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法國有立法禁止它們在公共場所宣傳嗎? (Why then, is Notre Dame is there?)

I think you mean Seperation of Church and State which means the state do not support any religion for religion sake.  However, many of the church is still hold by French government and is freely available to the religious bodies.

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-2-27 17:16 編輯 ]

回復 8# 旁觀者 的帖子

Christianity is NOT considered a cult in France.

have a law like this in HK will have no effect to the Christian in HK.

Please note that it is not "CONSIDERED".  I am in no means endorsing the view that "Christianity is not a cult" myself.

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-2-27 20:01 編輯 ]
The French policy, as I understand it is that

a) The church get register, and it has a chance to get tex extemption.   But while getting the extemption, they also need to disclose their financial situation to the government

(Fair and square IF we want to support religions)

b) The church do not get register.  Nothing happen.  The government did nothing to them.  It is just like a hobby club.

(So call religious freedom)

c) The church get noted by the government as a cult (how they classify it is a mystery to me), and the government will crack it down.

(Bottom line measure)
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