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聽講話條粉腸講嘢好L信實, 原來佢係用屎窟窿講, 真係在人不能的, 佢就乜L都得

9:11        我與你們立約、凡有血肉的、不再被洪水滅絕、也不再有洪水毀壞地了。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
係您挺入佢屁眼咋, 我完全冇興趣
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
至於"And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood"的屎眼contract, 就係因洪水而於1990年绝種的Dusky seaside sparrow. 神"學家"認真學習天天向上

https://www.mentalfloss.com/arti ... ies-extinct-animals
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
寒舍起喺大地上便, 大地喺earth上面,自古以來係earth不可分割部份。即如,府上被一支Agm114炸L冧咗,大6都唔會話炸冧嘅BB陳間狗屋,唔係襲撃中國國土,貴客自理關我鳩事。若然佢咁講,我都會幫您出頭,問咁掛支5猩旗黎做乜L嘢?
寒舍還算小事, 有尐大地因洪水洩漏核㔤輻射我都未同佢計
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 18# beebeechan

佢開得金口就要唔好畀all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood咖啦, 唔係邊有資格做主?不如奉隻狗做主好過
以上係species嘅cut off, 至於個體戶flesh 古往今來嘅cut off by the water of a flood就更加不計其數, covenant 同狗屎立約
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
呢個又係typical的想像力被知識限制案例, 您梗係冇興趣啦, 深入研究這課題可能需要遺傳學/数學 Dual Degree先得. 禀神您就好大大興趣。

事實上根據 rule of 50/500, 同一species帶少過 50 隻上船即等於滅絕,這是短期而言。若要長期維持繁衍則要每種500隻。您嘅騎哩contrary thinking 可以慳番同弘曆慢慢研究嘞。http://assets.press.princeton.edu/chapters/s12_9242.pdf

不過在您用咁騎哩嘅方法企圖convince我之前, 還需先去幫薩達姆翻案. 只不過造瓜百幾個什葉派啫, 你地做乜L嘢告佢反人類罪?依家佢反晒全人類咩?

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
我肯包涵, 羅先生logic都唔肯啦。
只要有一種雀仔滅絕, 就唔係凡有血肉的冇滅絕啦,滅絕師太
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
FYI, 所謂準噶爾滅族, 同聖經一樣, 並無其事

教徒講嘢, 例必流嘢, 信焉。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
正如乾隆滅絕準噶爾係得把口, 「天主」滅盡迦南亦係講就天下無敵 做就有心無力。

https://technews.tw/2017/07/31/i ... -modern-lebanonese/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
第81章 甚至連魔鬼也在光榮和讚頌天主。

逃出魔幻紀 發表於 2019/11/21 21:22

人在最小的事上忠心、在大事上也忠心.在最小的事上不義、在大事上也不義。吖嘛。 您連枝葉都handle唔到, 點能expect您處理到trunk?

很高興您中意哈佛, 我都覺得佢好cute.
您開個聽證會请魔鬼真人表演光榮和讚頌天主, 由CNN, BBC, CCTV YOUTUBE 全球直播, 咁就最理想。
若然佢話排唔到schedule, 咁睇下佢幾時方便, 夜闌人靜時先私下揾我講, 我都接受。
咁大場面 雖有CGI, 製作costs都好高, 閒閒地都兩三粒鐘先散場, 而且通常長片又要15分鐘半場interval。
而我要求低, 求其叫別西卜現一現真身, 讀幾句台詞, backdrop係好似ISIS拍片咁一塊爛布, 成條video 5-10分鐘搞掂,好L慳皮

橫豎上次駛咁大筆您都肯, 唔爭在多dit咁dur啦。况且呢鋪冇得输,上次靠猶太佬寫寫下,文筆又渣所以冇乜market. 今次净係賣轉播權都豬籠入水。我guarantee一定係有史以收視最高, 勁过英女皇跳脫衣舞!

咁卑微嘅要求您都話唔制, 咁我好難認為您地有誠意叫人信
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
P.S. 若然係選擇opt#2, 麻煩同別西卜大人單一聲, 最好畀24hr notice.
我個人好細胆, 我驚佢一陣青烟之下喺我床前出現, 嚇L到我標屎, 整污糟佢老兄就唔好意思
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
31樓話我讚美天主,我承認我的確係有咁講過, 而且非止一次半次, 係經常讚美主。因為我知道所有昏君都中意聽拍馬屁,就算內容次次3幅被都听極唔厭。我咪拍到佢lum咯。正當佢聽得好陶醉時,我嘅手足就送外賣畀天使開orgy.每次由幾百至上千條女不等。

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
仲有,當時報信畀馬利亞嘅加百列,其實係我喺背脊插兩隻雞翼扮嘅。(當时未有victoria secret賣所以較為麻L煩)
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
點解聖經攞文學獎定press awards?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
阿穌話, 一睇個生果就立判棵樹係好定衰。
佢講嘢, 錯的地方甚多,但呢句就罕有地啱。
7:18          好樹不能結壞果子、壞樹不能結好果子。

所以, 一個教係流定堅, 由這個教的有關人仕思考之慎密度就顕明出來,冇得走雞
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
普通招都墶得低您啦, 您以為您值得我出咩招
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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