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原帖由 沙文 於 2008-1-30 04:19 發表

>>>>>>>>> 但係,香港特區要轉用伊斯蘭婚姻制度!

o yes

sorry , i'm too sleepy right now to do anything other than just laughing ,
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-31 21:41 發表
身為特首, 係唔係需要學習人家的衣著, 讀埋本可蘭經, 以示誠意?

但如果被歡塲從業員搶先, 又顏面何存呢?

o yes , right , + , i'm serious here ,

from a practiccal biz viewspoint ,
he should do it , because : ::::: he's indeed indeep 'the special salesman promoting hk there

even he not like it , yet he should////must do it

if ..... i were 特首 , i must d'it

but ,
since he's Christian ,
'the Muslims would not like him really , there4 ,
'the Muslims would not like hk , too ,

aftrall , v have Malaysia , the Islam's nation , as our competitor
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