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[原創作品] 基督教對性與伴侶壓抑及管制






公元4-5世紀,對基督教神學有重大影響力的聖奧古斯丁(St. Augustine),認為性慾是由亞當犯罪所衍生,令具靈性的人落得了肉慾的心,不受意志指揮,有違道德。他確立了基督教禁慾主義的理論體系,以「性就是罪」為基本原則。




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1. 婚前性行為



聖經中唯一明文述及婚姻與性的關係,是「婚姻,人人都當尊重,床也不可污穢;因為苟合行淫的人,神必要審判。 」《希伯來書13:4》然而,這句的真正意思,是指婚外的性關係,即對配偶不忠、通姦等行為,並非指未婚的性行為。

另外,《申命記22:13-21》述及假如丈夫發現妻子不是處女,就要用石頭將她打死。首先這律法只適用於女性,暗示容許男性有婚前性行為。再者,申命記中記載的律法,已被普遍教會認為不合時宜,現今教會一般以《約翰福音 8:7》代之:「……你們中間誰是沒有罪的,誰就可以先拿石頭打他。」

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Deuteronomy 22

13If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her,
14And give occasions of speech against her, and bring up an evil name upon her, and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid:
15Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate:
16And the damsel's father shall say unto the elders, I gave my daughter unto this man to wife, and he hateth her;
17And, lo, he hath given occasions of speech against her, saying, I found not thy daughter a maid; and yet these are the tokens of my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city.
18And the elders of that city shall take that man and chastise him;
19And they shall amerce him in an hundred shekels of silver, and give them unto the father of the damsel, because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel: and she shall be his wife; he may not put her away all his days.
20But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel:
21Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

Deuteronomy 22
28If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;
29Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.

以聖經當時文化,婚前性行為只算ADULTERY 一種。



4Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

"adulterer" 正正是指所有在婚姻以外有性行為的人。

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-11-2 14:33 編輯 ]
原帖由 dye 於 2007-11-2 14:16 發表
以聖經當時文化,婚前性行為只算ADULTERY 一種。





原帖由 dye 於 2007-11-2 14:16 發表
"adulterer" 正正是指所有在婚姻以外有性行為的人。

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Matthew 5:28
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

回復 5# 的帖子


以番文意思,在景教經中未婚女人通常用"damsel"此字,woman則係嫁咗嘅。最好查下Matt 5:28之中"woman"希臘文係咩意思先
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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回復 7# 的帖子

In Judaism, adultery was forbidden in the seventh commandment of the Ten Commandments, but this did not apply to a married man having relations with an unmarried woman. Only a married woman engaging in sexual intercourse with another man counted as adultery, in which case both the woman and the man were considered guilty [4].

一賜樂業人並非一夫一妻制的,即使現代仍有一賜樂業人遵守Herem de-Rabbenu Gershom傳統,有兩自三個國家的100名拉比同意,就可以娶多一個老婆
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

婚前性行為是「sexually immoral」才是


1 Corinthians 6:18Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.


Jewish Laws, which are strictly observed only by a minority of Jews (primarily orthodox Jews), prohibits sex outside the context of marriage and restricts the times marital sex can be practiced. Jewish Law forbids both pre-marital and extra-marital sex. In addition, Jewish Law, specifically Family Purity Laws, forbids sexual relations when the wife is ritually impure (niddah). These Jewish Laws of Separation maintain that couples must abstain from sexual relations from the onset of the wife's menstrual cycle, through her five day menstrual cycle and seven post-menstrual days, and until she has purified herself by immersion in a mikvah.

In sum, Judaism, in contrast to some other religions, does not view sex as intrinsically dirty or evil. According to Judaism, sex is a mitzvah if it is done with love, within a marriage, and at the proper time.


[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-11-3 09:56 編輯 ]
#2 增加申命記一段。
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PS 血緣關係的重要性則是天生,這和我們進化史有關。


[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-11-3 10:37 編輯 ]
2. 自慰






註1: 自慰可以防前列腺癌 http://baike.baidu.com/view/73522.htm#4

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[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-11-3 13:08 編輯 ]
原帖由 dye 於 2007-11-3 12:52 發表

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http://family.custhelp.com/cgi-b ... adp.php?p_faqid=937

So, what should parents say to their kids about this subject? My advice is to say nothing after puberty has occurred. You will only cause embarrassment and discomfort. For those who are younger, it would be wise to include the subject of masturbation in the "Preparing for Adolescence" conversation I have recommended on other occasions. I would suggest that parents talk to their 12- or 13-year-old boys, especially, in the same general way my mother and father discussed this subject with me. We were riding in the car, and my dad said, "Jim, when I was a boy, I worried so much about masturbation. It really became a scary thing for me because I thought God was condemning me for what I couldn't help. So I'm telling you now that I hope you don't feel the need to engage in this act when you reach the teen years, but if you do, you shouldn't be too concerned about it. I don't believe it has much to do with your relationship with God."


W e have heard a lot of explanations of why masturbation is sin, but we have yet to have anyone give us a good explanation for why the Bible does not say it is. Is there any other sexual sin which is not directly and clearly identified as sin in the Bible? There are passages which clearly label as sin such things as fornication, adultery, lust, incest, rape, homosexuality, and even bestiality. Surely the urge to masturbate is more common than most of these, and much stronger than many of them, and yet the Bible says nothing about it. If God felt it necessary to tell us not to have sex with animals, why didn't He also find it necessary to tell us not to masturbate?

I can only come up with three reasons why "thou shalt not masturbate" is not found in the Bible:
  • It's an oversight.
  • One must have special knowledge or be spiritual to know this truth.
  • Masturbation is not an inherently sinful act.
Number one makes the Bible incomplete, while number two is the heresy of Gnosticism. By process of elimination I am left to conclude that number three must be true.
I know some will say, "it does not matter why God didn't say it," or "who are you to question God?"But it does matter; if you want to add to what God has called sin you must first give a good reason why God did not say it Himself. Since there is no doubt that masturbation was known of and practiced by those who originally read and heard the words of the scripture, the Bible's silence on the issue is extremely difficult to explain if you are convinced masturbation is sin.
Most of the arguments we see against masturbation seem to work because the person making them starts with the belief that masturbation is wrong. If someone starts with the question "is it sin" and studies the scripture to find the truth rather than to support what they have already decide the truth should be, the results are different. It is our prayer that asking "why didn't God say masturbation is sin" will help people to reexamine the issue and find a Biblically sound answer.

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-11-5 01:07 編輯 ]
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2007-11-2 20:08 發表

MAT 5:27-28至多只能引申至弟兄及lesbians 不准對婦女有性幻想。但係,在歷年的叙會中,沙文常被邀請參加合照,亦有個人照片存於眾姊妹的SD、CF記憶卡之中,她們自慰時望著沙文的照片,是沒有違反該段經文的。咁,教會冇理由禁止此種行為喎?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
原帖由 沙文 於 2007-11-5 00:47 發表

MAT 5:27-28至多只能引申至弟兄及lesbians 不准對婦女有性幻想。但係,在歷年的叙會中,沙文常被邀請參加合照,亦有個人照片存於眾姊妹的SD、CF記憶卡之中,她們自慰時望著沙文的照片 ...

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回復 15# 的帖子

dye 少,有無本港文獻呀?我寫的東西未有咁global架。
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多 謝 你 來 郵 詢 問 , 這 觀 念 較 複 雜 , 你 不 太 明 白 是 很 能 了 解 的 , 是 的 , 若 然 思 想 上 沒 有 淫 念 , 自 慰 的 行 動 是 一 種 覺 得 過 癮 的 身 体 刺 激 , 因 性 器 官 有 很 多 神 經 及 血 管 , 所 以 感 覺 強 烈 , 因 此 沒 有 淫 念 就 不 是 性 罪 了 , 行 動 是 生 物 性 的 , 但 心 思 態 度 上 , 若 沒 有 性 慾 的 挑 逗 在 其 中 , 就 不 算 是 犯 罪 , 很 簡 直 接 地 說 , 若 沒 有 淫 念 又 何 以 構 成 淫 行 嗎 ?

可 能 你 會 問 , 若 不 是 有 淫 念 , 又 何 會 去 自 慰 , 我 不 能 完 全 了 解 所 有 人 的 行 為 , 你 問 的 是 觀 念 性 的 問 題 , 所 以 我 就 從 觀 念 的 角 度 作 答 . 但 有 兩 個 補 充 , 可 見 其 他 綱 上 資 料 :
  • 不 少 人 在 自 慰 時 都 有 性 的 念 頭 及 性 的 刺 激
  • 若 多 做 , 性 慾 會 升 級 的 , 所 以 , 不 做 / 少 做 為 妙 , 在 生 活 上 , 宜 避 免 性 的 挑 逗 與 刺 激 , 以 免 要 " 出 此 下 策 去 洩 慾 , 天 父 與 你 同 在 , 加 你 力 量 , 若 有 需 要 繼 續 問 , 或 來 電 先 找 超 Sir 。


以 上 是 我 們 理 想 中 的 標 準 解 答 , 但 我 們 亦 体 會 世 事 有 時 不 是 如 此 簡 單 與 理 想 , 所 以 我 們 亦 同 時 提 供 一 個 「 求 其 次 」 的 考 慮 。 犯 罪 與 否 的 原 則 性 考 慮 是 我 們 自 慰 有 否 淫 念 的 成 份 , 對 一 個 性 慾 衝 動 的 成 青 是 艱 難 避 免 。 但 如 果 自 慰 時 沒 有 淫 念 的 成 份 , 則 不 構 成 聖 經 中 的 犯 罪 , 但 由 於 年 青 時 血 氣 方 剛 , 所 以 小 心 不 要 誤 用 這 生 理 的 機 能 。 而 最 基 本 的 解 決 法 是 逃 避 色 性 的 刺 激 或 挑 逗 , 以 免 惹 起 性 慾 。 ( 見 此 園 地 的 有 關 文 章 )  

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-11-5 10:56 編輯 ]


3. 同性戀





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