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一啲邏輯都無, 蘿柚汁就有 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/7 00:20


傳教 -> 信 -> 唔殺

傳教 -> 唔信 -> 殺
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/7 02:38


I have pondered the incredulity of my own ancestors in Sweden when they had to convert, in their case, by the sword.  What do you suppose they thought when they first learned about Adam and Abraham and the Christ, and then discovered that their own ancestors, heroes, and gods would now have to lurk in the shadows as demigods and forest spirits?

Burton L. Mack: Who Wrote the New Testament?: The Making of the Christian Myth, pp295

Olaf Tryggvason became King Olaf I and proceeded to convert Norwegians to Christianity by force. He burned pagan temples and killed Vikings who wouldn’t convert. Through these violent methods, every part of Norway became Christian, at least in name.

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
是征服者的鎮壓手段, 不是傳教
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/8 01:46

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/8 20:56


【不雅影片】女校男教師睇AV錯手分享至課室大屏幕 學校呈報教育局涉事教師已請辭
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/8 21:28

容許, 唔等如認同架喎
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/8 22:41


傳教 -> 信 -> 唔殺
傳教 -> 唔信 -> 殺
為甚麼今天還有猶太教? ...
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/9 11:32


(因傳教士不醜, 不塗黑, 你反基就不夠理由矣?) ...
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/9 22:01

    自己睇下:https://exchristian.hk/forum/red ... 74297&ptid=6658
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/10 00:24



However, treasure and land were not the sole motivation for the conquering king who wore a sword with a “cross-shaped hilt at the ready for attacking pagans.” The Saxon Poet calls him “a teacher of faith” who came to the Saxons “to save them against their will.”

A text on the life of Saint Liborius written between 887 and 909 states that Charlemagne “preached to the Saxons with an iron tongue,” perhaps echoing Notker’s striking image of the conquering “iron Charles” riding down his enemies: “helmeted in iron, armed with iron gloves, his iron chest and broad shoulders safe in an iron breastplate… ‘Oh, the iron; alas the iron’: the bewildered wail of the citizens sounded forth.”

Charlemagne by D.J. Pound

In 775, the original RFA entry simply describes another Saxon raid by Charlemagne with no motivation given. The revised RFA, however, states that he “decided to attack the treacherous and treaty-breaking tribe of the Saxons and to persist in this war until they were either defeated and forced to accept the Christian religion or entirely exterminated.” This determination is something quite different from territorial expansionism and gathering of wealth.

The religious nature of the Saxon war goes beyond the “with God’s help” trope repeated to the point of banality in the RFA. Charlemagne saw himself as a new Constantine, emulating the first Christian emperor by naming a Frankish stronghold Karlsburg after himself, as the earlier emperor had done with Constantinople. To his consternation, the eponymous stronghold was destroyed by the pagan Saxons rebelling under the leadership of Widukind.

In Einhard’s Life, the Saxons are the only non-Christian people whose religious beliefs are discussed. The biographer introduces them by stating that the Saxons, “like almost all the peoples who live in Germany, were ferocious by nature, devoted to the cult of demons, hostile to our religion, and did not consider it shameful to transgress divine or human laws.” Einhard’s assertion that the Saxons were demon-worshipers parallels the eight-century Old Saxon baptismal vow used by those who converted to Christianity: “I renounce all the words and works of the devil, Thunaer, Woden and Saxnot, and all those demons who are their companions.”

Along with this demonization of Saxon religion, Einhard sets out the trope of Saxon dual disobedience of sacred and secular law, an idea that pervades contemporary portrayal of the Saxon war. Unlike the RFA, Einhard gives Charlemagne a clear motive for his first offensive against the Saxons by asserting that the Saxons provoked the war: “Murder, robbery, and arson never ceased on either side [of the Frank-Saxon border]. The Franks were so irritated by these incidents that they decided the time had come to stop responding to individual incidents and to open a full-scale war against the Saxons.”

Despite Einhard’s description of a reasonable defensive action taken by the Franks, the first action against the Saxons was of an overtly religious nature.

https://www.norsemyth.org/2015/1 ... ligio-cultural.html
你唔好以為天主教在中世紀是霸道的, 唯一的宗教。
當時在歐洲北部地區, 人仍信拜多個神祗。與 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/9 22:39

傳教, 是靠把口, 不是靠把刀。
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/10 20:09

    你將傳教定義咗係「靠把口, 不是靠把刀」,咁「不信---->殺」呢個當然就排除响傳教以外啦。



是不是邪....看你行甚麼的為, 不是信甚麼的教條
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/10 21:51

你即係話醫院的醫生, 同黃綠中醫, 巫醫, 拜神婆叫人飲香爐灰水...都係一樣......醫人唶....唔使區分? ...
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/10 21:59

beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/10 22:01


再走歪一點, 就是「但求目的, 不擇手段」........
beebeechan 發表於 2022/6/11 04:38

    你睇過呢啲資料未?如果是真的話,現代主流醫療也不過是jungle law下的產物。

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