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[新奇發現] [转帖]耶稣曾结婚且有儿女是事实。


耶穌並沒有釘十字架代世人續罪, 耶穌沒有死而復活, 耶穌沒有升天, 全都是基督教的謊言,聖經的所有記載全是謊言已被證實!




林惟崧 2015年10月9日
據研究人員考證再證實,耶穌已婚且育有2子。 (取自推特)

去年,一份距今1500年的古老莎草紙(Papyrus)檔出土面世,檔指出,耶穌基督信徒「抹大拉的馬利亞」(Mary Magdalene)的確是耶穌的妻子,兩人不但有婚姻,且產下兩個孩子。
法院判決控告墓碑造假與栽種考古學的前以色列文物官員(former Israeli antiquities official )Joe Zias,應賠償影片制作人Simcha Jacobovici 21萬6千美元。

好像曾有作品寫孔子是佛的学生, 佛派孔子去中國去教人; 反他的人寫佛是孔子的学生, 孔子派佛去印度去教 ...
Guest from 27.109.231.x 發表於 2016/9/16 18:24

看见外国还有bible college, 神学院咁 OUT!

leefeng 發表於 2016/9/16 09:27

好像曾有作品寫孔子是佛的学生, 佛派孔子去中國去教人; 反他的人寫佛是孔子的学生, 孔子派佛去印度去教人.

那麼, 那書提的東方3博士, 分分鐘, 說不定, 他是指孔子, 老子, 释迦牟尼去那個鬼地方worship那個鬼. (柏拉圖在那鬼地的西方,暫時不計).




根本是木工. 從沒跳槽.

可能根本是一些家族恩仇人或其他仇人包括被釘犯人的友, 把他作大作成另樣故事, 切換人物角色關係, (妻變母,不知真人有沒和老翁若瑟亂倫), (兒子judah變叛徒, 所以prodigal son story根本是家族人寫木工兒子judah叛逆), 這木工他可能製造cross釘死很多人, 被釘犯人的友不直接寫統治者用死刑, 所以遷怒轉去寫這木工(根本不是為人類代罪), 風涼話千年, 摞景, 贈興.  現耶徒正偏是最不尊重木工地盤佬的人. 耶徒也不多學成木工. 但說,聽作大假話.
Israeli Court Finds No Evidence 'Lost Tomb Of Jesus' Is A Fraud
An Israeli court has ruled that a claimed “lost tomb of Jesus” described in a 2007 documentary by the same name is not a fraud, reviving a debate over Jesus' life and death.

The documentary, produced by James Cameron and written by Israeli-born filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici, contends there's evidence that Jesus had been married to Mary Magdalene and that they had children. As evidence, the film points to a tomb discovered in the East Talpiot neighborhood of East Jerusalem in 1980 that contained ossuaries -- small chests that held the bones of the dead -- with inscriptions that read “Jesus son of Joseph,” “Mary,” “Judah son of Jesus” and other names of New Testament figures.
If true, the findings would challenge some of the core beliefs of Christianity, namely that Jesus’s body was resurrected to Heaven, and that he never married or had children.

Dr. Craig Evans, a New Testament professor at Acadia Divinity School, warned that the court's decision does not imply that Jacobovici's documentary is necessarily accurate.

"Very few scholars and archaeologists, virtually none, agree with his interpretation," Evans told The Huffington Post. "The inscription is genuine, but that does not settle the question of identity. The scholarly debate continues."

Karen L. King, a professor at the Harvard Divinity School, raised the question of Jesus’s marital status in 2012, pointing to evidence from a scrap of papyrus that divided scholars. Despite her belief that the fragment is an ancient document, King maintained it does not prove Jesus had a wife.

To further complicate matters, Ruth Gat, the widow of the original field excavator of the Talpiot Tomb, made waves at a 2008 scholarly conference organized by the Princeton Theological Seminary by saying her husband had believed the tomb to be that of Jesus. Many scholars who were present balked at the revelation. Jacobovici pointed to Gat’s statement as further evidence for his film.

Joe Zias, a former Antiquities Authority official, accused the filmmaker of influencing Gat and feeding her lines to make his documentary seem more legitimate. In October 2011, Jacobovici filed a defamation suit against Zias, demanding more than $2 million.

Judge Jacob Sheinman on Sunday awarded Jacobvici just over $200,000 in damages.

On the question of whether the documentary was accurate, Sheinman said he would leave the matter to theologians and academics.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/20 ... raud_n_7557764.html
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