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背道的病癥 ( Richard Owen Roberts )

背道的病癥 ( Richard Owen Roberts )

01. 不再視禱告為生活中最重要的
02. 不再渴慕聖經的真道,覺得自己已學夠了
03. 不再把聖經的道理應用在生活之中
04. 不再恆常追求屬靈的事
05. 不再有服事的喜樂
06. 不再敢跟人談及屬靈的事情
07. 讓運動、娛樂成為主要的生活方式
08. 容易讓身心沉溺於罪而不覺不安
09. 不再渴慕追求聖潔
10. 腦海中常思想有關金錢與物質的事情
11. 可以有口無心地唱屬靈的歌曲
12. 可以眼巴巴看著及聽到上帝的名字受辱而毫不動容
13. 可以看那些低劣的電影及電視及刊物
14. 不再關注弟兄姊妹之間的和睦共處
15. 常找藉口遠離服事及受造就的機會
16. 你對自己的屬靈能力感自豪,不再覺得需要從上而來的能力
17. 常自找藉口說上帝明白我的軟弱及赦免我的罪
18. 心中再沒有讚美的音樂
19. 對世俗的生活方式感到越來越適應
20. 面對周圍世界的不義與苦難,你甚麼回應也沒有
21. 你的教會已陷入屬靈的低谷,上帝的話語不被重視,你仍覺妥當
22. 不再對周遭世界的屬靈景況有任何的看法與不安
23. 撤謊欺騙自己的僱主
24. 你為自己得著上帝的恩典憐憫,及覺得自己越來越像主而感到驕傲
25. 你不再為自己及別人的罪與景況而流淚

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01. 不再視禱告為生活中最重要的

a. I have never treat "禱告" as the most important (even when I was believing in God, since I had no concept of "most important"), how can I "再視""禱告" as the most important in my life?

b. By the way, "禱告" is not for Christian only. I believe that some other religion have the process of prayer also. Therefore, for these other religions' followers, congratulations! You are alright...

02. 不再渴慕聖經的真道,覺得自己已學夠了
a. I don't think I have learned enough. At least, I am not so knowledgeable in Chinese culture and Bible as 沙文, in financial markets as B大仙, etc. There are so many things I want to learn more (philosophy, economics, linguistics, psychology, etc.), although I maybe too lazy to learn these.... By the way, I am alright....

b. If there is no "真道"in the Bible, how can people "渴慕" "聖經的真道"? (Or they just "渴慕" something that doesn't exist?)

03. 不再把聖經的道理應用在生活之中
a. I always apply "聖經的道理" into my life. At least, I don't kill people, as stated in Bible, otherwise, it is against HK's law, and have to be sent into jail... I am alright again

04. 不再恆常追求屬靈的事
a. I oftenly think of philosophical problems, including some metaphysical ones (about what is real). In fact, I oftenly think about something spirital. At least, by logic, I get a useful conclusion: the "God" with all properties described by Christianity could not exist. I think I am alright again

b. If I am still accused of being sick since I am not thinking about spirital things only (and just "oftenly" thinking about spirital things is not good enough), it seems that only very rich people can be "healthy". Many people have to think also about practical problems like how to make $$, how to get jobs done, etc.

05. 不再有服事的喜樂
a. What is "服事"? I don't understanding the meaning of this term....

[ 本帖最後由 weakest 於 2007-12-23 22:32 編輯 ]

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06. 不再敢跟人談及屬靈的事情
a. As said in 04a, I oftenly think about spirital things. Also, as a habit of philosophical analysis, I do engage in philosophical discussion about these matters to exchange ideas with others. I am so healthy...

07. 讓運動、娛樂成為主要的生活方式
a. In past (recent past), attending lectures, revision and writing essays are my major part of my life.

b. Now, finding jobs (I am still an unemployed, poor graduate....) is my major part of life (besides sleeping...).

c. I am so healthy since I was studying....

08. 容易讓身心沉溺於罪而不覺不安
a. Logically speaking, it is a conjunction (A and B). For a conjunction to be true, it must be the case that all parts of that statement (conjunction) are true. Therefore, it must be the case that "容易讓身心沉溺於罪" and "不覺不安 for 容易讓身心沉溺於罪" for this conjunction ("容易讓身心沉溺於罪而不覺不安") to be true.

b. I don't have inclination to commit crimes, and how can I "沉溺於罪" as I don't like committing crimes? At least, I don't like killing, I don't like stealing, etc.

c. Therefore, the conjunction is false for me. I am healthy again

09. 不再渴慕追求聖潔
a. I always want to purify myself to be a better person. But is it necessary to rely on Christian God? For example, Confucian have many stories to teach people to make them better. I am alright again.

b. If there is a "聖潔" girl available, I must "追求" her.(Kidding...)

10. 腦海中常思想有關金錢與物質的事情
a. Only very rich people can ignore the matters about money...

b. By the way, I am not "always" think about "金錢與物質的事情", I like thinking about philosophical problems, and something about death in particular. I am healthy again and again

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11. 可以有口無心地唱屬靈的歌曲
a. I don't sing these songs at all. How can I "有口無心地唱"? (都無唱...). By the way, I just move my mouth without singing (咪嘴??), 唔會當唱咗掛??

12. 可以眼巴巴看著及聽到上帝的名字受辱而毫不動容
a. If the critics against the "God" made a good argument, I will be happy to get this good argument, and would be agree with him. Therefore, "動容"咗.

b. If the argument against "God" is not good, I will feel sorry for the critics making the bad argument. Therefore, "動容"咗also.

c. Therefore, I am healthy again.

13. 可以看那些低劣的電影及電視及刊物
a. I can physically watch these "低劣的電影及電視及刊物", but I am glad for this, otherwise, have to check my eyes...

b. By the way, I can't accept those "低劣的電影及電視及刊物" personnally. I am quite healthy again . It is just the case that everyone has his own bottom line. And my bottom line for "電影及電視及刊物" could tolerate many of these "電影及電視及刊物".

14. 不再關注弟兄姊妹之間的和睦共處
a. I always concern the relationship between me and my "brothers"/"sisters". It is just that I don't rely on Christianity to "關注弟兄姊妹之間的和睦共處". I am healthy again

15. 常找藉口遠離服事及受造就的機會
a. Don't know the meaning of "服事" yet...

b. If someone 造就me for a good thing, why should I avoid this? But it seems that the Christian God is so nasty.... So, I am still quite healthy.

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16. 你對自己的屬靈能力感自豪,不再覺得需要從上而來的能力
a. I don't "對自己的屬靈能力感自豪" since I don't know what the "屬靈能力" is about.... I am again alright.

17. 常自找藉口說上帝明白我的軟弱及赦免我的罪
a. I don't believe in Christian "God", and I don't find excuse for me to believe in this Christian God also. Therefore, how can I "自找藉口說上帝明白我的軟弱及赦免我的罪"? I am alright again

18. 心中再沒有讚美的音樂
a. I appreciate many people like my friends, my family members, John Nash, Adam Smith, J.M.Keynes, etc., for different reasons. It is just the case that I don't appreciate the nasty Christian "God" . I am again healthy .

19. 對世俗的生活方式感到越來越適應
a. What does it mean for "世俗的生活方式"? Insisting on correct reasoning while try to be open-minded seems not "世俗", and I try to insist on that. Does it mean I am healthy?  By the way, I feel the "世俗的生活方式" is more and more difficult to adopt. People have to always "add-value" to compete in the world. There is more and more competition in different stages in people's life, and the competition is getting more and more intense.

20. 面對周圍世界的不義與苦難,你甚麼回應也沒有
a. I do have response to these "不義與苦難". At least, I have response to this nasty Christian "God". I am so healthy

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21. 你的教會已陷入屬靈的低谷,上帝的話語不被重視,你仍覺妥當
a. I have no "教會" at all. How can "my 教會" "陷入屬靈的低谷"?

b. If God is speaking to me, I must very "重視" on that. However, if I hear a sound from the sky, and see a beam of light shooting on me, I would firstly go to mental hospital to have myself checked....Also, as I said, the Christian God could not exist, how can the non-existent "God" say something? Therefore, I am again healthy

22. 不再對周遭世界的屬靈景況有任何的看法與不安
a. If my "周遭世界" have "屬靈景況", I would be concerned about these events, and feel "不安". In fact, I always watch "怪談" (a TV program boardcasted by HK Cable TV 娛樂台. It is about some "屬靈景況" in this world), and I think I would be afraid if I face the situtations resulted by the experiments conducted in the program.... Again, I am healthy

23. 撤謊欺騙自己的僱主
a. I have no employer at all (I am still unemployed... ), therefore, can't lie to my employer..., but I am healthy in this sense, 算是因禍得福嗎??...

24. 你為自己得著上帝的恩典憐憫,及覺得自己越來越像主而感到驕傲
a. I don't think Christian "God" exists. Therefore, I am alright again...

25. 你不再為自己及別人的罪與景況而流淚
a. I do feel sad for other's misfortune. Unlike the Christian "God", I don't 以跣人為樂. Therefore, I am alright again.

It seems that I don't have much 病癥. I am so healthy...

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支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
your comments very funny

who is Richard Owen Roberts ?
how important is s/he ?

原帖由 prussianz 於 2007-12-24 03:50 發表
your comments very funny

who is Richard Owen Roberts ?
how important is s/he ?



Richard Owen Roberts is a former pastor and a lifelong student of spiritual awakenings. He maintains an extensive preaching schedule and seeks to advance worldwide revival through two theological businesses that bear his name.
支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2007-12-24 09:52 發表


Richard Owen Roberts is a former pastor and a lifelong student of spiritual awakenings. He maintains an extensive preaching schedule and seeks to advance worldwide revival through two t ...

ThANKyou foryour prompt response ,
next time , please reply me in Chinese ,
i want your message to be read by as many people as possible ,

cheers ThANKye , pendragon

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I was in the mental state of believing the "God" in Christianity, although not attending any 教會 at all (That's why I said that I don't have the action of Christians). In fact,  I learn the religious stuff in my primary school in religious lessons.
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