本帖最後由 Nomad 於 2010/11/22 17:26 編輯
It is not a crime to be "aren't fluent in English.".
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/20 01:37
No it's not. All I was pointing out, is that the reason why you cannot understand that passage was because you can't read English. Period.
It would be the same stupid to say WWII was a Holy War, a religious war..just because Hitler was a ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/20 01:39
Again flat wrong. Nazi Germany, in fact, in part was a religion problem not only because Hitler was a Catholic, but also the fact that what Hitler conjured as a propaganda for his rise of power is nothing but what the Catholics and Protestants has done for hundreds of years - and that it was none but the Catholics Centre Party and the other protestants/Catholics who voted for him for their "sacred war against communism" that enabled Hitler to rise to power.
慘得過你中文都唔識打囉. (如果是識打, 而懶打, 仲衰多一重!!!!)
乜中國人同中國人講野 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/20 01:42
The short hand answer is, I looked at the check list of virtues that one would expect from a Chinese, and you do not appear to possess any of them - it's hard to regard you as a Chinese because doing so shames the ethnicity.
Speaking of which, it's actually pretty funny to hear something like this from a person who believes and ready to insult other people in order to defend a belief that was spread in the Chinese country with the original intent of propagating the belief of white supremacy. (and in a good extent this intention is still retained.)
But then, what can I say, it's a random (HK?) woman from a random church, that's pretty much what I'd expect out of... |