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[轉載] testimony when I was in China during spring festival

原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-25 22:16 發表

"第二天, 我講破除咒詛。快講的時候, 有一個人暈倒, 很多多人圍著她, 我感覺是仇敵不喜歡我講的信息, 所以它來 破壞。開始講道, 我感覺聖靈降臨在我身上, 我全身都發抖。"

>>>>>>>>> 是否應該先call醫生呢? 仲掛住自己"講道", 好似好無人性...

o yes , me agree ,
good point , real point , big point !!!!
good boy !! ye do do have 'the eyes !!!!!,;;--^))
i do question the authenticcity/////authentickity////真实性 in this piece of written testimony ,

really so many miracles ????????? an-other make-up ?????????
if .....
there be really easily so many healing miracles ,
then ....
why didnt they show out these kinds of doctorring miracles in their big public 佈道會 instantly
佈道會導致交通擠塞 惹人反感 ''''
if .....
i were to write for other religions ,
then ....
i could write/////////make up many many more curing-testimonies ,
i could write/////////make up many many better curing-testimonies ,

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-26 13:22 編輯 ]
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-26 18:52 發表


>>>>>>>>> 擺大箮地賣武醫跌打

9 characters , describing much more fully + more interresting than my piece of x00.00 of craps ,
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