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[數據資料] 基督教涉嫌的二次創作 / 抄襲

係呀, ISIS穆斯林,  就係所謂同一肢体, 真係好熱鬧咖, 您地繼續同一肢體啦
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
唔想要就割咗佢啦, 唔好忍啦, 監硬認粒痔瘡係肢体
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 320# beebeechan

等上主, 會变咗安拉除顛鼠教
回覆 322# beebeechan

上主話痔瘡太多, 一時又新教, 一時又is, 做到佢踢哂腳, 要掛號, 揾埋安拉會診, 您等下添啦
病向淺中医嘛, 黃綠医生唔好dum症
安拉話要成個籮柚切, 咁就切除咗天主教
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 326# beebeechan
天主教就好多粒, 又加尔文宗、路德宗、聖公会、安息日復臨........割到手軟
回覆 330# beebeechan

唔駛多謝, 因為神父嘅行為比較能顯出聖經真理啫
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/0 ... y-priests.html?_r=0
回覆 333# beebeechan
定罪唔係佢負責, 係神父自己認嘅啫
既然您條氣咁唔順, 為甚麼唔叫神父唔好認啦笨?

其實, gay督教禀神, 係copy摩羅差的瑜珈合10手印Añjali Mudrā

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 344# beebeechan
印度教的Japa mala念珠亦惨被顛鼠教抄襲, 稱為Rosary, 玫瑰念珠


tulasi japa mala

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
disclaimer金句: 過往業績未必会重現咖
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details


妖酋雖用此手印, 但其實佢係唔識解嘅, 包括先前所講Añjali Mudrā, 大公教会同新教從來冇解釋過點解禀神嘅手印係這兩款。

外縛印: 以左手五指置于右手五指之上,使十指外现于掌外。本拳特用于胎藏界曼荼罗。盖此印相表示莲花上之月轮,又八指相叉表示八叶莲花。

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
這兩個手印肯定並非耶穌教,猶太佬禀神, 同阿拉伯佬較似, 係咁樣嘅:

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
佛教並非中國土產就係人都知。印度希臘同屬Aryan, 人種關係十分密切, 漢書所稱「大夏」Greco-Bactrian Kingdom就係希臘人立國, 這款式其實係希臘式Chiton,通過犍陀羅sculptures, 希臘時裝遂傳入中土, 變咗袈裟, 史家早有研究, 並不新鮮


因為成個B浸落水, 可能会喊到拆天咁,對典禮構成負面影响, 令人知道個B對於皈主其實並唔係咁happy:

為免尷尬, 所以求其濕一濕就算㞗數, 新教得到真傳, 好似阿穌咁, 係成個浸落河嘅:


其實, 又係學阿差, 在恆河洗白白去除罪孽:

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 359# beebeechan

我冇話佛教冇抄喎, 連哈佛專家都知輪迴都唔係悉達多發明啦。

BTW, 根据12宗徒遺訓, 顛鼠教完全唔合規格
7 Concerning Baptism

7:1 Concerning baptism, you should baptize this way: After first explaining all things, baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, in flowing water.

7:2 But if you have no running water, baptize in other water; and if you cannot do so in cold water, then in warm.

7:3 If you have very little, pour water three times on the head in the name of Father and Son and Holy Spirit.

7:4 Before the baptism, both the baptizer and the candidate for baptism, plus any others who can, should fast. The candidate should fast for one or two days beforehand.

首選係open water, 唔用得冰水先可以用暖水, 制水期間才可用三次灌水, 洗禮之前紮炮兩日就唔知顛鼠徒有否順便減肥

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 364# beebeechan

我冇咁認為, 相反, 613條律例廢左之後, 我好鼓勵gay督徒應該多尐玩人獸交
Rev 20:15        若有人名字沒記在生命冊上、他就被扔在火湖裡。

其實生命冊呢種名單, 即是道教嘅《生死簿》, 由南斗星君同北斗星君聯合做editor.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 369# 抽刀斷水

   Rev 20:15        若有人名字沒記在生命冊上、他就被扔在火湖裡。

點解世上咁多人鍾意改12宗徒个名? Peter, James, John.....
凡係叫做Peter, James, John.....都過得骨

您聽日找個Notary Public宣誓改名做Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 實唔洗入火湖
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