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No Pokemon.天主教堂挂牌禁捉精灵
(槟城.大山脚10日讯)精灵宝可梦Go玩家一再聚集在大山脚著名的圣安纳天主教堂,甚至干扰到丧礼弥撒,导致教堂不得不挂上“No Pokemon”的告示牌。
大山脚圣安纳教堂昨午在入口处及天主堂阶梯下,分别挂上共4个写上“No Pokemon”的告示牌。











Pokemon Go Malaysia(中文)脸书群管理员叶嘉旺说,昨晚接到圣安纳教堂不准玩家进入玩游戏的消息后,他已即刻在脸书群组及微信群组发布消息,呼吁玩家不要到私人及宗教场所捉宝可梦,以示尊重。

http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/1 ... 9%E7%B2%BE%E7%81%B5
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
【Pokemon GO熱】當小精靈遇上耶穌……
Pokemon Go熱潮持續,引起不少教徒討論,有基督徒指Pokemon的創作概念來自日本神舍的神像,又引用聖經指「神是忌邪的神」,呼籲基督徒不要玩。另一邊廂,亦有新潮基督徒呼籲大家以Pokemon Go為傳教方法,創作【完全Pokemon Go 佈道手冊】
有基督徒創作【完全Pokemon Go 佈道手冊】,提出可以將選上為「補給站」(PokeStop)的教會會址作為佈道地點,更鼓勵大家使用遊戲道具「誘惑」(Lure),讓教會吸引更多精靈,使大批玩家一窩蜂前往捕獲,又於教會樓下可寫指示牌:「此教會開放給所有訓練員,並有福音茶點供應」,當教會坐滿了人就開始佈道會。

創作佈道手冊的建道神學院神學系助理教授陳韋安接受《香港01》記者訪問時表示,自己以半開玩笑的方式發布,又指教會一直以不同方式傳道,近期受Pokemon Go熱潮啟發。他的佈道手冊獲不少基督徒大讚,又有人留言指:「用Pokemon Go 帶左2位小朋友決志信主,高招! 高招!」

早前網絡上流傳一段懷疑是基督徒的代禱事項,內容指Pokemon中的精靈是以日本各神舍的神像為靈感,又指遊戲會「引導人在另一領域與邪靈玩遊戲」,陳韋安不認同這個說法,但有部份教派對流行文化抗拒,甚至不容許接觸流行曲、電影等,就Pokemon Go遊戲中特別提及精靈,所以會聯想到魔鬼、邪靈等,不過他認為這種觀點只屬少數教徒。
http://www.hk01.com/%E6%B8%AF%E8 ... %E8%80%B6%E7%A9%8C-
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details


原文網址: 大毒梟古茲曼之子:少主領導人「耶穌」遭仇家綁架 | ETtoday國際新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 http://www.ettoday.net/news/20160817/757178.htm#ixzz4IbONX4i6
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墨西哥當局周二(16日)證實,度假勝地瓦拉塔港(Puerto Vallarta)一家酒吧發生多人遭綁架事件。人質當中包括著名大毒梟「矮子」古茲曼(Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman)的兒子。
據了解,7名槍手周一 凌晨乘坐的小卡車突然衝進上述這家高檔的酒吧,綁走人質 。調查人員相信,這起綁架安可能是敵對的販毒組織「哈里斯科新生代集團」(Jalisco New Generation)發動的報復行為。
地方檢察官阿爾曼格(Eduardo Almaguer)在記者會上說,人質之一、29歲的「耶穌」(Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar)是古茲曼的兒子,這點已獲得證實。阿爾曼格表示,目前為止6名人質裡已有4人身分確定。
之前曾逃獄成功、目前仍被關在墨西哥監獄裡的古茲曼,是勢力龐大的販毒集團「西納羅亞」(Sinaloa Cartel)首腦,也是全球最惡名昭彰的毒梟之一,涉及眅毒、洗錢、綁架、謀殺等多宗罪行,美國政府一直想把他引渡至美國受審。

原文網址: 大毒梟古茲曼之子:少主領導人「耶穌」遭仇家綁架 | ETtoday國際新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 http://www.ettoday.net/news/20160817/757178.htm#ixzz4IbOVr4MA
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Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
淫狼返教會識女仔 拉樓間性侵斷正

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
本Thread係收集基督教善行嘅,你要利用極少數信徒或者神職人員嘅不當行爲反基督,唔該你發到你嘅"n-1" th ...
Guest from 139.162.24.x 發表於 2016/8/27 21:55

這件事的確係gay督教善行喎, 原來您認為"教會人員認為事態嚴重,趕緊通知少女父母親"係惡行, 同淫狼一齊拉樓間性侵才是善行?
Catholic priest faces invasion of privacy charges in Council Bluffs
A retired Catholic priest is suspended from ministry and facing invasion of privacy charges after an alleged incident at a high school track meet in April, according to a news release from the Diocese of Des Moines.

The Rev. Paul Monahan, who in retirement was the senior chaplain at St. Albert Schools in Council Bluffs, was charged by the Iowa Attorney General's Office with five counts of invasion of privacy.

Online court records show that the alleged offense happened April 4 in Pottawatomie County. Monahan was charged under a section of the Iowa Code that prohibits viewing, photographing or filming of a person for sexual gratification if the person is either nude or does not know or give consent to the fact that they are being viewed.

The charge is a serious misdemeanor.

"The diocese's first priority must be in creating a safe environment for children," the release reads.

Diocese of Des Moines Bishop Richard Pates suspended Monahan on July 8 after learning of the investigation. The suspension will remain in place until the case is resolved by authorities.

An attempt to reach the attorney general's office for more information was unsuccessful.

Monahan, ordained in 1960, retired in 2004 and then served as a senior chaplain at St. Albert Schools in Council Bluffs. He was a teacher at Dowling Catholic for fours years in the 1960s before being assigned to St. Albert, where he taught and later became principal.

His parish ministry included St. Columbanus in Weston, St. Mary in Avoca, St. Patrick in Walnut, Holy Family in Council Bluffs, St. Mary in Portsmouth and Our Lady of the Holy Rosary in Glenwood.

"We must allow the law to run full course before further steps are taken by church authorities," Pates said in the release, urging prayer for those involved. He had no further comment.

A 2014 audit of all priests in the diocese showed no evidence of previous sexual misconduct from Monahan, according to the release.
http://www.desmoinesregister.com ... y-charges/89443464/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
American Preacher Molested a Teen Boy, Then Fled 2,000 Miles
The New Jersey preacher was convicted in February 2015 of aggravated criminal sexual contact, child abuse, and endangering the welfare of a child, for which he was expected to be sentenced to probation. But more accusers came forward before the sentencing phase began, opening up the possibility of more prosecution for Martinez.
Facing at least a decade in prison, Martinez disappeared.
For the next year and a half police, U.S. Marshals, and prosecutors searched in vain for the pervert pastor. It was only thanks to two journalists that he was found—living 2,000 miles away.
Mark Mueller, an enterprise reporter for NJ Advance Media, had long covered clergy sex abuse, though he hadn’t been covering the Martinez trial. In early 2016, he got a tip about the fugitive’s possible whereabouts in Nicaragua, Mueller told The Daily Beast. Five months later, Martinez was arrested across the border in Honduras.
“I have to give NJ Advance Media a lot of credit,” Mueller said. “My boss and my boss’s boss... they didn’t hesitate. They said, ‘We think we have a shot of finding him in Nicaragua, let’s go to Nicaragua.’”
A couple of weeks later, Mueller and his colleague Brian Donohue were on the road to Estelí, Nicaragua, to find the church Martinez was said to be staying at, Iglesia Eben-Ezer. Once they arrived they searched for addresses known only by their location’s relative to landmarks: go to this pole, then four blocks south, three blocks east.
“And in some cases, the landmarks don’t exist anymore,” Mueller said. “So you’ve got to stop and ask people constantly.”
But they didn’t find Martinez at Iglesia Eben-Ezer. Instead, the journalists stumbled upon a community searching for answers to the rumors swirling around the visiting evangelist.

The preacher fled Estelí just two weeks before Mueller and Donohue tracked him there.
Martinez, a native of the Dominican Republic and a U.S. permanent resident, had arrived in Estelí several months earlier. Mueller and Donohue’s investigation found he was recommended to Iglesia Eben-Ezer by Verardo Acosta of the New Jersey-based Assemblies of God. Because Martinez was not ordained, he wasn’t subject to the church’s background check process, Mueller said. Locals had only linked him to the New Jersey crime shortly before Mueller and his team arrived.
“When someone comes recommended, we accept them and don’t ask questions,” one woman in Estelí told the reporters.
Martinez’s easy acceptance into the Estelí community is typical of how the Assemblies of God use existing pastors as references, Mueller said.
“Because he got to know them, he was just accepted,” Mueller said.
Martinez’s lack of a wife, and the fabulist stories he told about being married to a wealthy American, also raised suspicions. One community member told them he had recently Googled the preacher’s name. A local pastor told several tales of his realization, including one that said Martinez’s brother called him to warn about his past with children.

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But no one told parishioners, who then surrounded the reporters when they arrived at the town shortly after Martinez’s departure, wanting to know more about the allegations. Local religious officials told the team that they didn’t see the need to report him for crimes committed 2,000 miles away.
“I wouldn’t go to the police for a crime that was committed in the United States,” Enrique Osorio, head of the Assemblies of God council in Estelí, told the reporters. “This is a Martinez problem. Not ours.”
It turned out to be their problem, too. Months after the NJ Advance team returned home and published their expose on Martinez’s escape, Pedro Matamoros, the pastor of the church in Estelí, came forward with accusations that Martinez molested a 15-year-old boy there, too.
The abuse allegedly happened in January, according to Matamoros, just before the pastor confronted Martinez about his past. Matamoros had housed Martinez in a room off the main courtyard of his church.
On Feb. 1, pastor Erving Matute drove Martinez and New Jersey pastor Uriel Sanchez to the airport. He said he assumed both were getting on flights back to the U.S. Martinez didn’t step foot on a plane.
Mueller said his team heard rumors that Matute might be harboring him, but couldn’t find him. But their story gave U.S. law enforcement a new clue about where to look. Five months after the NJ Advance Media investigation was published, Martinez was arrested in Honduras and brought to Florida by U.S. Marshals on Saturday.
Federal agencies “worked with Honduras law enforcement officials to establish surveillance in the town of Danli, Honduras, which led to Martinez’s arrest,” U.S. Marshals Service spokeswoman Nikki Credic told NJ Advance Media.
Mueller said Martinez’s arrest is a testament to the power of investigative reporting.
“I think it’s so important that news organizations continue to do stories like this. It’s so easy to say we don’t have resources for this,” he said. “These kinds of stories can make a difference, and sometimes it reminds law enforcement that they have a job to do.”
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Popular pastor rapes follower, blames devil
Harare – A popular pastor in Zimbabwe has reportedly been dragged to court after being accused of raping his 22-year-old follower.

The pastor was said to have raped the young woman on five occasions.

According to News Zimbabwe, Oliver Makomo could not raise his head to face his followers while in the dock.

He was, however, released on $100 bail and remanded to September 28.

Makomo allegedly said that the "work of the devil" had pushed him to rape the woman.

- News24 Nigeria
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Former Ballarat priest Robert Claffey admits to 19 charges of sexual abuse between 1970-1990

ANOTHER Victorian former priest from Australia’s most notorious child sexual abuse district has been exposed as a serial paedophile.

Robert Claffey, 73, today pleaded guilty to a string of child sexual assault charges from his time as a priest in the Catholic diocese of Ballarat.

Claffey was due to stand trial in the County Court this week on 21 charges, but pleaded guilty to 19 charges at the last minute instead.

Bishop Ronald Mulkearns, who died in April, admitted to failing in his role. Picture: Mike Dugdale
Prosecutors withdrew two charges with Claffey pleading guilty to counts of buggery, indecent assault and sexual penetration of a child.

He admitted offending across three decades, between the 1970 and 1990s, in relation to young male and female students.

All of the offending happened under the watch of former Ballarat bishop Ronald Mulkearns.

Claffey abused children in Ballarat, Warrnambool, Apollo Bay and Portland.

A magistrates’ court hearing was previously told the father-of-one complainant told Bishop Mulkearns in 1989 his son had been having behavioural problems.

The father said Claffey had “misbehaved” with his son, a claim Claffey allegedly admitted to the bishop.

According to court documents Bishop Mulkearns called a meeting with Fr Claffey and the priest resigned, effective immediately.

At the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Bishop Mulkearns admitted mishandling cases of sexual abuse while bishop between 1971 and 1997.

In that time hundreds of children were molested by notorious paedophiles including Father Gerald Ridsdale and Brother Robert Best.

Bishop Mulkearns, who died in April, told the royal commission he had failed as a bishop.

“I’m terribly sorry that I didn’t do things differently,” he said.

“I didn’t really know what to do, or how to do it.’’

Bishop Mulkearns repeatedly apologised for his handling of the sexual abuse crisis but stopped short of admitting that he actively covered up abuse.

“I certainly regret that I didn’t do it differently with ... paedophilia,” he said.

“We had no idea, or I had no idea, of the effects of the indecent (assaults) that took place.

“I certainly wanted to protect the reputation of the church.”

Bishop Mulkearns said he tried his best to stop abuse but he admitted shuffling offending priests around parishes, despite knowing of their evil crimes.

In 1998 Claffey admitted indecently assaulting two boys after their sister died in a road accident.

He was placed on a good behaviour bond.

He will return to the County Court next month for a plea hearing.

He remains on bail.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
偷拍女教友及港鐵女乘客裙底 教會傳道人或遭判監

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 42# 抽刀斷水

藉著對攝影藝術的一份難能可貴的無悔堅持, 為了福音事工, 親近監躉, 跟他們同吃同宿, 以便更有果效地將聖經真理帶到監躉中間

牧師業主欺中國女留學生 擅入其房暖氣不足老鼠多

[2016.08.29] 發表  















Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Catholic priest faces fresh charge over 10-yr-old girl’s rape

ABUJA—The Federal Capital Territory Police Command, yesterday, said it had concluded plans to dock a Catholic priest, Reverend Father Anthony Ochigbo, before an Abuja High Court over allegation that he raped a 10-year-old girl.

The Officer-in-Charge of Legal Matters at the Command, Mr. James Idachaba, made the disclosure after he applied and withdrew an initial one-count rape charge Police entered against the priest before an Abuja Upper Area Court at Gudu. The Upper Area court judge, Alhaji Umar Kagarko, had on Monday, remanded Rev. Ochigbo in prison custody, even as he adjourned ruling on the defendant’s application for bail. However, at the resumed sitting, the prosecuting counsel, Chief Superintendent of Police, Mr. Idachaba, persuaded the Upper Area Court judge to hands off the matter for a higher court to take over the trial. Idachaba, who anchored his application on Section 106 of Administration of Criminal Justice Act, ACJA, 2015, stressed that the Upper Area Court was bereft of the requisite jurisdiction to handle the case. The prosecution told the court that it was the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami (SAN), that okayed the transfer of the matter to a higher court. Despite objection by the defence counsel, Mr. Godwin Chukwukere, the court acceded to the withdrawal request. The judge said he had no option than to strike out the initial First Information Report before him and discharge the defendant. Nevertheless, the priest is still in police detention awaiting his arraignment before the high court.

http://www.vanguardngr.com/2016/ ... -yr-old-girls-rape/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
China Grove pastor accused of inappropriately touching women
A China Grove pastor is expected in court this week to face assault charges after he was accused of inappropriately touching three women in his congregation, reports the Salisbury Post.

Private warrants were sought against Gene Edwards, 71, of the 5800 block of Self Road, Kannapolis, on Aug. 2 and Aug. 18 for misdemeanor assault on a female. He is expected in district court Thursday.

Edwards is pastor of Genesis Baptist Church on Old Concord Road, where most of the incidents reportedly occurred, the victims said.

The women, who ranged from age 51 to age 75, complained the pastor hugged them inappropriately, pressed against the sides of their breasts with his hands, refused to let go and in one case tried to kiss a woman on the mouth.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
傳道人認港鐵偷拍裙底 官斥違反教友信任

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
明愛員工患癌遭解僱 控訴受歧視促主教介入
【on.cc東網專訊】 一名明愛院舍前女護理員因患癌需放一年大假後,在醫生建議進行輕量工作下,被院方要求全面復工,及後更被解僱,她向平機會投訴明愛殘疾歧視,卻因院方拒絕接受和解條款而不了了之,她今早聯同社區及院舍照顧總會,一行10人到院舍所屬的天主教教區中心請願,要求主教湯漢樞機介入事件。者



http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/ ... 0819_00822_001.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 66# Guest from 139.162.233.x

您誤會啫, 我冇話明愛做錯事喎, 我收集明愛嘅善行

到咗而家, 就淨係做善事:

Gay pastor rapes 13-year-old boy in Anambra
A pastor in a Pentecostal church known as the Jesus Miracle Ministries in Awka, Anambra State (names withheld) is said to be on the run after he allegedly raped a 13-year-old boy identified only as Abuchi.
According to the Punch, the gay pastor said he was told by a native doctor that his homosexual ‘sickness’ would leave him if only he sleeps with a male teen.

Recounting his ordeal, Abuchi said the incident took place after a vigil service.
The teenager, who hails from Ebonyi State said, “The pastor approached me after the vigil and asked me to stay back.

“I told the pastor that I wanted to go home since the church activities had ended.

“The pastor told me to wait till dawn and when I insisted that I must go, the pastor applied a substance on my eyes which made me to sleep.

“When I woke up, I noticed that my trousers were torn, and my anus was damp.
“I began to cry, as I was feeling pains in my anus. The pastor said I should stop crying; that he would give me money.

“I rejected the money offer and went home and told my people what happened.”

A relative of the teenage victim, Ngozi told newsmen that when Abuchi came home and narrated the incident to them, they rushed to the church only to discover that the pastor had run away.

The State Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, ASP Nkiru Nwode, who confirmed the report said the police had begun a manhunt for the pastor, assuring that he would be apprehended and dealt with accordingly.

She added that the victim has been taken to the hospital for examination and treatment.
http://dailypost.ng/2016/08/29/g ... ar-old-boy-anambra/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 73# Guest from 103.3.60.x

我都冇話有極少數神職人員犯錯,我同您一樣, 收集嘅全是and only是神職人員嘅善行

【認錯】認賣奴隸賺錢償債 美名校優先錄取後裔
美國喬治城大學(Georgetown University)周四(1日)正式發表報告,承認過去販賣奴隸、支持學校財務的歷史,並且宣布對這些奴隸的後代,將給予其他校友、教職員子女同樣享有的優先錄取權。
該事件被視為史上大規模奴隸交易中,記錄相當詳細的一筆交易,遭販賣人士的姓名與運送方式都有記載。去年底喬治城大學的學生示威,要求校方正視這段歷史,校方也組成特別小組,與《紐約時報》(New York Times)等不同機構合作調查,並找出當時遭販賣奴隸的後裔。
喬治城大學在周四正式發表報告,校長德喬亞(John DeGioia)表示,喬治城大學必須承認在解放奴隸前的確蓄奴的事實,並且優先考慮錄取奴隸的後代,接納他們成為喬治城大學的一分子,作為和解的象徵。
同時,學校宿舍「自由樓」(Freedom Hall)將改名為以撒(Isaac),是當初受賣奴隸名單上第一人的名字,而「紀念樓」(Remembrance Hall)將改名為畢克拉芙特(Anne Marie Becraft),紀念在當地開辦非裔女子學校的非裔教育家,並且建設紀念館。
美國許多學校都有蓄奴的歷史,包括哈佛大學(Harvard University)、布朗大學(Brown University)、普林斯頓大學(Princeton University)、北卡羅萊納大學等(University of North Carolina),但只有喬治城大學表態會優先錄取奴隸後裔,視他們為學校大家庭的一分子。
許多學生樂見其成,學生布朗(Taylor Brown)就表示,這樣為蓄奴行為道歉,在國際少見,而進一步讓奴隸被視為校友,絕對是對的方向。但後裔湯瑪絲(Sandra Green Thomas)就表示,校方甚至沒有邀請她出席周四的活動,認為這完全是喬治城大學的自我安慰,但願意協助學校學習如何將所有人一視同仁。(蘇立/綜合外電報導)


Guest from 103.3.60.x 發表於 2016/9/2 20:27

Did historical Jesus really exist? The evidence just doesn’t add up.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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