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回復 28# 的帖子

I think people in the stock market are just playing a zero-sum game (at least, in the short run). For those who earn in the stock market (in terms of real income) must gain from the loss of those playing the opposite move with them. For example, those win from buying a share means those seller would loss by the same amount (in terms of real income). Therefore, I dared not to by shares to compete with so many rich people (except for the xxx MPF...). I believe this would be the case, especially those "investing" in shares are of short run.

回復 35# 的帖子

Almost the same use as 打格仔 (to cover something should not be shown). Therefore, it's better not to say this word (or term) explicitly...
So, it is up to you to think of this "xxx", but of course, it should be used to describe something bad....
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