本帖最後由 dior13dior13 於 2016/1/31 00:15 編輯
Charges initiated against Pope for crimes against humanity
TWO GERMAN lawyers have initiated charges against Pope Benedict XVI at the International Criminal Court, alleging crimes against humanity.
Their charges concern “three worldwide crimes which until now have not been denounced . . . (as) the traditional reverence toward ‘ecclesiastical authority’ has clouded the sense of right and wrong”.
They claim the Pope “is responsible for the preservation and leadership of a worldwide totalitarian regime of coercion which subjugates its members with terrifying and health-endangering threats”.
They allege he is also responsible for “the adherence to a fatal forbiddance of the use of condoms, even when the danger of HIV-Aids infection exists” and for “the establishment and maintenance of a worldwide system of cover-up of the sexual crimes committed by Catholic priests and their preferential treatment, which aids and abets ever new crimes”.
They claim the Catholic Church “acquires its members through a compulsory act, namely, through the baptism of infants that do not yet have a will of their own”. This act was “irrevocable” and is buttressed by threats of excommunication and the fires of hell.
Charges initiated against Pope for crimes against humanity
教宗不幹了 莫瑞提公然挑戰教廷
他在天主教教育下長大,卻非信徒,導筒下正襟危坐的主教都流露赤裸人性,選舉時心中獨白都是「主啊,不要是我吧」,為開導新任 教宗,教廷請來他親自飾演的心理醫生出診,原來這些主教個個藥物成癮。全片大膽挑動宗教保守派的神經。
教宗不幹了 莫瑞提公然挑戰教廷