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原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-16 00:00 發表
"沒錯呀~ 反之亦然. 基督徒作壞見證, 就未必是因為信仰的問題. 我也同意很多非基督徒也能無私奉獻的. "
1. Yes. The argument would be ok as long as sufficient cases are considered.

"只是就個人經歷, 及認識的 ...

"只是就個人經歷, 及認識的基督徒親身經歷, 信仰確能使人有勇氣及力量去改變, 去面對困難."
2. Maybe. But many terrorists are also brave in their attack, because of their religious belief,

bravo !!

"曾經聽過, 個人也覺得說得不錯的一個譬喻: 信仰其實是一個賭博. (大前題是: 我們"證明"不了神的存在, 也"證明"不了神的不存在). 付出了一生去信, 就算輸了, 最多損失了幾十年時間, 可能也有一些感情(但如沒有神, 這些時間感情原也浪費掉居多).  但如果真是有神, 但又沒有去信. 這個損失可大了.
(註: 我並非希望有人因這功利說法而去信. 這不是全部.)"
5. This gambling argument, for me, suggests that believing in Christianity is a silly choice. For two reasons:
If we are to gamble, why don't choose those Gods in religions that allows many other Gods to be worshipped? It is silly for us to choose those religions that holds 一神論. If we are to gamble, the probability of winning is surely higher if we bet on more choices. Think of a game of throwing a fair die. If I bet on "1", "2", and "3"; and you bet on "4" only. Who are more likely to win? In here, I am basically assuming that all religions are equally likely to be true. Of course, a good choice would depend also on other evidences.
It is logically impossible for a 全能God to exist. Therefore, it is not possible for the Christian God to exist (for Christian, God is 全能). As such, it is silly to bet on the "God" that won't exist. If you know that a die is not fair, and the die will never get "4", will you still bet on "4"?

how could ye bring up 'the pinpointing dice theory ??!!

2 the contrary , i could not

even i could ,
but ,
i could not do it so 深入浅出 as u

ThANKs 4 outspeaking 'the ideas which i could bring forth as well as those which i couldnt


[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-16 06:21 編輯 ]
原帖由 Guest from 99.244.91.x 於 2008-2-16 05:57 發表
Gamble.  In order to gamble we need to know the following

a) Probability of winning, losing, tie.  (related to the games rule)
b) The reward/punishment for winning/losing. (again, related to the rule ...

From the freezing True North.

hi , My Dear Dye ,

long time no c , welcome back ,

恭喜法才 ,;--^))

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-16 06:44 編輯 ]
原帖由 Guest from 137.189.252.x 於 2008-2-15 22:46 發表

沒錯呀~ 反之亦然. 基督徒作壞見證, 就未必是因為信仰的問 ...

嘻, 我平時很少上forum的, 多謝你容許我在這裡發言. 期待更多交流吧.

p.s. 恕我冒昧, 小妹並非離教者, 但這裡會否歡迎我註冊呢?


hi greeting good morning 基督徒小妹 ,
  first sorry cannot type in Chinese , shame on me ,
  hi happy new year , me seems some Christians may not like to say 恭喜发财
  although ..... most of your arguments do not come to my smatch , sorry again
but ....
i do welcome u ,
so nice2meetyou ,
  i'd like2suggest u to run through exChristian.hk e.t.c. to comprehend
why we say so many ``things'' about Christiannity
  i hope u could have something to convince me back2church ,
  多謝你在這裡發言. 期待更多交流吧.
         pendragon 上

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-16 07:16 編輯 ]
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-23 03:01 發表
我當然無認為你錯la. 只係睇見你的post, 令我諗起以前有人同我講有一套電影(但係唔知係邊套)中, 阿黃秋生(not so sure...)賣D豬肉亦有同樣的功能jer...

係唔係 "被驅不異犬與雞"的"上帝版"lei... ...

電影 : : 人肉义烧包 ????

`````被驅不異犬與雞'''' , sorry , what's that ?? cheers ThANKye
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-23 02:52 發表

唔好以為我打錯,諗真吓先吓各位看官,再明既睇吓阿沙文既[N-1]呢個post就會有更深切體會架啦,正如好多耶徒話事解,未確定既野,唔代表無發生過架 ...

sorry , just come back from a village , the global village ,;--^),

i 以為 it's 打錯,

i have already 諗真

i have alreay 睇吓阿沙文既[N-1] ,

but ,
still not 有 體會 , sorry 4 stupidder than thee

explain ??

shouldest thou have n'o time , then , forget it forgive me , cheers ThANKye

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-23 04:48 編輯 ]
原帖由 ohmygod 於 2008-3-7 23:02 發表
根本係黑社會, 係一個好有組織, 好有系統, 好有延續性同富有市場學營銷手法的...黑社會~!!

最好的[[[[[最强的]]]]黑社會 , 2000年历史的黑社會 , cheers ThANKye
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