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Zimbabwean pastor, Prophet Sham Hungwe, claims ‘anointed pens’ will help students pass exams

The key to passing exams isn’t down to hard work and dedication to studying but, in fact, having faith in God, all the while armed with an anointed pen, according to one pastor from Zimbabwe.

News outlets from across Africa have reported how local holy man Prophet Sham Hungwe, of House of Grace International Church, has been working out of Machipisa Shopping Centre selling ‘holy’ ballpoints which, he claims, will take students down the road to success during exam season.

Despite actually only costing 15 cents (10p) each, South African radio station, News4Zim, reported how Hungwe has been selling the ballpoints for between $1 to $20 (65p to £13) each, telling parents and students: “It is anointed and I declare passes when your children sit for exams.”

Said to have sold hundreds so far, one parent reportedly parted with more than $10 (£6.50) for one of the pens after Hungwe told crowds the more faith placed in God, and the more money parted with, the more chance guaranteed for success.

One parishioner even told Nigerian Watch online her son was not very bright, wholeheartedly believing the pen would help him pass, adding: “With the knowledge he has acquired and this pen from the man of God, I think it is going to work.”

Hungwe was said to have gone on to perform miracles in front of crowds while the pens were being distributed, with people giving testimonies  of deliverance after, reported Amebo Book.
http://www.independent.co.uk/stu ... exams-a6711601.html

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