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反基督教/徒的事件與思想從耶穌時代已經存在, 聖經中記載不少.
儘管反基聲音越來越多, 也十分多元化, 但基督教至今立教兩千年, 信徒達世界人口3分1, 當中不乏文人學者科學家等.

注: 既影響3分1人口, 應該不能用"洗腦"/"d人愚蠢"/"政教合一"之論說解釋得通. 希望各位的意見盡量是客觀的意見(雖然這句說話是有點矛盾.....哈哈. 不過你地明o既 ).

回復 2# 的帖子

"how to define "反基督教/徒"? "並不影響本題的討論--為何仍然有人信基督教.
I just used this to describe the background, and as an introduction.
you can refer them as people or theory or "evidence" opposing the idea of a Christian God.

So, you suggested:
1. people are foolish in this area. (despite how you phrased your sentence....)
2. fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life

Ideas such as "the world is flat" is regarded as foolish today because you now know that the world is round. But to the people living in the time when scientists hadn't discovered this fact, this idea was not a foolish one. I'd say, only those stubborn folks who refused to accept the likelihood of another shape of the world, were foolish.
This also applies to people believing God today. As no one knows the truth(like in the past people had no idea about the true shape of the world), I think no one can say they are foolish simply because they choose to believe.
btw, I am looking forward to the "evidence" proving the exisitence or non-existence of God, if there is any.
沙文兄: 小妹連"焗賭"一詞都唔知點解, 可想而知我並非職業賭徒啦~ 最多打下衛生麻雀.
那個比喻, 都不是小妹原創的, 引用架咋....

So now,
1. people are foolish in this area.
2. fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life
3. 人的奴性以及依賴性萬年不變

Thanks aquaticlunar!
好啦...等我補充一下: 或者不應用"為何基督教兩千年來至今仍屹立不倒?"為題.


回復 8# 的帖子

weakest, let me repeat :
Ideas such as "the world is flat" is regarded as foolish today because you NOW know that the world is round. But to the people living in the time when scientists hadn't discovered this fact, this idea was not a foolish one.


喂各位, 離晒題既...做乜o係度討論我教牧有冇教我「有強姦,冇焗賭」呢? 呢樣野唔重要喎!

aquaticlunar呢個point very good!
3. 人的奴性以及依賴性萬年不變


1. people are foolish in this area.
2. fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life
3. 人的奴性以及依賴性萬年不變
4. 人從起初已經在尋求一個"神"
seems that i didn't explain well enuf.....
it's not a matter of one's IQ or ability to think critically. The point is, NO ONE KNEW THE TRUTH(about the shape of the world at THAT time.)
Will you say they were foolish if they thought "the world is round" b4 scientists proved it?

yes...human beings are a lot more superior than other creatures.
for they are made in the image of God. they have many other unique aspects, such as spirituality, ethics, ideas of right and wrong, wisdom to create...

p.s. sigh, school tmr, see you later!

[ 本帖最後由 小妹 於 2008-2-18 00:17 編輯 ]

回復 23# 的帖子


沙文:  你話"things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance".
跟這條IQ題: 點解小明在飛機上掉下來都冇死到?
既答案: 因為佢好采!!

Jom: 都知你地醒會舉一反三架喇~  不過今次係針對返基督教泥講, 大家都可以specific d.

1. people are foolish in this area.
2. fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life
3. 人的奴性以及依賴性萬年不變
4. 人從起初已經在尋求一個"神"
5. 社會的發展, 並未能填補人心靈的需要. 基督教的神卻提供了這方面的滿足.
原帖由 Guest from 218.111.36.x 於 2008-2-18 22:28 發表


或許. 但我看內容是很不同的.
Jom, 你可以睇返之前各位發表的post. 我只是將之總結, 看看有甚麼發現.
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-2-18 04:24 發表

My Fair Lady 小妹 ,

  hi greeting good morning ,

  couldest thou declare whether thou wert a Catholic or Protestant ?

  cheers ThANKye bestrespects , pendragon

據現在常用分類:  Protestant. but i'd rather call myself a Christian. To me, what branch a Christian belongs to doesn't really matter. The core value of their faith is what I look at. Maybe will elaborate more if there's chance (and time...)

btw...你在外地嗎? 若然在香港, 4點幾都唔訓....好傷身的.
各位,  跟據你們的意見現將個list修改如下.

1. 有人於獨立思考/批判思考等方面天真及傻.
2. fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life
3. 人的奴性以及依賴性萬年不變
4. 人從起初已經在尋求"神"
5. 社會的發展, 並未能填補人心靈的需要. 基督教的神卻提供了這方面的滿足.
6. 有人利用宗教上的權力企圖得到更多其他權力.

回復 64# 的帖子

抽刀, 請不必擔心. 小妹並非那些容易受傷的脆弱小女生. 不過都謝謝你啦!

版規寫得很清楚: 言論自由, 尊重他人.  
一個理性的人, 應該懂得控制自己的情緒, 別要感情用事, 被蒙蔽看不到事實的真相.
而且, 沒有比一個和諧的環境更適合討論"宗教"這個題目吧?

容許小妹說句真心說話, 這幾天, 你們確實刺激了我很多思考, 也從更多的角度去思考.

世界的廣闊, 歷史的長遠, 豈能是我輩輕易就能弄得明白的?
M2:  你問, "點解小妹唔計我個答案既?"
拿...我好認真咁睇過你既答案, 而家好認真咁答返你...
第一, 你引述既經文原意是否如你所解---- "當信徒人數超過2分1基督教就會倒下"呢? 這個有待商榷.
第二, 你幾時咁信聖經架? 而家呢度唔係當聖經係流既咩??
原帖由 沙文 於 2008-2-19 19:00 發表

係囉, 沙文, 你地又話自己唔信既, 又成日搬聖經出泥作證據. 咪由內部攻破囉.
我一早講左自己係基督徒啦, 幫你諗埋先話聖經係流之嘛, 唔代表本人立場.

回復 69# 的帖子

dye, 你的意思是有些人從小被灌輸宗教思想, 根深柢固, 長大後也不思考就盲從嗎?
這如何跟evolution扯上關係? 可否再說明多一點?

1. 有人於獨立思考/批判思考等方面天真及傻.
2. fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life
3. 人的奴性以及依賴性萬年不變
4. 人從起初已經在尋求"神"
5. 社會的發展, 並未能填補人心靈的需要. 基督教的神卻提供了這方面的滿足.
6. 有人利用宗教上的權力企圖得到更多其他權力.
7. 殺戮江湖﹐搶奪市場 (沒錯, 這是史實)
oops...遺漏了, 對不起.
不過請問一句: 幻想中這3個字為何如此重要?

1. 有人於獨立思考/批判思考等方面天真及傻.
2. fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life
3. 人的奴性以及依賴性萬年不變
4. 人從起初已經在幻想中尋求"神"
5. 社會的發展, 並未能填補人心靈的需要. 基督教的神卻提供了這方面的滿足.
6. 有人利用宗教上的權力企圖得到更多其他權力.
7. 殺戮江湖﹐搶奪市場 (沒錯, 這是史實)
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