuitive” system that relies on mental shortcuts to yield fast and efficient responses, and a more “analytic” system that yields more deliberate, reasoned responses.
“Our study builds on previous research that links religious beliefs to ‘intuitive’ thinking,” says study co-author and Associate Prof. Ara Norenzayan, UBC Dept. of Psychology. “Our findings suggest that activating the ‘analytic’ cognitive system in the brain can undermine the ‘intuitive’ support for religious belief, at least temporarily.”
The study involved more than 650 participants in the U.S. and Canada. Gervais says future studies will explore whether the increase in religious disbelief is temporary or long-lasting, and how the findings apply to non-Western cultures.
Recent figures suggest that the majority of the world’s population believes in a God, however atheists and agnostics number in the hundreds of millions, says Norenzayan, a co-director of UBC’s Centre for Human Evolution, Cognition and Culture. Religious convictions are shaped by psychological and cultural factors and fluctuate across time and situations, he says. |