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Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details


Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 7# beebeechan

Matt Baker就話佢自己本身係猶太佬。
佢話Isaiah7:14,53:5-6您中意點interpret. 佢吹您唔脹,佢地猶太佬不認為係講芝實士。

回覆 17# beebeechan
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 20# beebeechan

As I said,
  "  唔通我想學廣東大戲,唔搵廣東人師父,卻去英國咩?"
feel free to lecture him before us
鬼佬做大戲, 都要嚟香港學啦

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 22# beebeechan

accents 唔得, 聽到show 讀咗so
"break the rules" is a phrase, 就算犯咗一條都唔會減去”s”.

回覆 24# beebeechan

    武藝方面, 我淨係識兵器,唔方便評論
咁依撒意53章, 猶太是倫是類既睇法又係點
beebeechan 發表於 2023/4/2 09:17

6樓,您話presentation高低立判嗰位Dr. Baker 都有講啦。 16:55

不如您去上拉比Singer 53深造班,記得問佢係咪"「身有屎」既表現嚟?" 返來再lecture我哋?

你梗係想同我做同學啦, 不過我唔去喇,我怕悶

你聽少少得半桶水喎, 你哋咪好鍾意話人斷章取義嘅咩
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
beebeechan 發表於 2023/4/2 09:26

上完嗰位拉比堂,再有continuous studies. 這個拉比特別設course教育您們基督徒。

有問題唔好let me know. you can go to him directly: https://www.facebook.com/RavDror/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details


Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
您問嘅時候梗係要番文,否則拉比點識聽?“身有屎”這句idiom的翻譯應該係“skeleton in the closet” 唔知各位認為晚生譯得準確嗎?歡迎各路英雄撥冗蒞臨指教
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 38# beebeechan您好L得閒個個星期5晚去聽猶太佬唸乜經咩?人哋希伯來chanting邊章經您識聽咩?

叫咗您去拉比Facebook問,您怕醜,係咁在此鬼屌咁聲。等佢答您,咁咪唔look through dragon咯
人哋chanting乜嘢你知唔知呀?讀曬成本以賽亞書你都唔知啦, 唔好淨係53

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
喺排除佢係讀緊53之前你就否定佢係讀53, 咁你咪就係唔得嚴謹囉
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
疫後the forbidden city 萬七人入到去添。

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
人哋話您屈佢喎"If there is a conspiracy, it is by missionaries. They hide the plain and obvious meaning of Isaiah 53 by reading it out of context and by mistranslating crucial words to fit Jesus into the chapter."

There is no rabbinic edict that prohibits Jews from reading any portion of the Jewish bible. On the contrary, the Jewish bible, including the book of Isaiah, is accessible to anyone who wants to read it.

https://jewsforjudaism.org/knowl ... -chapter-conspiracy
for further studies可到樓上拉比面書留言。don't be shy. they don't bite.
您的猶太有關knowledge麻麻地,係需要惡補,所以要睇耐些都冇計。我記得上次您以為猶太成年一律12歲,您didnt realize 人哋成年有分男仔女仔不同。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
成本經咁長梗有些冇讀。我夠可以話你地從來冇讀sg 4:5
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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