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female-x on cross

what if at 2000 years ago, an age 30 (so called)daughter of g*d(or g*dess) at isr*el was hanged on cross, naked? all ppl would goto watch her but the true intention was all about her body, balls and *u*t...

somehow all ppl seem to draw fanarts or write fanfictions about characters as the another gender. some old films mentioned merely devil's daughter was hanged on cross. in this world. i search but some females merely hang males on cross or females put beard on their faces etc. no one mentioned about hanging naked g*d-woman on cross. if watch that thing xtians feel distracted? ha. what if at that time hanging other characters which xtians dislike?

i myself have no feels about anyone whom were hanged on anything.

if xtains confuse about the female-x then xtians have been confusing that male-x at first but all never knew. perhaps hanging an intersex would remove the joking curse.
xtians favor vanity but they just seemed to burn some witches on stakes and never had chances to 點題地 hang females-x etc. i myself will never rescue anyone on any cross or any stake.

some graphs show ancient romans' damned sex parties which some woman climbed and let some wood fuck her.

so as isl*m said, male-x was just born from that... some (possibly roman male(s)) sent some sperms onto some tree-wood then some j*w*sh woman used her c*nt to climb that tree-wood then had that male-x. so x was #$%&%.
不引用轉載 some stuffs of this post to some other recent threads了, but still 有關 to answer them, i answer them here:

1,.....有沒有反基督教課程可以上.....thread? the etymology of '校'字 resembles the previous post's 'intercoursing with tree-wood'?? 木 交.... so study is just merely...... oh no...

2,....鬼鬼鼠鼠的x inside c*nt......thread?  the previous post's: "...so as isl*m said, male-x was just born from that... some (possibly roman male(s)) sent some sperms onto some tree-wood then some j*w*sh woman used her c*nt to climb that tree-wood then had that male-x. so x was #$%&%........" can be the answer of 鬼鬼鼠鼠的x thread. since x and its family are just those damned shit evils who use cosmetic and plastic surgery etc to beautify and cover themselves then always suddenly appear at some sexual and meta-sexual scenes. they always do these.
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