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6歲男童模仿性愛動作 爸媽氣炸告「教友」卻判無罪





Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

6歲男童模仿性愛動作 爸媽氣炸告「教友」卻判無罪
〔記者張瑞楨/台中報導〕台中市年僅6 ...
沙文 發表於 2022/5/5 21:28

作者, 轉載者的裁判權凌駕台中法院的裁決。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
沙文 發表於 2022/5/5 21:39

回覆 1725# beebeechan
回覆  beebeechan
沙文 發表於 2022/5/5 23:11


根本人人有份, 使乜搶先哩
Pope: Christian Churches must unite against barbarism of war
Meeting participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Pope Francis refers to wars in Ukraine and other parts of the world, saying they challenge the conscience of every Christian and every Church.
By Lisa Zengarini

In the face of the “barbarism of war”, Christian Churches are called to renew their commitment to and their joint efforts for Christian unity, witnessing to the Gospel of peace and fraternity, so as to give a credible testimony to Jesus Christ.

This was at the heart of Pope Francis’s address to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, which concluded on Friday.

The meeting took place from 2-6 May under the theme: “Towards an ecumenical celebration of the 1700th anniversary of Nicaea I (325-2025)".

Christians cannot walk alone
Pope Francis started his speech by noting that the Covid-19 pandemic has offerred an opportunity to strengthen and renew relations between Christians.

“A first significant ecumenical result of the pandemic," he said, "was a renewed awareness of us all belonging to the one Christian family. It made us understand how close we really are to each other and how responsible we are for each other..”

He therefore stressed the need “to continue to cultivate this awareness and promote initiatives that increase this feeling of fraternity.”

Pope Francis remarked that when Christian communities forget the profound truth of brotherhood, they are seriously exposed to the risk of self-conceit and self-sufficiency “which are serious obstacles to ecumenism”.

“It is impossible for a Christian to walk alone with his own confession. We either walk together, or we can’t walk. We stand still.”

War challenges conscience of every Christian
Pope Francis then spoke about the responsibilities of Christian Churches in the face of war, referring specifically to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

He noted that this “is cruel and senseless like any war”, but “has a greater dimension and threatens the whole world, and cannot fail to challenge the conscience of every Christian and every Church.”

“We must ask ourselves: what have the Churches done and what can they do to contribute to the development of a world community, capable of creating fraternity starting from peoples and nations who live social friendship?”

Christians witnessing Gospel of peace
Recalling that the desire for Christian unity has grown in the past century from the awareness of the evils caused by Christian divisions, Pope Francis said  that, today,  “in the face of the barbarism of war, this yearning for unity must be nurtured  again.”

“Ignoring the divisions among Christians, out of habit or resignation, means tolerating the pollution of our hearts that makes the ground fertile for conflict,” he added.

“The proclamation of the Gospel of peace, that before the armies disarms the hearts, will only be more credible if announced by Christians finally reconciled in Jesus, Prince of Peace. Christians that are animated by His message of universal love and brotherhood, which goes beyond the boundaries of their own community and nation.”

Walking the synodal path with other Churches
In conclusion, Pope Francis spoke about the theme of the plenary focused on the upcoming 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (325 AD), which will coincide with the Jubilee Year of 2025.

Noting that this milestone event was a major accomplishment in preserving Christian unity, Pope Francis stressed that the First Council of Nicaea “must illuminate the current ecumenical path”, and expressed hope that the Jubilee celebrations may have “a relevant ecumenical dimension.”

Finally, he commended the Pontifical Council and the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops for inviting national Bishops' Conferences to look for ways to listen to the voices “the brothers and sisters of other Christian denominations on the issues that challenge the faith and the diaconia ("service", ed) in today's world” , in the current synodal process leading to the Synod of 2023.

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2022/5/7 11:36 編輯

因為他治好了許多人,所以,凡有病災的人都向他湧來,要觸摸他。 ...
沙文 發表於 2022/5/6 21:36

你呢啲又係斬頭切尾, 隱藏真相...


耶穌要在船上講道, 就係叫人唔好擠上來, 咪驚死執輸咁

嗱, 五餅二魚派餐咁, 幾有秩序
(梵蒂岡新聞網)羅馬耶穌聖嬰兒科醫院院長埃諾克(Mariella Enoc)女士獲得“金‘金合花’(含羞草花)獎”,以表彰她在社會和職業領域為基督信仰生活作出的見證。頒獎儀式原定於3月8日國際婦女節舉行,但因新冠疫情的緣故,推遲至5月8日下午4點在洛雷托宗座大樓舉行。


在這頒獎活動的機會上,耶穌聖嬰兒科醫院將與聖座代表團衛生部門簽署一份協定,以幫助患有罕見疾病的兒童的家庭。洛雷托聖家朝聖地宗座代表達爾欽(Fabio Dal Cin)總主教在一份聲明中指出,“我深信,朝聖地這個使命,正如教宗方濟各2019年3月25日所要求的,是它繼續對病患履行愛德使命的絕佳機會,尤其是令那些患有罕見疾病的兒童易於與羅馬耶穌聖嬰兒科醫院取得聯繫”。
新加坡(亚洲新闻)- 近日,当地一所天主教学校校长因涉嫌性虐待两名未成年人被判刑,此事震惊了新加坡天主教会。该男子是一名新加坡修士,根据当地保护未成年人的法律,他的身份尚未被公开,于5 月 5 日被判处 5 年监禁。

不幸的是,亚洲教会也必须应对这个严重的问题,这破坏了教会见证的可信度。例如,就在同一周,印度喀拉拉邦一名35岁的神父因对小修院的四个男孩实施性侵而被判18年监禁,该神父隶属当地修会圣尤金德马泽诺德协会。身为宗座保护未成年人委员会成员的印度修女阿里娜·贡萨尔维斯 (Arina Gonsalves) 对《亚洲新闻》评论说,希望“判决能为受害者带来安慰与和平”,并回顾了“教宗方济各将打击这些虐待行为作为“教会政府行动”的核心。

William Goh总主教在致教区的牧灵信函中评论了新加坡发生的事件。


新加坡总主教在信函中回顾说,专业标准办公室自 2011 年起在教区成立,正是为了确保教会结构是一个安全的环境,尤其是对小孩子而言。“专业标准办公室是由专业人士组成,包括前地区法官、律师、有法律背景的人、心理学家,并非全都是天主教徒。该办公室根据国家法律和教会法规定独立运作,为了进一步提高其公正性,自2018 年开始由平信徒负责管理”。

Go主教接着说道,“然而,这样的案例应该让我们思考”。如果“的确有许多优秀的教会领袖为忠于福音而牺牲自我,并努力将我们天主教信仰的价值观灌输给年轻人”,那么现在,“怀疑的阴云” 正笼罩着整个新加坡教会。




Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Pope offers prayers for victims of hotel explosion in Cuba
At the Regina Coeli, Pope Francis offered his prayers for victims of an explosion that took place at a hotel in Havana, Cuba. He also gave his customary greetings to the various groups present for the Sunday prayer.
By Thaddeus Jones

After leading the recitation of the Regina Coeli, Pope Francis asked for prayers for the victims of an explosion that took place in Havana, Cuba, saying "may the Risen Christ guide them to the house of the Father and give comfort to their families."
The Blessed Aguchita
He also paid tribute to a new Blessed from San Ramón, Peru, María Agostina Rivas López of the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, killed in hatred of the faith in 1990. The newly beatified was known as a heroic missionary, giving her life in her service to the poor, especially indigenous and farm women. The Pope prayed that her example might awaken in everyone "the desire to serve Christ with fidelity and courage."
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Today also marks the World Day of Prayer for Vocations with the theme "Called to Build the Human Family", the Pope recalled, saying on this day we all, as baptized, feel called to follow Jesus, to say our "yes" to him, to follow his example and discover the joy of giving our lives with joy and enthusiasm in service of the Gospel The Pope also congratulated the new priests of the Diocese of Rome, ordained this morning in the Basilica of Saint John Lateran.
Mothers' Day
Finally, the Pope added that today is Mother's Day, and we remember with affection our mothers, also those who are no longer with us, but live in our hearts. May we all offer moms around the world our prayer, affection, and best wishes, said the Pope.
Greetings the groups from around the world, the Pope also offered special thoughts to those suffering from fibromyalgia with hopes they may receive the necessary care.
新加坡(亚洲新闻)- 近日,当地一所天主教学校校长因涉嫌性虐待两名 ...
沙文 發表於 2022/5/9 03:18

成日話主教們會包庇, 隱瞞教內的性侵.....原來都唔係咁既
回覆 1734# beebeechan

為了驚住成日畀人話主教們會包庇, 隱瞞教內的性侵,
就算冇教內的性侵, 主教特登製造一些,然後揭發之,顯示"原來都唔係咁既"
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2022/5/10 05:07 編輯
回覆  beebeechan

為了驚住成日畀人話主教們會包庇, 隱瞞教內的性侵,
就算冇教內的性侵, 主教特登製造一 ...
沙文 發表於 2022/5/9 23:53


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Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
沙文 發表於 2022/5/10 04:54

香港特首, 天主教徒代理咁?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
沙文 發表於 2022/5/10 05:42

根據中央, 呢啲一定係國外黑手...背後操縱, 干涉國家內政
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