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回覆 10# 抽刀斷水
咁䢣控control interior climate, heated seat, truck opener, valet mode, dog mode 全部冇L晒
cut 唔到. 佢自動24hr連住tesla network.
沙文 發表於 2019/9/26 23:56

     搵個signal transmitter出黎,包住錫紙。
唯有泊架車係教堂, 然後call Uber 去滾
cut 唔到. 佢自動24hr連住tesla network.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Cut network咪得囉。
支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
回覆 5# 抽刀斷水
支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
敬告各位弟兄, 千祈唔好買哩架車。
隨車附送手機app, 你老婆24h check到架車喺邊
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
283 hp 超級正!
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
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