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原帖由 天煞孤星 於 2008-2-26 08:53 發表
教會朋友不是得口講話關心我的 ; 當我受傷入住醫院的時候,教會朋友幾乎隔一兩天就來探我,

sorry ,
their care4u , may b conditionnal ,
their care4u , may b based on condition of that they want u to 感 [[ just exActly as what u have just said above ]]
there4 believing deeper in the Christiannity ,
[[[[[[[[[ as a return for their ]]]]]]]]]

now , it seems to me that your
教會朋友 have attained their goal in making u to

this kind of
關心 , may also b easily found out as well @ other religions , e.g. : ::::: buddhism e.t.c.

sorry cant type u in chinese ,
if ..... u cannot understand my english ,
then .... please do not hesitate to let me know instantly ,
then .... i translate it back into chinese as soon as possible , n'o matter how difficult its4me

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-26 10:43 編輯 ]
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