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Catholic church in Austria registers record number of resignations

90,808 left church in 2022 with number of Protestants also falling
Timur Kiraz  | 11.01.2023 - Update : 11.01.2023
Catholic church in Austria registers record number of resignations


The number of faithful leaving the Catholic church in Austria reached a new record of 90,808 in 2022, according to statistics released Wednesday.

The number shrank from 4.83 million in the previous year to 4.73 million.

A single reason for the number of departures cannot be inferred from the numbers.

The number of people leaving the church was already relatively high at 72,222 in 2021 and represented the second-highest figure behind 2010, when 85,960 people turned their backs on the church after abuse cases came to light, according to the daily Der Standard.

"For many people, a distance to the church, which has become greater due to the pandemic in recent years, is likely to be decisive for the current high numbers of people leaving," the Austrian Catholic news agency, Kathpress, wrote on its website.

The number of Protestants is also falling in Austria. In 2021, there were 340,000 Protestant adherents to the faith. Fifty years ago, there were 447,100.

The second-largest religious group next to Catholics in Austria, compared to the total population, are nondenominational.

According to a 2021 census, there are also 745,600 Muslims in Austria, which corresponds to 8.3% of the population. In 1971, there were only 22,300.

The number of Jews, on the other hand, has shrunk from 8,100 in 2001 to 5,400.

https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/ ... esignations/2785369
维城 2023-01-13 19:51 北京


奥地利的天主教徒人数从上一年的483万减少到473万(减少1.96%)。2022 年有473万3174名天主教徒,2021年则有482万7683名天主教徒。总体而言,奥地利天主教徒人数仍然占人口的一半多一点。

早在2021年,离开天主教会的人数就高达72222人,是仅次于2010年的第二高值,当时许多人在虐待丑闻曝光后离开了教会。2020年有58727人退出天主教会。 有分析认为,是疫情增加了很多人同教堂之间的距离。



(以上内容由《欧洲时报》Tafart编译报道 ,内容参考自奥地利《标准报》《信使报》《皇冠报》《信使报》等,部分图片来自新华社及APA,转载请注明《维城》EuroNews)

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